This guy for real ?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Buy it now for $3,395.00????
Hope someone overseas doesnt bite on this...
David.W said:
Thats insane!

Whats that cost in England though?

Thats what I was thinking too,but christ,c'mon,whats he think he has here..a Play Station 3? (lol)
$1900.00 new and,lets face it,used is used,he isnt the dealer selling it brand new.
prs1999 said:
David.W said:
Thats insane!

Whats that cost in England though?

Thats what I was thinking too,but christ,c'mon,whats he think he has here..a Play Station 3? (lol)
$1900.00 new and,lets face it,used is used,he isnt the dealer selling it brand new.

He might have a sale in the UK lol!

current exchange rate
1.00GBP= approx $1.93USD
or $2.28 CDN
thats about equivalent to what were paying brand new here in australia. i could understand here or the UK but i cant believe thats a used amp being sold in the US.

heres a guide to australian prices.

What the hell is a PEDUAL spell check really that hard to use? :LOL:
Yeah he's smokin's some good stuff to be asking that buy it now price...
The price of a brand new Roadster here in Belgium is 2995€ or about $3935. He's selling cheap :D
Pinweaver said:
The price of a brand new Roadster here in Belgium is 2995€ or about $3935. He's selling cheap :D

Thats all fine,but correct me if I'm wrong,isnt there an E-Bay for the UK?
I know theres one for Canada.Seen the one for Germany too.

Probably works in the reverse for amps made in Germany and sold here...If someone over the big pond can score me a Diezel Herbert for $1800.00 U.S. funds,let me know. :D
man, and i thought i was a dick. someones out foxin' me. :lol:

really though do you really need spell check for "pedual" i know what that is, don't you ? :lol: i have 2 of them :wink:
really though do you really need spell check for "pedual"
I thought pedual was some new thing with the Roadster, I felt out of touch, now I just feel superior.

The price of a brand new Roadster here in Belgium is 2995€ or about $3935. He's selling cheap
Do you guys GAS for Mesa stuff like we do for Diezel or [enter amp name here/] Do you go watch a show and say things like "ohh **** hes playing a roadster wow'? or do you say things like "Oh hes playing a roadster, who ships in a Roadster when Peter Diezel could build you an amp?"


Dear German and Belgium people (and anyone else in the area)I would like to extend this offer. I will buy; have the power supply changed and personally ship; any amp you want if you would do the same for me in equal dollar values. Yes, I will be your connection over here, also I make regular bi-yearly trips to get on with it.

is this leagal ?

i may be swinging a MarkIIc+ and i'll trade it straight up for my long lost son "Herbert"
Great offer David.....shareing the wealth,your like The United Nations and amp pimp all rolled into one.
David.W said:
Dear German and Belgium people (and anyone else in the area)I would like to extend this offer. I will buy; have the power supply changed and personally ship; any amp you want if you would do the same for me in equal dollar values. Yes, I will be your connection over here, also I make regular bi-yearly trips to get on with it.
Hehe, you'd probably make a small fortune, but I doubt Mesa's European importers will let you get away with it. I don't know about UK or German pricing, but the Benelux (Belgium Netherlands, Luxemburg) importer adds about 800€-1000€ per amp just for importing the stuff.

But hey, I know it's the same thing with European products in the US. I have a Duesenberg guitar which I bought new for roughly 1100€. I saw the same guitar on a US website being sold for more than $2500.
Well im sure some government loop hole would add the xtra money somewhere, probably duty/tax when you declare the items value at customs. It annoys the *** off me, but Im sure Europeans complain more about than Canadians do (actually im a former Brit), since it is a Mesa board and the amps are available easily available here.

But hell i'll look into it!
I have a friend in Canada and I cant belive what **** they pull for tax's,duties.etc.
Put it simply,if I Gave him a new amp for a gift,they would ask the declaired value and charge him the tax's due on it.
What crap.

But your putting yourself out there to help a fellow Play arcoss the pond score an amp at our cost shouldnt have any reflection on you..he(or she) would have to bear the tax's and duties.

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