First let me say that FRPC has said several times on the Carvin boards that he would like those amps over the Carvin. Let me also say that I own a Rivera Knucklehead, not a carvin, though I play through a carvin cab.
Cudbucket, idk y u have such a chip on ur shoulder towards drew. actually, it seems that u arent really being too pleasant with most on the Carvin BBS. idk if this little incident that was never an incident in the first place caused it, but i think thats the only thing that is childish.
It took me less than a minute to register on here, so why not? I HATE mesa guitar amps. I have not played one that i really enjoyed. I do LOVE mesa bass amps though. To each their own.
I think you guys should have just taken FRPC's post as help, saying that there really must have been something wrong with the amp. As far as some people saying its a recto killer or whatever, maybe for them it is. Someone else already said this, but if everyone played the same amps and guitars, everyone would sound the same and music would be kinda boring for it.
Now you can give me **** for registering just to post that...