Tung Sol Vs JJ Pre Amp tubes

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2005
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Leeds, England
I'm seriously considering swapping the full set of JJ's (high gain) I have in my 2 Channel Recto for the Tung Sol's. What tonal differences would I be most likely to hear from this? Also, what if I only changed the V1 position tube? Any thoughts and experiences would be greatly appreciated, Cheers!
V1 is the most important as far as tone. I didn't notice a huge difference between the JJ and the stock mesa 12ax7, it got rid of some of the woofiness of the 3rd channel. I haven't tried the tung sol's but I hear good things.
I just ordered a new set of preamp tubes from Doug at www.dougstubes.com. I went with a Tung Sol 12AX7 in V1, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, and then Chinese the rest of the way. I'll let ya'll know how it sounds after I get em in.
trendkill1168 said:
I just ordered a new set of preamp tubes from Doug at www.dougstubes.com. I went with a Tung Sol 12AX7 in V1, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, and then Chinese the rest of the way. I'll let ya'll know how it sounds after I get em in.

thats what i just got for my triaxis and it was perfect for my tastes!
masque said:
trendkill1168 said:
I just ordered a new set of preamp tubes from Doug at www.dougstubes.com. I went with a Tung Sol 12AX7 in V1, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, and then Chinese the rest of the way. I'll let ya'll know how it sounds after I get em in.

thats what i just got for my triaxis and it was perfect for my tastes!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to checking it out. I also ordered a set of JJ GZ34's yesterday too.
Platypus said:
V1 is the most important as far as tone.
This is not a true statement for everyone. I'm not trying to put you down, but just trying to expand awareness here. Everything matters.

It has been my experience that a well-"tuned" amp will be sensitive to any tube change in the signal path. And amps with rectifier tubes can respond differently when changing to other manufacturer's versions of that same type rectifier.

Try different tubes in all positions, and use your ears to decide. I've found that changes in phase-inverter tubes, tone circuit/driver tube, etc., have a bold impact on the way the amp responds, as well as the V1/input tube. How you use your amp makes a difference, as well (do you get any power section clipping? how clean do you play?).

If you haven't experimented with tube changes other than V1, you may be in for a pleasant surprise when you do.


- Thom

p.s. Doug Preston, at Doug's Tubes, is a great and wise resource!!
trendkill1168 said:
I just ordered a new set of preamp tubes from Doug at www.dougstubes.com. I went with a Tung Sol 12AX7 in V1, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, and then Chinese the rest of the way. I'll let ya'll know how it sounds after I get em in.

That would be great, thanks!

Any more comments/experiences from people would be great. Thanks :)
Timbre Wolf said:
Platypus said:
V1 is the most important as far as tone.
This is not a true statement for everyone. I'm not trying to put you down, but just trying to expand awareness here. Everything matters.

It has been my experience that a well-"tuned" amp will be sensitive to any tube change in the signal path. And amps with rectifier tubes can respond differently when changing to other manufacturer's versions of that same type rectifier.

Try different tubes in all positions, and use your ears to decide. I've found that changes in phase-inverter tubes, tone circuit/driver tube, etc., have a bold impact on the way the amp responds, as well as the V1/input tube. How you use your amp makes a difference, as well (do you get any power section clipping? how clean do you play?).

If you haven't experimented with tube changes other than V1, you may be in for a pleasant surprise when you do.


- Thom

p.s. Doug Preston, at Doug's Tubes, is a great and wise resource!!

Thanks for the insight, I was always under the assumption that in cascading gain circuits, the first tube has the MOST effect over the tone, not to say the other tubes don't come into play.
Thetubestore.com has reviews comparing a bunch of different brands. Not the most in depth reviews, they are based on microphonics, noise (hiss, pop, hum) and detail/dynamics. I found them fairly useful when trying to decide what to order. I decided on two Tung-Sol 12ax7 and two JJ ECC83 for my MK III. I will let you know how they sound.
For my .50 Cal plus, I am happy with a Tung-Sol in V1, a 12AX7EH in V2 and V3...and lastly a "balanced" Tung-Sol in the phase inverter.

It sounds great!
i do not have a DR but i just changed tubes in Tri axis.

i compared both the JJ and tung sol back to back and vice versa.

and i found the the tung sol's have a warmer tone and a fuller sound.

at first the JJ's seemed higher in gain but they ended just being more focused on the high end with some slight tweeking the tung sol have just as much gain.

if money is an issue i would go with the JJ (dougs tubes has them unlabled for 7 bucks i think).

but if you want the spend the extra money tung sols are the superior all around tube. but i could see if you played mainly metal rhythm how one would like the JJ's more as they are more sterile sounding.

as far as putting the chinese tubes in all of the other position, i would spend the extra money and at least put JJ's in all the other positions.
for example: V1 tung sol V2 tung sol and the rest JJ instead of the chinese tube.

i tried the same thing and i felt it flaten my tone out a bit in my tri i just have tung sols across the board.

sorry my spelling sucks
For the audiophile geeks, would balanced triodes in that there pre-amp section (thinking of V1 and V2) give you more honey?

If so, is it worth the cost of a cheap lunch for balancing (and matching balances for multiples) for solid muscle in your pre-amp section? Considering they're going to last you 2+ years.

Me think I'mf gonna speriment with Tung-Sols, JJ Gold Pinners, or Groove Mullards in thar, see if they can eek me somes accuracy, warmth, lovey et cetera. Solo show's round the **** bend.

**** Near Obsessed,
Timbre Wolf said:
Definite "No" on that. Save your money for that Subway sandwich. :)

- Thom

Check. Reading up on it, it's a moot issue. I'm trippin.

I'ma save my money for an Oscar's burrito! #28, eggs, refried beans, and cheddar cheese, with guacamole added. $4.31. Where are you unemployment check!?! Where?!!

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