Thinking of changing my Mark V.....

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Sep 4, 2010
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for a E/D.

Nothing wrong with the Mark V other than the constant dialling in. I have a couple of wide body C90 cabs. Will these work ok? I play classic rock, Jovi/VH so unless you guys tell me otherwise I am thinking this is the way to go.

Cheers Rich
Hi, I run my ED head into a 1x12 C90 open back cab and love it. I play blues and 70s/80s rock mostly.

Before I bought the ED I really wanted a MKV. I love the MKV channels one and two , but could not seem to find tones I liked in channel three.

Having started with the Express, I was a little worried that the ED would not be versatile enough for my band. That has since proven to not be an issue. The big thing I found that I was not expecting is that I am hardly spending any time tweeking settings.

If you are looking for an easy to use plug and play amp that sound great, the ED would be it. Time for me to go and play :lol:
I had both at the same time for 3 months last year.
The Mark V is a GREAT amp !
For me, the ED won hands down.
I've swapped tubes quite a bit (power and pre) along with trying
a number of speakers/cabs and now that I've found my combination
I can say that I'm regularly blown away with the tones this amp gives up.

*TIP; if you use reverb, get an on/off single button footswitch. Set the rear
toggle to "on" for all modes. That way you can select it to use for just one mode.
I only use it sometimes in clean, but not Hi or Lo.
I too had both the MkV and ED for about 8 months last year. Now I just have the V.

To counter Birdy's response.....I agree...The ED is a great amp!
However, the V won hands down for my needs!

Personally, I was not able to achieve a nice balanced sound between all modes of the ED (especially the clean mode compared to the blue and red modes). This was critical to me as I spend at least 50% of my time playing with a nice clean sound. While the ED is capable of nice clean sounds.......I wasn't able to achieve the great clean sound I was after while setting the tone knobs to my liking for the "blue and red" modes. It is a compromise that I was not happy with.

If I were mainly a rhythm player that mostly played mid gain to high gain rhthym sounds (blue and red modes of the ED), and wanted to solo out in either of those two modes from time to time...I would have been in heaven (as long as I had my OCD pedal in front for solos)!

However, I was not able to achieve the clean sound that I was after while still having the shared tone knobs set to my liking for the the mid gain / hi gain (blue and red modes).

Personally, I don't find the MkV to be hard to dial in with any of the 3 channels (and 3 modes offered in each channel). However, I did / do have a problem at times deciding which of the 3 modes offered in each channel to use for a given application.....and yes, each mode of each channel requires special care.

The ED is a great amp.....and is perfect for many people as have mentioned in this forum.

The ED didn't work for me because it wasn't flexible enough for my needs. YMMV

My advise to you is to play the ED prior to purchase to ensure it will fulfill your needs.
I'm going to chime in here. I think a properly calibrated set of pickups in an axe will do wonders with the flexibility of am amp like the ED that has only a single EQ. Like if I was going to run the ED alone, I'd set the neck pickup up for great cleans and then I'd adjust the bridge (Pole pieces, etc) to get the sort of sparkle and crunch I want out of the drive end of things. The other alternative is to run two heads at once like Birdy.
Thanks for your responses. In terms of the clean, my cleans will be the Vintage lo with volume rolled off on guitar so the clean EQ doesn't bother me too much for live.

Gonna give this some real serious thought.

Thanks Rich.
dunstanmus said:
In terms of the clean, my cleans will be the Vintage lo with volume rolled off on guitar so the clean EQ doesn't bother me too much for live.

Somehow I doubt this. The cleans on the ED are ASTOUNDING! Trust me!
Yeah, I think the same thing. Vintage low with volume off doesn't work for me it just doesn't have sparkle. Vintage low seems to have some highs rolled off until you get the gain up a fair bit.

I bought the ED for the clean side as much as anything else and before this amp I *never* played clean. One thing that I find really sweet about the clean mode is the sustain you can get. This amp has clean sustain.

the other thing to keep in mind is that the clean/vintage modes are Fender vs Marshall. If you like Marshall clean then you may just like using vintage low for clean.

The gain trim is also quite a powerful control in terms of shapping the tone. With a bit of trial and error I bet you can find what you want for the clean and vintage modes, but you really should spend some time in shop to test an ED out. I would have spent 10 hours in my shop over about a month before I was ready to ge tthe ED.
yeah, I think hitting the switch will sound SO MUCH better then the volume down on lo you will switch.

Of course there is some compromise when there is only one set of controls for clean and dirt, but it works perfectly for me.
Done it. Sold MKV on Monday and my ED arrived today. Initial thoughts are that it is superb. I hear what you a saying about the cleans being a little low on volume but my Rothwell booster does sort that. Really like the Vin Lo with the booster too. Will play around a little and feed back later in the week.

Cheers Rich
Ok, this where I am. I love it. Whilst you might dial settings a little more precisely if you have 3 channels it is really close.
I use a Rothwell <UK> booster. This puts a little hair on the Vintage Lo. Earlier in this threadI stated I will back the vol off a little. This stops the highs dropping from the signal so the Vintage Lo gives a great pushed clean tone and is great for solos with the boost.

This is a really raw amp that oozes tome from your guitar.

I am playing through a couple of Port City 2x12's with Scumback M 75's. Should I go with a couple of Boogie Dyne's with V30's?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Cheers Rich
It's hard for me to say.

I have a 1x12 recto cab with a vintage 30 I used to use with my ED combo from time to time. However, ever since I switched rooms where I play, the recto cab doesn't sound as good to me as it did before. Room dynamics, losing my mind, hell I don't know.

I'm dying to hear it with some greenbacks.
Here is one for you Primal,

My amp has a bit of a ding in the casing so the local dealer is getting me another one.
None left at Boogie as it is being discontinued. I guess it is being replaced by the RA-100.
dunstanmus said:
Here is one for you Primal,

My amp has a bit of a ding in the casing so the local dealer is getting me another one.
None left at Boogie as it is being discontinued. I guess it is being replaced by the RA-100.

:shock: :shock: :shock: Wow, they told you the Electra Dyne is being discontinued!!!

I mean I guess the RA-100 does fill the same genre
I live in the UK but have called Boogie directly. The combo is discontinued and the large had. The medium head is definately current with no plans to stop production

Cheers Rich.

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