Tubiest Tube Power Amp???

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Sep 1, 2006
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This may be the wrong place to ask this...... But, I have been looking for a rack mountable amp that when someone hears it.... It is undeniably tubes.

I have been thinking about the Peavey Classic 50/50 as it has about 12 tubes in it. (How can it not sound tube-a-licious with that many)

However, I wont be playing live so maybe the extra wattage would mean I am not going to drive the tubes hard enough to get the sound I want.

I had a Mesa 20/20 chrome face, that just didn't do it for me, sound wise. It almost sounded solid state. I have been told I should of had it re-biased as Mesa runs their tubes some what cold????? If I only could of seen into the future that's probably what I would have done - LOL - ah well.

At any rate: I have tried out several heads from the new Fender Sonic, Marshall JCM-2000, Ashdown to the Peavey JSX and nothing I have found has the sound that's in my head. (I know those aren't rack mountable..... I was just trying to get idea's)

I need something I can drive hard at low volumes. I like the articulation. If that makes any sense........

To get a real hot articulate tube sound at low volumes..... Am I asking the impossible?

I am going out of my mind.... please help!!

Any info would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.
Rogue said:

This may be the wrong place to ask this...... But, I have been looking for a rack mountable amp that when someone hears it.... It is undeniably tubes.

I have been thinking about the Peavey Classic 50/50 as it has about 12 tubes in it. (How can it not sound tube-a-licious with that many)

However, I wont be playing live so maybe the extra wattage would mean I am not going to drive the tubes hard enough to get the sound I want.

I had a Mesa 20/20 chrome face, that just didn't do it for me, sound wise. It almost sounded solid state. I have been told I should of had it re-biased as Mesa runs their tubes some what cold????? If I only could of seen into the future that's probably what I would have done - LOL - ah well.

At any rate: I have tried out several heads from the new Fender Sonic, Marshall JCM-2000, Ashdown to the Peavey JSX and nothing I have found has the sound that's in my head. (I know those aren't rack mountable..... I was just trying to get idea's)

I need something I can drive hard at low volumes. I like the articulation. If that makes any sense........

To get a real hot articulate tube sound at low volumes..... Am I asking the impossible?

I am going out of my mind.... please help!!

Any info would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe try a powerbreak or somethign like that, yeah Mesa do run their poweramps too cold, way too cold for my liking (yeah they do sound solid state), l've heard good things about the Classic 50/50.

What kind of sound are you after exactly, can you give me examples of bands or something. What other gear are you using? guitars? etc etc


I used to run an old Marshall 9005 that was 50+50 stereo. I would cut it down to 25 watts and push the hell out of it as if it were only a 25 watter trying to keep up. At times it was amazing. I later moved on to the 9100 and wasn't as pleased. I think it was because of the 5881s instead of the EL34s that the 9005 had. Then I tried the EL34 50/50 and was again happy but never got around to buying that one because I was on the cusp of returning to heads from a long relationship with racks. The Classic 50/50 is a nice power amp and should be a candidate in your selection not only because of its tone but also because of its price. I originally chose the Marshall because I was learning at that point about manufacturers' voicings of amps and about how you needed to play their gear in order to achieve their tone. I later learned that in order to truly get that tone you had to play that amp and that rack stuff just feels a little synthetic to say the least. I wouldn't be worried about trying to count tubes to achieve your tube-a-licious tone. I would be more concerned with the end result of those tubes. Afterall it is the tone that you are after not a tube count. Besides a retube of an amp that has 12 tubes can be costly, ie. Triple Rec?
Do you have some extra cash to spend for something really REALLY nice?

Emery Sound's Superbaby or Microbaby will fill your bill and then some. Regarding your "Tubiest" sound, it's hard to beat a simple single ended circuit design done right for some of the best sounding purely tube tones. Since you can switch out preamp, rectifier, and power tubes you can learn more from one of these amps and your ears than most other places. The tubiest sound in these examples comes from ability to run the large number of CHOICES, not the largest number simultaneously... :D

The microbaby is the lower powered of the two for cranked tones at lower volumes you are desiring, either amp will cause uncontrolled drooling from the corners of your grinning mouth, or temporary paralysis of the jaw closing muscles during prolonged jaw dropping. The build quality is spectacular, as is the sound if they are being run through a decent speaker cab. I think that you can see them at www.emerysound.com or do a search for the company website. Owning one of these can cause a problem if you have an addictive personality, you might find yourself buying lots of vintage tubes on ebay...Also Frenzel makes GREAT single ended Fender Champ type amps sold on ebay at some of the best value prices anywhere, especially for a boutique amp.
Mesa 395 or 2:90/2:95 or similar 100(+) watt 6L6 power amp and a power attenuator if you need it. I assume you already have a tube preamp you like.

I had a Mesa 50/50 and Triaxis long ago. Nice rig but not nearly enough sag for the tones I like today, need a tube rectifier.

I'm not a fan of EL84 tone either which may be your gripe with the 20/20. You want 6L6s I think.
I owned a Peavey 50/50. Sounded good with my turntable and vintage Wharfdale speakers but the fan was too noisy. Guitar? Had to make it go away, will not buy another. I like and use Peavey gear so not a "name snob" thin either. Just a souless amp. My tubiest amp is my Frenzel Champ Plus. Got it build to order on ebay. Very well made, very versatile, VERY tubey!! Not a rack mount item though. Still, with a 6V6 and 5Y3 it is one amp, with a 6550 and a 5V4 it is another. Can't go wrong, ask 212mavguy, he'll tell you! :D :D

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