Using 2:90 without using a Triaxis.

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Mar 1, 2009
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Total noob herre.

Total noob question.Please be nice.

I just bought a used 2:90 simul stereo power amp to use in my rack.It is replaceing my old Strategy 400 power amp.I won't be using a Triaxis matched up with it.I use guitars with EMG actives into either a Fractal Ax-Fx or a Digitech GSP1101 as my preamp/effects processor.From the preamp/processor my signals go thru a BBE 482 sonic maximizer,a Rocktron Hush 2CX noise reduction unit,into a stereo power amp,then out to a Marshall 1960a cab.For one band I'm in-a metal band-I was using the Strategy400 stereo power amp.In the industrial band I'm in I use Alesis RA-100 and RA-300 solidstate power amps for that bands more digital,sterile sounds.

How do I use the 3 seperate mode inputs if not using a Triaxis? I've been playing quite a long time but apparently I'm too stupid to know what a "standard tip to ground switch" is,which is what the manual says I can use to use either one or more of the 3 modes.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Nice forum.I've always just been a lurker.The Strategy 400 I had been using for years worked so well I never had a reason to ask anything about it.It was just time for something different and the deal on the 2:90 was too good to pass up.I'm only using one Marshall 300 watt cab and the Strategy was always just too much amp for that one cab.I used to use an oversized Mesa recto cab but it was just too 'boxy' sounding.
A tip to ground switch is like the footswitch that came with some of the the older Boogies to change the channel. Or something like this:

would work for one of the voicings. [obviously you'd need 3 to use all 3] What do you use to control your Axe-Fx and DigiTech? Some midi controllers [like the Behringer FCB1010 for example] have switches built in for just such an application. Even some effects processors have built in switches. [like the G-Major] If you've already got a fancypants rack setup goin on, you could also look into a GCX or equivalent to switch stuff around.

Hmmm.I would need to buy three of those to use all 3 modes?

I found a pedal on EBay made by a guy,Voodooman switches,who custom builds switches for a lot of amps who makes a switch for the 2:90 to do what I want,but I had trouble with him once before on a footswitch for a 5150 head I bought off of EBay and it took forever and a filed complaint with PayPal to get my switch from him,not sure I want to try and trust dealing with him again.

I may try and check out other guys who build custom switches.I'm not too far from the Keeley shop and thought about seeing if they would build me a switch.

I just thought that maybe someone here would know a simpler method.

I'm using the amp without switching the modes now and its a more than decent power amp.
I just wanted to be able to utilize its full potential.

As far as controlling my preamp/processors I dont use a midi controller footboard to control my processors.Playing metal I dont do that many effects changes when playing live so I just use a simple Digitech 3 button footswitch to toggle up or down or bypass the patches that I build.I only have maybe 40 patches programmed anyways and rarely use more than 3-5 during a song.I thought about just buying Digitechs Control2 midi controller floorboard,which is like the FCB1010,to control my patches but havent yet.
Since the front of the unit has 3 indicator LEDS indicating which mode is on at a certain time,I dont really need an active footpedal do I?If so,then can I not just use a one of these for each mode change:

I dont have but 2 pedals I use anyways,a wah which is usually down in front with me, and the footcontroller for my preamp/processor that I usually leave back near my rack.So I wouldnt mind having a few small pedals back near my rack in case I wanted to change modes.
If you don't need to switch modes while you're playing, all you need to do in order to turn a mode/feature on is to take a regular 1/4" mono jack and short the ground pin to the hot pin. Insert the jack, and you're done. real simple.

If you need to switch on/off while you're playing, any regular footswitch will do.
I picked up a project box, 3 mini DPDT on/off switches, and 3 1/4" jacks from Radio Shack and made a switcher box for my 2:90. I use it when I am setting up sounds so I don't have to go thru all the options on the Triaxis. This way I can set what I like and then program it once I decide what combination of Deep, Modern and Half Drive I want.

If you don't need to switch on the fly with your foot, then this solution should work out for you. It's a small box about the size of an MXR pedal.

I can post pics later if you want to see. I haven't used in a years. I already have all my presets set up. I might sell it if the price is right. Interested? You'll need to pick up 3 patch cables to connect the switcher to the 2:90.

- Dudley

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