Want more gain 1994 dual rec

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Apr 14, 2006
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Iv messed around with tubes, settings, so on. I just cant get the gain out of the amp i want. Anyone have any tips. Nothing rookie, I know my way around tube amps pretty well. Thanks
1) tubes graded for higher gain(eurotubes.com)
2) boost/overdrive infront
3)hotter pickups(active emgs?)
4)get a new amp

theres only so much you can do to get more gain out of a high gain head. perhaps what you are looking for is some compression/sustain and not more 'gain'? more sizzle? more chunk? what sorta gain are you looking for more of?
I thought my triple recto had a problem and it was the guitar I was using.. single coil and weak humbucker pickups. I got a guitar with semi hot and another one with real hot pickups and I ended up turning down the gain about 25%.

* Try a clean boost pedal in front of it
* Trun the trebble up around noon or higher, Mesa amps are different than other amps in that way... the trebble affects the rest of the amp almost as much as the gain.
* Hotter pickups
* Tubescreamer or other overdrive in front of it
nocluejimbo said:
What pickups and preamp tubes are you using? I would change either of those before getting a new amp, or god forbid, using an OD.

If you use a "respectable" OD, like a TS-9 or TS-808, it would be okay, but I'd go for hotter pickups first.
What are you running with it gear wise? I'm assuming that you push the recto....the amps wake up at louder volumes.

The type of gain is also very important....what is your sound missing?
i'd also say an OD, although i dunno what a 'respectable' one is... turn the level up and the gain down on the OD and use the EQs to your taste on it and it will tighten things up a lot. :wink:

you gonna have to describe what tone you are looking for. I could not imagine not getting enough gain out of Dual Rectifier unless you are going for "fuzzy buzzy" tone of Pantera where they're using solid State Randalls (someone correct me since I'm not so familar with Pantera other than I heard some tracks).

W/ my Trem-o-Verb, I scoup out the mids, put bass all the way, I'm on the red channel, modern high gain, silicon rectifier, and does the Metallica thang. Dual Rectifier should have no trouble.

But then again, I'm just guess what tone you are looking for. :?
If you are playing at lower volumes, this is why you won't have much gain. In this case, I would recommend a Maxon OD808 - fantastic pedal.

However, once you turn the ***** up, you should only need the OD for VERY gainy stuff.

All in my opinion of course.
I agree that not getting enough gain from a Dual Rec is a little hard to believe. But, if you try EL34 power tubes, you might get a little more output tube distortion. This might create an illusion of more gain. Also, the suggestions of boost and/or compressor in front are good ones. Check out the "Sex Drive". That has a little of both. Or, there's the MXR micro amp. That'll do it for sure. A "tube screamer" (TS9) is also a good choice, as someone said. you can set that up for clean boost.

Just be patient. Once you turn 14, you'll probably find that you have enough gain.
You know, I was looking through the MF catalog this morning and I saw that they have a Zak Wild overdrive pedal. I bet that thing will really heat up your signal. Anyway, good luck. I know how much it blows when you can't get your sound.
A trick to add a little more gain was once featured in one of Mesa's monthly news letters! Engaging the effects loop without effects, and cranking (I forget, either the send or return level) will add more gain! I beleive Tony Rombola (?) from Godsmack employed this technique! I asked Mesa about it once, they said, "sure it does", but at the same time, feel it's unnecessary, "that theres enough gain on-tap without doing the above mentioned"! Which is why this post is bunch of bunk! Can you say troll? :roll:
JBird....to be fair alot depends on amp volume and what you're trying to accomplish. For example, I play more at living room volumes and to be honest, the gain is on the average side (ROV combo). I tried recording my Mesa and finally gave up. My Vox Tonelab is wonderful in that regard, great gain and string manipulation (bends, harmonics, etc). If the poster is used to solid state gain, especially when it comes to leads, the Mesa will be difficult to handle unless turned up.

jbird said:
A trick to add a little more gain was once featured in one of Mesa's monthly news letters! Engaging the effects loop without effects, and cranking (I forget, either the send or return level) will add more gain! I beleive Tony Rombola (?) from Godsmack employed this technique! I asked Mesa about it once, they said, "sure it does", but at the same time, feel it's unnecessary, "that theres enough gain on-tap without doing the above mentioned"! Which is why this post is bunch of bunk! Can you say troll? :roll:
I've always related gain as being achieved in the pre-amp section! Distortion when cranking the power section! The poster is trying to achieve more "gain" from his amp! The previously mentioned tip is aimed at driving the effects loop (pre-amp) tube! I would hope (to be fair) he realizes the affects of volume to output distortion!
Hmmmm....Not sure I agree. Philosophically you may be correct, but I believe that most players mean distortion when they say gain. To my mind gain and sustain can be achieved in 1 of 3 ways....by sound compression, vibrato or by overdriving the signal. Since the discusson wasn't just about sustain, my assumption is that the 1st 2 methods are not the issue. That leaves overdrive. Overdriving the signal produces a distorted sound and can be done either at the pre-amp level or power tube stage. Power tube saturation tends to sound bigger and fuller thus the amazing sounds that classic Marshalls and Mesa's produce when cranked up. When I turn up the gain on my ROV (at low master volumes) the tone is good but nowhere near as fluid and rich as when I bring up the total output. I think I agree with whoever recommended an overdrive pedal....but be warned, as is the case with my amp, there is no need for the pedal once a certain volume is reached.

jbird said:
I've always related gain as being achieved in the pre-amp section! Distortion when cranking the power section! The poster is trying to achieve more "gain" from his amp! The previously mentioned tip is aimed at driving the effects loop (pre-amp) tube! I would hope (to be fair) he realizes the affects of volume to output distortion!
I agree with the above post but it bears mention that when turned up, there's not more gain, just more "Boom Boom". I would say that the Dual rec is a poor choice for living room playing. The thing is... Every body wants different things. Who knows what the deal is, really.
just added a tube screamer (ts9) to my f-50 twin 2x12 rig. that gives me that extra tight upper and mid brutality i tend to crave while maintaining the amps tonal integrity. im in love with it.

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