Triaxis...dead please no! help.....

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Apr 4, 2009
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I posting this in desparation. My trusty triaxis (i have had this unit and experienced no major problems for at least 8 years) has just had a major brain snap (least I hope not and hope its me).

When powering up the amp, all I get is ".3" displayed in the Dynamic Voice display plus, all of mode LEDs are lit. I have tried disconnecting every lead from the back of the amp with no change.

I am at a loss, please help if you can.
I had the same problem with my Triaxis, and if you search the forum a bit you will find out at least another two cases. Nobody solved this problem (or posted the solution for it). I am waiting for a new EPROM chip from MESA (very expensive, 100$) hoping and praying that it will solve the problem. For me sending it to a repair center is not an option, since it would probably cost me as much as getting another unit. You should do it though, if you can. And please post here if you find a solution.
I made some posts of the same problem between 1 and 2 years ago, and the problem still remains.
Changing every IC in the memory/CPU circuit including the $100 eprom made no difference in my case. Ribbon cables, connections, powersupply are checked over and over.
If you have an idea, please reply.
I got the same problem, because the chip have bugs, you to try ON and OFF the main power many many time then listen the "SEE...SEEEEE" sound.Then the Triaxis original sound is coming.