Volume on my 5:50 cutting in and out

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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
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Hmmmm, so I'm jammin' along a few minutes ago and my 5:50 started cutting in and out...basically sounded like someone was increasing and decreasing the volume knob. So I replaced both power tubes and that seems to have stopped it. Has this happened to anyone else? BTW, putting the Mesa power tubes back in brought a thicker, warmer tone all around as compared to the matched pair of SED's. I like it. :)

Tube question for you experts.....will an amp get harsh and trebley when power tubes are going bad?

As always, thank you in advance!!!
Since the output tubes are the last tubes to handle the signal and give it the power to drive the output transformer & speakers I would say yes to your question. When tubes fail they can fail in a variety of ways; from going out in a violent pop and taking along with it some grid resistors and a cap or two (Terrorist style) to simply fading away into the sunset quietly. You can own the exact same tube amp for ten years and each time a tube fails it could give you failure warnings in very different ways. You just have to pay attention to the little subtle differences in the way the amp behaves. My exwife used to say I could sense a problem in my amp much fast than I could sense a problem with her! I guess that's why she's my ex now! :wink:
My exwife used to say I could sense a problem in my amp much fast than I could sense a problem with her! I guess that's why she's my ex now!

vbf said:
My exwife used to say I could sense a problem in my amp much fast than I could sense a problem with her! I guess that's why she's my ex now!


I'd love it if my amp could tell me if it had a problem, and specify what it was. But I wouldn't wan't it to nag me if I didn't attend to it, though.

On a more serious note, check the manual because I think it contains some description of sound characteristics when the power tubes are on their last legs.