Tubes from Doug for my Express 5:50

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Jun 22, 2009
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I purchased a Land Rover Defender a few years ago and found that for a small fee of $700 I could get the ECU re-programmed to provide an extra 30% more power. The difference was incredible...I could now drive up any freeway hill in 5th gear with power to spare...I could even spin the wheels on tar! I asked myself why didn't this car come like this from the factory?

And this was my experience with my Express 5:50 212.

I must admit I purchased my Express unseen and unheard over the internet. I had owned one mesa years ago and loved it. I wanted an amp that could do most styles at a good price. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Having owned the amp for a few months I decided either I was getting old and didn't appreciate the sounds that it made or I could give it the benefit of doubt and order a new tube kit.

I read in a post on here a while back about the re-tube kit from Dougs Tubes:
V1 - Tung-Sol reissue
V2 - high gain JJ ECC85S
V3 - Penta Labs
V4 - Electroharmonix 12AX7
V5 - RUBY 12AX7AC5
and a matched pair:
SED Winged =C= 6L6GC for the power amp

My faith in Mesa has been restored...but why don't they come like this from the factory?

All four modes are better...and the burn channel now sounds good! The clean is warmer, the blues channel has elements of tweed in the 5 watt setting...and the crunch sounds just like an old plexi!

Even the reverb can be used past 8 oclock.

The flabby bass I had before has gone...the highs are much more rounded and harmonics are warmer.

I'm glad I did the tube swap...thanks Doug...well worth the money!

US$142.00 including shipping to tone investment I have made.
Hey Matstrat

You probly read those tube listings from Dougs on one of my posts last year.
Glad it's worked out well for ya mate.
I can report similar results with the tube swap
Did you also find it cut the amp humm by about 60% :mrgreen:

For Americans the cost of this tube swap is approx $US100.
yes it was your post originally regarding the tube swap...and you were right...a great investment.

the difference is chalk and cheese...

the biggest difference is the ability to dial in a great sound. it's all great!

what I do now is keep all EQ at 12 and basically just use the contour. adjusting the gain depending on the volume level I's much more user friendly. the blues mode is great...and very me.

the reverb seems tighter too.

the amp is most certainly quieter.

looking forward to the next jam session indeed!

chiz - m@st@
I just ordered a set for my Express 5:50 from Doug's today. I am really looking forward to hearing it. It sounds like a great investment from what everyone else says about it. I have a 73 twin that I had converted to Blackface specs and experimenting with different tubes made a significant difference. I have been hauling the twin for the past 15 yrs. I got the Express so I could give my back some relief :) and the Express kinda reminds me of a twin on steroids. When I get it put together I will post the results and maybe some audio. Does anyone have some audio examples of thier express with the tube mods?
This sounds fantastic. How would you describe the sound difference? Richer? Crunchier? Brighter? Fuller? Or about the same, just better? Does the retube drastically change the amps sound and ton?

vbf said:
This sounds fantastic. How would you describe the sound difference? Richer? Crunchier? Brighter? Fuller? Or about the same, just better? Does the retube drastically change the amps sound and ton?


Not a drastic change but signifcant I'd say with all 5 of my guitars. Adds
1) approx 20% more gain on the burn channel
2) smoother, richer & tighter al round
3) keeps the same cleans
4) reduce amp humm on the burn channel maybe 50-60%
5) Reverb & EQ are clearer & more responsive due to the above
For is the difference between solid state and tube. The Express sounded a little clinical to begin it has soul!

It's a totally different amp...I would love to post some sounds but I don't have that technology.

I can't imagine anyone NOT being happy with the improvement when taking the cost of the new tubes verses the amp cost into consideration.

chiz - m@
This has been very helpful, many thanks for the info. Is there any reason to chat with anyone at Doug's or can the tubes be ordered online? Is it advisable to get any backups? If so, which ones?

Thanks again....
Hey Guys,

The Tubes you listed don't look the same as the ones on Doug's Web.
This is what Doug has listed.
Tung-Sol 12AX7
High Gain JJ ECC83
Penta 12AX7
Shuguang 12AX7 8th gen
Sovtek 12AX7 LPS

Did you guys change the Tubes or did Doug change them or did you get the same as above.

