Tried =C= for the first time

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Monteal - Canada
I bought a pair of 6L6 and EL34 =C= to put in my Mark III in late december right before the price hike. It was in the shop for a while but I got to try them out last week. They were amazing...

for about 30 seconds.

Then all I saw was a flashing white light at the back of the amp. I immediately checked the fuse, replaced the blown one with a new one and put back the Mesa power tubes, and the amp was fine again (phew).

However, I now have over $120 of useless power tubes and an amp that (I now know) doesn't sound as good as it should because of the regular tubes. Nevermind the fact that It would run about $200 to get another quad now, which as a student is more than I can handle for tubes right now.

It's infuriating.

I would check to see if I can salvage atleast a pair of if I'm lucky, but the blown tube probably sent all the other ones out of whack no?
Take em to someone with a tubetester and check the values. That's about the only advice I can give. :?

Did who you buy them from not warranty them from bad tubes, or you not use them within the warranty time? Some people might be reasonable if you explain it.
I tried them out over 2 months after I bought them, it's kind of my problem at this point =\ I'll see if I can have them checked by somebody.
Do you know which tube is bad? The others should be OK.
The bad news is now you have an odd 6L6 or EL34 single.
Keep them for spares, in case a tube blows at a gig.
You should be able to buy another single to match the remaining good tube. I think.
+1 for Sonic's comment.
If yr OK with being inside the guts, I'd check voltages for the power-amp section, wouldn't hurt to check bias also.
If not, I'd still get someone to check inside, to eliminate it being the amp at fault.
While on the tube testing machine, I'd also have a look at the current good ones, for reference only..

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