Tremoverb loop as a second master / solo?

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For a solo boost, as I mentioned in my first post. None of this was about getting a master volume for me, I already know there is a master volume on the amp when the loop is engaged.
canon said:
For a solo boost, as I mentioned in my first post. None of this was about getting a master volume for me, I already know there is a master volume on the amp when the loop is engaged.
Sorry for the confusion. For a switchable boost, simply set the two channels equally without the loop engaged. Then, engage the loop and turn the volume down just a little. With the FX loop engaged you have your rhythm volume. With the loop bypassed, you get your solo boost.

Keep in mind that with the loop active, both the FX send and Loop Active Master affect the overall level (provided the schematics are right).
Sure, I understand the functioning of the mod and the reason why I was trying to use it, I was hoping someone else would try the mod on a Tremoverb, and it worked great as you describe except for the volume drop outs issue I was having.

BTW, I really appreciate your willingness to publish the mod you discovered and think it's cool of you to share, and I understood when I tried it that I was taking a risk. After all, someone had to discover and publish the jumpering channels on a 4-input marshall trick at some point, they just didn't have the internet.
canon said:
Sure, I understand the functioning of the mod and the reason why I was trying to use it, I was hoping someone else would try the mod on a Tremoverb, and it worked great as you describe except for the volume drop outs issue I was having.
Sorry to bring it up again, but how can you say you understood the functioning of the mod, and the reason you were trying to use it? In your previous post, you just said the original post was about a solo boost, and that you knew by engaging the loop, it'd gave you an overall master! Yet again, you say you wanted someone else to give it a try! Why? Why would anyone want to try a master volume mod when they already have one by engaging the loop? I'm not sure your still getting it, and no-one with a Tremoverb or Two Channel Solo Head need'nt try the mod! BTW, how is your Tremoverb? Got it working again? Good Luck!
When using the external switching for the loop, the loop master works as a master volume whether the loop is engaged or not and the send-fxmix knobs have no effect without having an actual boosting effect in the loop, e.g. mxr micro amp or eq. Having an externally switchable loop option is selected by the "loop select" knob (loop bypass, red only, org only, always on, ext switchable), actually engaging the loop is footswitchable.

Some people have used the loop as a solo boost in a similar way to Hal9000's mod by inserting a volume pedal (or passive volume box), but that requires the parallel to serial mod from mesa and it's not clear whether the loop is footswitchable at that point.

With Hal9000's mod, I was able to use send-fxmix as yet another master volume and so would have a volume drop with the loop engaged and so a solo boost when it is not engaged, footswitchable. It was exaclty what I was looking for to avoid having to get a micro-amp or similar, another 2 20' cables, and an ac adapter.

Unfortunately, I won't have any news on the amp for weeks.
If your using the external switching jack for the F/X Loop, how is it that the Loop Active Master is always active? What would be switching on/off? It does'nt make sense, (but I have'nt tried it) that the Loop Active Master would be active with the loop disengaged?
The Loop Active Master is always active when ext switching is selected, footswitching on/off engages the effects in the loop itself.

Even if I'm not trying to use anything in the loop, I run the amp with the loop 'always on' so that I have that extra master volume.

At least, that's how mine works.
Well, I tried it today, and sure enough, the Loop Active Master stays active when using the external F/X Loop jack! So, with this scenario, I was able to attain a slight volume boost by setting the send and return levels full-on! What I don't like about this scenario is that the solo boost works with the loop switched off! Which means the majority of playing (rhythm work) is done with the loop engaged, and I don't like the tone degradation when the loop is engaged! I prefer the loop Hard Bypassed! Oh well! Now, what was that mod? Just kiddin'! :lol:
canon said:
The Loop Active Master is always active when ext switching is selected, footswitching on/off engages the effects in the loop itself.

Even if I'm not trying to use anything in the loop, I run the amp with the loop 'always on' so that I have that extra master volume.

At least, that's how mine works.
Interesting... Well, I guess your original idea of using the FX mix pot as a switchable master was right on. :) I'm really interested in what your tech says about the amp.
Yes, if your mod works safely on a tremo, I would think every tremo user in the world would do it, or at least strongly consider it. It's even more useful on the tremo vs the f-series because the loop is footswitchable, on the f-series the footswitches are for channel, contour, and reverb. I wish a Mesa engineer would comment ;)
Well, my tech says $120 and 3 LDRs replaced later that it's fixed, but he can't tell me if the mod was a factor, so I think I'll lay off it. Bummer.
canon said:
Well, my tech says $120 and 3 LDRs replaced later that it's fixed, but he can't tell me if the mod was a factor, so I think I'll lay off it. Bummer.
Did he tell you which LDRs he replaced? I should think that that would be an indication of the failure. Anyway, sorry to hear about the trouble with your amp. I've got a Tremoverb en route to me, so I'll test this procedure out thoroughly and give it the yea or nay.
Resurrecting an old thread I know, but playing with my Tremoverb today I just noticed what has already been pointed out - that the Loop Active Master becomes a volume control when the Loop switch is on external switching, whether the loop is selected or not.

I do not notice tone degradation by having the Loop Active Master active (due to external switching selected) without anything in the loop and with the loop switched off (via the footswitch). It appears I have a useful additional master, and I actually rather think I'm able to achieve a bit more growl with this function?

I know tone is in the ears of the beholder, but does anyone else really think there is tone degradation in this situation?

And is this Loop Active Master a post-phase inverter master volume? Or is it simply second master volume after the pre-amp section?

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