As you listed
V1 - Tung-Sol reissue
V2 - high gain JJ ECC85S
V3 - Penta Labs
V4 - Electroharmonix 12AX7
V5 - RUBY 12AX7AC5

I would like to try them also, but would like to find out which tubes did you all get.


Hey Gezza,

The replacement set of tubes on Doug's website is for a Express 5:50 ( 6L6 Tubes) . You have the 5:25 ( EL84's) . You might want to E-mail Doug and make sure which ones you should get.
Gezza said
"The Tubes you listed don't look the same as the ones on Doug's Web.
This is what Doug has listed.
Tung-Sol 12AX7
High Gain JJ ECC83
Penta 12AX7
Shuguang 12AX7 8th gen
Sovtek 12AX7 LPS"

that's what I got Gezza
but remember this was for my 5:50.
The 5:25 is a different amp with EL84's.
I'd expect these preamp tubes to react differently in a 5:25 :mrgreen:
vbf said:
This has been very helpful, many thanks for the info. Is there any reason to chat with anyone at Doug's or can the tubes be ordered online? Is it advisable to get any backups? If so, which ones?

Thanks again....

Just order em online.
If you get power amp tubes too Doug will give you a matched pair.
Then you just insert them in yourself. No biasing needed.

I liked the new tubes so much I ordered a backup set :mrgreen:
Hey Guys,

Got a reply from Doug, he recommends the same preamp tubes for the 5:25.

Just different Power Tubes - EL84's.

I would expect the results to the same, just think both amps have the same preamp circuits, but just have different power tubes providing the volume.

I will probably order a set this week, all though Euro tubes has a Mesa 5:25/5:50 High gain kit also.

I like JJ's, but not sure If I would like all JJ"s.

Let you know when I make a decision.


Hi All,

I got my set of tubes from Doug's today and installed them. It has made quite a significant difference for the better. It does cut the gain a little but I don't see that as a bad thing because it gives me a little more subtle room to play with. I am not a metal player so I don't need hi gain anyway, and if I did I would just use a pedal. The next thing is the treble,mid, and bass controls really open up and become a lot more responsive. And it also tightned up the bass alot and took away that muddy flab I had with the stock tubes. It also smooths out the hi's and hi mids so they are not so biting. It could get a little like ear darts before I made the switch. Over all it has really made it feel alot more musical and gives it a natural feeling response when your playing. I would recommend this to all Express 5:50 owners. I am gigging this thursday so I will have more input after that. And as soon as I get time I will put some sound clips up for you guys to check out. This has been a really helpful forum for me. Thank you everyone.
Mid West Boogie: sorry to be dense, but could you list the exact tube set you ended up getting? These two sets being mentioned have me a little confused. Thanks.

The tubes I got are:

SED 6L6 Pair
Tung-Sol 12AX7
High Gain JJ ECC83
Penta 12AX7
Shuguang 12AX7 8th gen
Sovtek 12AX7 LPS

After I ordered the sets I E-mailed Doug and told him I wanted the replacement set for an Express 5:50 and this is what he sent. The only thing that was different from my order was the EH 12ax7. He sent the Shuguang instead. I would suggest you do the same to be sure you get the right set. He is very cool and responds quickly to your inquiries. Hope this helped.
Right - just so there's no confusion here's what I got from Doug 12 months ago.
I specifically asked Doug for tubes that would INCREASE gain, cut amp hum and keep the same cleans.
These tubes did exactly that plus improved smoothness, clarity etc. The valve postion you insert tubes in is critically important. I got a 20-30% gain increase and wouild have been unhappy with anything less. :mrgreen:

V1 - Tung-Sol reissue 12AX7
V2 - High gain JJ ECC83S
V3 - Penta Labs 12AX7C
V4 - Shuguang 12AX7C9
V5 - Sovtek 12AX7LPS

Power Amp
2 x SED 6L6GC matched pair
I tried his recommends in my other amp, the 5E3, and he was spot on there. I may switch the 12AX7EH out for a Tung-Sol that I already have, just to test for fizzy noises.

I'm about to put a couple of different preamp tubes in the 5.25 now, see if it gives me more leeway for the burn channel. Seems like I may end up just playing with a lower gain tube in V2 for a while.