Tonal differences between 90- and 45-watt setting

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May 13, 2010
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Has anyone noticed a big tonal difference between the two power settings on the ED?

A few weeks ago I was in GC trying out a LS Classic for the umpteenth time, trying unsuccessfully to tweak Ch2 into doing something I really liked, when I spotted an ED in the corner, which I mistakenly thought was some kind of down-market Stiletto. I wasn't very interested, since I'm not really a Marshall kinda guy, but I tried it anyway. Like many of you, I immedeately bonded with all three of its settings, and now I want one of these things.

I was struck, though, by how much more shimmery and complex the clean and LO sounds, especially, were in the 90-watt setting. Even with the master just below 9 o'clock, I thought that switching power settings had a pretty significant tonal impact that I couldn't EQ my way around. The 45-watt setting wasn't bad, but seemed a little mushy, and mid-rangey and one-dimensional by comparison.

I don't really need such a powerful amp, but I'm getting addicted to that 90-watt Simulclass harmonic haze. Anyone else experience this or am I just fooling myself?
nope it isnt just you. 90 watt setting is pure magic. thats the simulclass speaking. ive got a question along the same 45 watt mode class A, or class AB, not that it matters, but i would like to know. Mesa's website and manuals are contradicting
I find at low volumes the 90 watt to be darker. But when I am letting it rip I prefer 90 watt as well.

But I think a lot of that is the fact that it comes with a 90 watt speaker. My experience has been the higher the wattage the speaker, the more you need to push it to get the best sound out of it.
The main difference I notice is that the low end is reduced a bit in the 45-watt settings and most importantly, the master volume knob is easier to dial in a not real quite/not real loud setting.

Other than that, I've never really noticed enough of a difference to love one power mode and hate the other.
SgtThump said:
Other than that, I've never really noticed enough of a difference to love one power mode and hate the other.

I agree, not enough of a difference for me to worry about which one I use.

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