Was I expecting too much?

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vitor gracie said:
Ok, I want to chime in here... The first time I ever played through a Dual Rec I hated it. It was the muddiest sounding, darkest, most flubby thing I ever heard. This was when Mesa first introduced them in the 90s.


I was using a really BAD $200 Jackson with invaders, and a solid state 100watt Bass amp with a Jackson 4X12 cabinet. (yes they once made cabinets) I was looking for the most highs and lows stacked with the most gain and the LEAST amount of mids ever. I ran a metal zone pedal with no less then 2 EQs to double scoop the mids out.... no lie! My previous amps where also solid state and anything tube sounded just silly to me.

I honestly think you are not going to be happy with your amp at all. I would suggest selling it and buying a 5150 (6505) or any number of other amps that does the scooped thing well. It took years for me to appreciate my guitar's normal frequency ...the midrange. And it also took years to learn how to play with less gain. I could never turn the gain down until I literally started learning Jazz. Then when I played metal it really opened my eyes to why so many guys said "Less gain more mids" You just have to play better.

Seriously, sell it and get a 5150. You will be in high gain heaven. As for us bafoons that say your amp is fine, change your cab, get a better guitar, tubes swap, pedal in front, etc... don't listen. You will be happier when you get the 5150. I think the Mesa is just a bad choice for you right now.

No disrespect intended man. :)

:) :) :) :)

WTF? you're in the wrong forum for that crap.

on to the main topic:
What mode is the distortion channel in? Try running the distortion channel in "Modern", to my ears it sounds more like the "vintage" channel in your clip.
jasun krebs said:
Live tone is a completely difference animal as studio tone.

jasun krebs said:
I have found so many sweet tones with all the Mesa's I have owned ...
Your rig has inherent tones that are alive in it. Your job is to discover them. You're going to bring them out by listening and tweaking, not by putting them into those tone stacks of resistors and capacitors. Some one has already done that. The tones in our amps were in their heads and now it's our job to find them and with the tools of our trade ...strings and fingers and picks, bring them to life and make them our own.
IMHO..and my setup...it's brutal:)
Single Rec, Retubed V1-V5
2x12 Recto cab
Seymour Blackouts (Metal)

You should hear it n drop "B" :?
My Schecter C-1 Hellraiser arrived today and was hoping it would give me what I really wanted from my Mesa, but it didn't ...

I'm running the C-1 straight into a Mesa Single Rect and the cab is a Crate with Celestion Seventy 80's...

I went through the works before choosing this amp but it's not giving me the level of gain I was under the impression that it gave, My old behringer SS put out a more brutal sound.

I was hoping I could find some resolution here, Is it the speakers in the cab? Could it be the Mesa itself, leaving me scammed from ebay?

Any echo of an opinion would be appreciated

This is the first post adam has in the start of the topic...

Dead Moon Rising, what "crap" exactly is it that Im in the wrong forum for? Adam says his solid state Behringer put out a more brutal tone. I feel, that a 5150, having owned one for years (and getting great metal tones) will really nail the sound he is looking for. I have no intentions of being disrespectful what so ever...hence the last statement I made. It is also my opinion that he will not get what he wants out of his dual rec.

So whats the problem?

If I sounded like a jerk Adam, I'm sorry. I don't flame people on a internet forums.
Hey everyone, sorry I've been out of the loop ...

For starters I really applied myself to learning the amp and I think I've come a good ways. I got rid of the muddy mess I had and the highs were clearer. I found myself really enjoying the Mesa afterwards. I still wanted to experiment so I sold the crate cab and I'm buying a 2x12 Recto cab this weekend ...

Vitor gracie, I wasn't offended nor did you sound like a jerk, I will try to get out to erie soon and try a 6505 if they have one and any other amps they have laying around.

Jasun, thanks for jumping in with all your help, having said all that really gives me a good lead on shaping up my tone. Funny you mentioned that MXR 10-band cause I was planning on getting one shortly. Thanks again, really appreciate it!

I still plan on trying out a few things as well, throwing an OD pedal out front and retubing. I'll give everyone an update when the new cab arrives!
Adamant said:
Alright, I tried switching the preamp tubes ... no change

I find this video to be similar to the tone I'm seeking

I replaced the tubes with El34 like 5 months ago as well

I've tried finding the sweet spot with the master volume but when it gets to 11ish it just gets flabby.

The only way I can get it to sound distorted is with the gain and treble at like 3 o'clock but it just sounds fake, like from a cheap pedal

I'm not sure how to go about resolving this issue

EMG's in the guitar and a DBX compressor up front will certainly help tailor the sound. I don't know if you'll get it with stock Schecter pickups. The DBX also helps tighten up things and makes it seem like there is more gain.

Adamant - No worries! Glad I could be of assistance to ya! God knows while I was trying to find my tone on my own without the help of all these great Mesa owners, I went through my struggles (see Frail Words Collapse...'cough'...haha)!

Another thought is the compressor up front (not in the loop), but you're going to have some noise issues if you got the gain cranked. Plus, I've always subscribed to the notion that while an EQ in the loop will help to shape the frequency ranges, it doesn't necessarily make the tone artificial like what can be sometimes done with compressor if you're overdoing it. Cranking the level and sensitivity on a compressor I find clips my tone and makes it sound too squished. I use a compressor up front on a few songs with my clean channel in conjunction with the DD-20 i have up front as well (yes, I run three delays...2 DD-20s and a DL-4), but keep the level and sensitivity in check as to not completely color my tone. Isn't what this is all about?! The TONE of our awesome MESA amps!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do! Definitely get at least a 6-Band EQ and through it in the loop...it will work absolute wonders. Another very popular option with Lonestar owners is the Xotic BB Preamp up front as either a boost or to hit that preamp with a big kick...basically serves as the Maxon OD808 or TS9 (previously talked about). I have a BB Preamp now and it replaced my TS9. Still take the TS9 out sometimes but now its all BB Preamp.

Just for a synopsis, heres what I have running:

Telecaster/Les Paul/SG/Jazzmaster > TU-2 > BB Preamp > DD-20 > MXR Dyna Comp (Monte Allums mod) > Mesa 1x12 Lonestar Classic 50/100 in Blue tolex w/ matching 2x12 w/ V30s

In Loop - TR-2 (Keeley Modded) > DD-20 > DL-4 > MXR 10-Band EQ

I play with the order of the pedals out sometimes, but that is basically the setup. Again, good luck and let us all know how it works out for you!


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