what amps to augment your Boogie arsenal?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
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Seattle, WA
personally, I've been into Fuchs and THD for the extend Hz range and guitar volume knob response that these amps offer. They tend to be a bit more sterile/refined than my Boogies, but I really enjoy going back and forth b/w the MBs and the others. My current Fuchs is the Blackjack 21... very hi-fi sounding and 3d, sounds great in a mix and offers something different than the Boogies... more Marshall/'wreck type-->as advertised.

the THD family is also really great for something different than the MB fare as they focus on power tube distortion/break up vs the general MB pre-amp focus

It's also convenient that these other amps also sound great through my MB cabs!
Ampeg V-4. Outstanding cleans with ridiculous head room. It makes the clean channel on my Dual Rec sound terrible when listening side by side.
This monster:

Not the usual high gain VHT offering but my God what tone!
The 50/ST. EL34 goodness. Incredible clean channel to boot.
Hard rock and with a pedal heavy metal and some very tasty blues on the clean channel.
Electric Amp 120w MV

It's basically an early 70s Orange OR-120 circuit with the gain of a JCM800 and a PPIMV.

I pull two tubes and run it at 80w.

Bogner Ecstasy! I'm also looking into a JCM900 4100. I've heard a few clips with those things boosted, and ****! I was considering a Diezel a while back too, but they just don't seem very organic...
RJS Amplification 6850. Very chimey, plexi-style tone to go with the "Britain by way of Petaluma" sound of the Stiletto.

screamingdaisy said:
Electric Amp 120w MV

It's basically an early 70s Orange OR-120 circuit with the gain of a JCM800 and a PPIMV.

I pull two tubes and run it at 80w.


****, I want one of those... not something you see on the used market very often.
My next amp purchase would be either a Rivera KTre or Mark V (combo territory) or a CAE SE+ or AxeFX (preamp territory). But I'm waiting to see the new amps from Freyette (former VHT guy), I have a feeling they will be gooood!
I'm looking..

Have heard some good things about the Egnater and the Dr Z amps.

Anyone tried these out?

I'm kinda thinking it would be helpful to have one tube amp that could cover all the basses, be midi or switchable controlled to various tones. Maybe just switch cabs and amp settings.

Does that exist?

The only sound I want that my Mesa won't imitate perfectly is a real vintage Fender......

So I ordered a Frenzel 5E3 Deluxe Plus with EL34's in it. Should be interesting.
RocketRick said:
I'm looking..

Have heard some good things about the Egnater and the Dr Z amps.

Anyone tried these out?

I'm kinda thinking it would be helpful to have one tube amp that could cover all the basses, be midi or switchable controlled to various tones. Maybe just switch cabs and amp settings.

Does that exist?


Dr. Z amps all sound amazing but AFAIK they are all single-channel and really only go as far as "hard rock" gain even boosted. I haven't played or even heard an Egnater Tourmaster in person.

How many tones do you need, man? A Roadster plus an EQ pedal and a boost pedal will realistically give you a seven-channel amp. (Yes, mathematically you'd have more but I mean actual meaningfully different tones--this is the other guitarist in my band's rig.) If you need more than that you're better off looking into a preamp like a Triaxis or JMP-1.

Obviously, as you can see in my sig I have a Roland JC-77. Mark cleans are really bright and sharp, not warm, especially if you need to dial in a crunch and lead tone at the same time. The JC-77 is my "Fender."
Wow all you guys have some NICE amps!

I made this one recently. I nicknamed it "Wheezey" because it basically sounds exactly like a Weezer clean and crunch sound.


That and a Line 6 15 watter. great practice amp (and better sounding than my marshall dsl401 haha)
Here is my practice amp:


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