Torture by Combo: Express 5:50

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I haven't been able to check in for a while and was excited to see that there were unread (by me) post in this thread. Kinda like the old You've got mail.

Excited , but not surprised by what I read. I wasn't surprised there are opposing or differing opinions, or that what someone was trying to say came out subject to multiple interpretations, or that apologies (needed or not) and reconciliation (maybe not the best word, perhaps... understanding) exists between the Mesa-ites (top shelf people).

I'm certainly not surprised (in part due to the new comments) I remain in the middle, undecided. Again.

At the end of my last visit I was confident I was going to be the owner of the LSS. I think I liked Recto-R's comments as arguable justification to spend the extra $ for the LSS. If work and doing my taxes hadn't prevented my getting out of town (Music Barn is about 90 miles) I'd have made the purchase.

Since then, I called the store and was told "We got the 5:50, its a 212, you wanted a single 12 right, thats why I didn't call and tell you." :?

When I said, "I'd like to do an A/B comp with the LSS, though the result may lack validity since the 212 may not represent the single 12" ...... his response was "I think you get a really good idea of the sound of the 5:50, just remember it won't get as loud with one speaker. Which makes me wonder.....Why didn't you call me then?

As I understand it, Recto-Robbie says LSS, you wont regret it. ol4t is endorsing the 5:50, having owned an LSS, which he loved (fence sitting). Jazzgear says for the money the 5:50, which I suppose could be restated, not enough to be gained in the LSS justifying $500 (having owned both).

I had concern as to the pre-amp section of the Exp being less responsive/articulate than the highly acclaimed LSS pre-amp. I also thought in the EL84s I'd be moving to a "warmer" sound, favoring my Strat and Taylor Accoustic, therefore I was decided on the LSS. Latest education says.....I don't know a **** thing! 6l6 is the broader, fuller sound and EL84's empahsize trebles and are more chime sounding. That sounds contrary to what I thought. I like the suggestion of Yellow Jackets.

At least now I can play the 5:50 w/6l6's and switch to the LSS w/EL84's and compare the tube/pre-amps..........Which IMHO is where this decision needs to be made. If the 5:50 wins in the 212, I think I'll take my chances waiting for the 112. If the LSS wins over the 212, what is the chance that the 112 would sound better??? So I'll bring home the LSS.

Its a plan. Plans are good. I'm just pissed that the store closes today at 3:00 p.m. and I couldn't get there in time, so its solid state amp playing again tonight :evil: Sorry for the SAGA.
Hey Im back,,,,I just wanted to say,,nice acoustic guitar,,, I picked up a Taylor 414ce a few years back. I love the thing...Awsome products Taylor makes.. Do we agree on that or what????
Good luck with your amp choosing!
Hey ive got to say it now being that this is a boogie forum.
For years I played only accoustic guitar and tried to stay away from the electric stuff as much as possible
I thought it was so nice to be able to pick up your accoustic and just play.
No cords,,, no amps,,, no pedals,,,no tubes,,,,no hassels. Very nice.
Its funny years later here I am. And all the fun has begun. Let me tell ya
Hey Recto Robbie, I am pleased with my recent aquisition but I am curious as to a few related matters. First, the ES is powered by two AA's. Have you tried either rechargeable batts or the new Lithium batts that I just saw last week. I'm thinking of trying the Lithiums, despite that they are 3x the price, since they should hold up better to continuous use for two hours or so at the time.
Second, I put the Nano Elixers on and for me the tone seems extremely bright. Way more bright than my Yahmaha, though its 25 years old and I use GHS lights on it. It isn't bad, just different, and while I don't want the two guitars to sound the same, I was wondering if this is a string issue or related to the tone woods used in the 814. If you know. I realize this is way off topic. I'm loggin off to drive to Music Barn for the amp comparison :D mentioned above. Finally!