Virginia Tech

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Well-known member
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Concord, NC
I don't know how many of you have heard about this, if you've watched news here in the States, you're bound to have heard something. But I'd just like to send condolences to the families of those who were killed, and to the injured and their families after the school shootings that have so far claimed 32 lives at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia. I would ask that you please pray for all those who were affected by this tragedy. I too am a college student, and have friends that go to that university. I am very thankful that all the ones I know are alright, and that I was able to get in touch with them, but, there are some who did not answer the phone calls from worried loved ones that day, and I would like the community here on the Boogie Board to just remember those people in your thoughts and prayers.



Andrew Higginbotham
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those at VT. I hope that shooter burns for what he did to those poor people.
fatboy135 said:
Que Lastima
what a pity.
I never undestand how is it possible to buy an arm like buy a guitar in a shop:?

Some places here you can do that. Alot of times arms are sold at trade shows online, or classifed ads... Not that hard to get a hold of one.
fatboy135 said:
Here in Spain I read on a newspaper that in USA is common that a bank gift you an arm when you open a new bank account :?

I've never heard of that one, although, I'm on the left coast.

The folks who have experienced losses and who were exposed to the trauma of what happened at Virginia Tech hit a chord with me. I had friends and family members experience close calls at two different incidents. My heart goes out to them for their losses and how hard it will be for some to recover emotionally from this trajedy.

I had friends and a second cousin at a similar incident a number of years ago at ESL. A guy named Farley shot everyone in his way while he went in to shoot the woman of his affections. In all, about 7 died, I believe. My second cousin had dived under a desk as he was going through shooting whoever he could.

Also, my other half's daughter and I were both at DeAnza college campus the day when a similar incident was actually prevented by a tip off. I think that this guy's name was Guzman. The police caught up with him beforehand and were scouring the grounds for hidden weapons. That guy never got the chance to have his moment. It's pretty sobering to think about what could've happened.
maybe newspaper are now trying to get an armagedon saying such things, we know how a newspaper works in such situations, anyway here in europe we receive a lot of news about American shooting in institutes, in my 28 years old I never met a person here in spain that has arms at home, but I think that in USA that is more usual

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