Tried some EL34's in my Roadster today

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Bill Warner

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Actually I tried two different sets I had lying around. The first was a set of JJ E34L's. Didn't like them much at all on any of the channels. Just didn't sounds very good. Even on channel two in brit mode. Basically killed the cleans too.

The second were a set of Ruby EL34BSTR's. These sounded a lot better! Compared to the JJ at least. Over all they sounded pretty good. The brit mode seemed a little better, the cleans suffered a little.

Then I put the original MB 6L6's back in. Let just say that I won't be swapping any more tubes. It's almost like this amp was born to run and sound best on the 6L6's. That's my subjective opinion at least. The clean channels with a strat are perfect and Ch's 3-4 are pure recto!

Actually I will be trying one more set of tubes. I have an integrated quad coming from eurotubes. Should be here tomorrow. I think they come with the JJ EL34's so based on today's little experiment I think I'll have to try it with the Rubys as well since they seemed to sound better.

Anyway, just thought i'd share.
I'm running a full set of JJ's pre's and powers, 6L6's and Ecc83's I like it alot more with the JJ's. It's not a total night and day transformation, but the jj's do have more coming out of them than the stock tubes did. I found this a good thing to my ears and I'm planning on sticking with Bobs tubes in the future.
I haven't tried the JJ 6L6's yet. I'm pretty happy with the MB's. The JJ's I had were E34L's and just didn't do it for me (in the roadster).

Don't get me wrong I'm not dissin' JJ or Bob at eurotubes at all. I just talked to him earlier this week when I ordered a new quad. It's just in the roadster they didn't seem like a good match. The rubys also came from bob. They just sounded a little better but in the end the 6l6's did it for me.

I'm looking foreward to seeing how the integrated quad sounds!
With my experience with the Roadster and tubes, the best set up I've used so far is =C= 6l6s, Tesla ec83s and Tung Sols in the pre amp get it up to its potential. Ya know in the manual Mesa states with the ELs your other channels will sound thinner. They reccommend them for recording or something like that.The ELs gave it more bite and mids. I think the 6L6s sound and feel more natural in the Roadster. Maybe thats why a lot of people switch back to 6L6s :?:
I put EL34's in my Roadster and I love it!! It makes the cleans a little "chimeier" and the distortion a little more high-mid voiced. I'm going to try it this weekend on Friday and see what I think in a gig situation.

My tubes are Svetlana EL34's.......Love 'em.
I like the 34's in my roadster as well. But that may come from 20 years of Marshall's abusing my ears. I like the clean tones alot with 34's. The Brit and Tweed modes are my favorite. The brit mode seems to sing while playing lead with little or no distortion. Gotta love that. Anyone have a setting for the (drum roll please) "brown sound" using the Roadster?

By the way, I used Mesa 34's.
The closest I come to "the Brown Sound" is:

Channel 3
50 wts
recto tracking
gain 2:00
treb: 2:00
mids: 11:00
bass: 10:00
pres: 12:00

I think that's the settings, I'm not 100% sure?? They changed some since I put EL34's in it and dropped it down to 50 wts. I'll double check this weekend.