TREMOVERB vs. Carvin V3

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Lastly Drew, you have 3 friggin' posts on this board, all to "defend" a Carvin amp. If you don't see how childish that is then you never will.

And how is your "review" of the V3 any different than what the author of this thread posted?
Lastly Drew, you have 3 friggin' posts on this board, all to "defend" a Carvin amp. If you don't see how childish that is then you never will.

Bingo!!! This account was probably *created* solely for the defense of his favorite amp.

FWIW The same thing happened over on the Hamer Forum once. A player who makes his living as a session artist in Los Angeles made a derogatory comment about Carvin amps and the next thing we knew, there were 25 new accounts who started ripping him a new one.

edgarallanpoe said:
Lastly Drew, you have 3 friggin' posts on this board, all to "defend" a Carvin amp. If you don't see how childish that is then you never will.

Bingo!!! This account was probably *created* solely for the defense of his favorite amp.

FWIW The same thing happened over on the Hamer Forum once. A player who makes his living as a session artist in Los Angeles made a derogatory comment about Carvin amps and the next thing we knew, there were 25 new accounts who started ripping him a new one.


It is sad. And that's my point. Why come here just to disagree?

I've actually owned the V3. Two of 'em. and the 6 or 7 guys who own one on the Carvin forum get their panties in a bunch when I point out why I sent both back. You hear all of the same crap about how they'll put up the V3 against a Bogner, Road King, Soldano, Diezel, whatever. It's such childish BS. And now, I'm catching crap over there because I called him out for coming here just "defend" an amp. Sounds ridiculous just to type it.

I'm getting a Carvin Legacy today and I own 3 Carvin guitars as well as other Carvin gear. I'm a huge fan of the stuff. But I'm not a fan-boy and I don't think my gear is a reflection of what I am.
Please tell me the '9' was a typo, because if your 9 year old son is doing hypothesis, says "sucks" and has an F30........ 8)

During this time, my 9 year old son was doing a science project for school and choose a hypothesis of " does a guitar's tuning pitch change the amount of sustain?"...
my son says: Dad, I think that carvin sucks.....

it doesn't even come close, infact, my son's junky amp (line6 spider30) even sounded way better (his real amp is an F30)...
I'm getting a Carvin Legacy today and I own 3 Carvin guitars as well as other Carvin gear. I'm a huge fan of the stuff. But I'm not a fan-boy and I don't think my gear is a reflection of what I am.

I have also owned a bunch of Carvin stuff over the years. Some of it was great...some of it was not so great. But creating an accound to defend the honor of your favorite amp is seriously childish.
You guys need to chill out. There's nothing childish about what I did. I read a post full of misinformation that I corrected but I did so expecting the inevitable knee jerk reaction from you guys and what a surprise. This thread has turned out exactly as I knew it would. :roll:

There were no personal attacks, I didn't slander or talk down to ANYONE, I didn't try to pressure anyone to giving carvin a 2nd chance and I didn't say anything bad about any mesa products.

The bottom line blackout is that you got an amp that wasn't working properly and had the additional bad luck of talking to a support tech who knew nothing about the product.

At the end of your post, you had come to the conclusion that what you were hearing was how the V3 was supposed to sound. My post was simply made to show you that no, that's what a defective V3 sounds like and to show you what a properly functioning V3 sounds like.

Nothing more nothing less. No "mouth breathing" fanboy fanaticism and no agression and in all honesty, I'll say what I've been saying at the carvin forums for quite a while now and that's that the V3 is simply getting the job done for me until I can afford the amps I really want. None of which have carvin's name on them.
FastRedPonyCar said:
I'll say what I've been saying at the carvin forums for quite a while now and that's that the V3 is simply getting the job done for me until I can afford the amps I really want. None of which have carvin's name on them.

But you'd never say this over there.
The bottom line poe is that you got an amp that wasn't working properly and had the additional bad luck of talking to a support tech who knew nothing about the product.

Get it right bro... it wasn't me who had the V3.

I stand by my statements. This isn't the first time this has happened with Carvin products on other boards. For some reason you guys feel the need to defend Carvin to the world...good for you. Frankly, I have neither the time nor the inclination to bother with things like that. I happen to think that Nik Huber makes the finest electric guitars on the planet, but you don't see me going to other boards and registering to defend his product if someone doesn't like it.

The story I related about the Hamer Forum is absolutely true.

A guy over there who makes his living as a session artist in LA bashed the Legacy. Another guy on the Hamer Forum happens to be old high school buddies with one of the guitar players who was in the G3 tour...yes, *that* G3 tour. He claimed that Vai's Legacy was *not* a stock job but a total custom job. I know the two forumites personally and I was introduced to the guitar player in question by said forumites. I have absolutely zero reason to doubt their statements. Next thing we know there are a bunch of new members ....who know nothing about either forumite... attacking their honesty (they accused the session artist of lying about his credentials, and the other guy about his friendship with the G3 guitarist).

Guess where these new forum members were from? Come on....take a guess....
My bad poe. Got the names mixed up.

edgarallanpoe said:
Another guy on the Hamer Forum happens to be old high school buddies with one of the guitar players who was in the G3 tour...yes, *that* G3 tour. He claimed that Vai's Legacy was *not* a stock job but a total custom job.

Was it Dave W. by chance? I've heard the same thing but never thought anything of it as the Legacy really isn't my cup of tea.
CudBucket said:
FastRedPonyCar said:
I'll say what I've been saying at the carvin forums for quite a while now and that's that the V3 is simply getting the job done for me until I can afford the amps I really want. None of which have carvin's name on them.

But you'd never say this over there.

I already have... a couple of times I belive... all of which were aimed at Van for putting up the same argument you do.

And if you want to know which amps, I'd use a mesa blue angel and divided by thirteen for cleans and an Elmwood modena and/or makoplex for overdrive and leads.

That's nearly $10K worth of amplification though.
Hmmmm, it's good to see that people are so pasionate about their amps. I love my Roadster and will correct people when they have the wrong information, ie. contrary to what FRPC thinks, the Roadster has the same preamp section as a Road King II! :p I spent $5500AU on the Roadster as 'I' think it's the best amp in the world for me and the style of music I play. Some people will hate them and like other stuff - good on them, that's what makes music interesting and diverse. Also I get sick of the V3 getting rammed down my throat in nearly every amp thread at CF as being the best amp for everything, blah, blah, blah, has better distortion than rectos type of crap, pure BS - it's nothing more than an opinion, not fact!!

Ciao ...
FastRedPonyCar said:
I already have... a couple of times I belive... all of which were aimed at Van for putting up the same argument you do.

Funny, I don't recall.
Storm said:
I love my Roadster and will correct people when they have the wrong information,

Sure, we'd all do that. But would you rush over to a forum you've never been to and register just to do that? I don't know why that strikes me as so odd.

So, how are we doing with that V3? Any resolutions?

Don't let the little flame war get to you. There are a lot of helpful guys over there at the Carvin BBS (including Cud and F.R.P.C.). When I had my V3 I spent some time in that forum and did get a lot of good advise. (tube selection etc.)

Good luck with the V3,

First let me say that FRPC has said several times on the Carvin boards that he would like those amps over the Carvin. Let me also say that I own a Rivera Knucklehead, not a carvin, though I play through a carvin cab.

Cudbucket, idk y u have such a chip on ur shoulder towards drew. actually, it seems that u arent really being too pleasant with most on the Carvin BBS. idk if this little incident that was never an incident in the first place caused it, but i think thats the only thing that is childish.

It took me less than a minute to register on here, so why not? I HATE mesa guitar amps. I have not played one that i really enjoyed. I do LOVE mesa bass amps though. To each their own.

I think you guys should have just taken FRPC's post as help, saying that there really must have been something wrong with the amp. As far as some people saying its a recto killer or whatever, maybe for them it is. Someone else already said this, but if everyone played the same amps and guitars, everyone would sound the same and music would be kinda boring for it.

Now you can give me **** for registering just to post that...
wannabe1 said:
Cudbucket, idk y u have such a chip on ur shoulder towards drew. actually, it seems that u arent really being too pleasant with most on the Carvin BBS.

That's your opinion and your entitled to it. I speak frankly and I share my opinions. If that bothers you, then ignore it.