Bought an old Mark IVa a week ago, I've been playing single channel amps the last eight years, mostly using the guitar's volume knobs (LP & old SG mostly) and various treble boosters to vary the sounds, but I mostly play home and wanted something with a normal tone stack and reverb without having to use pedals.
I'm pretty much blown away by the sound of this thing!!
I do not play metal, or even hard rock, and from all the talk about these as awesome metal amps, I just didn't expect it to be as good as it is for other styles - ANY other style!
I use mine basically as a three single amp set up, I could easily gig with only one of the three channels. All set up a little bit too hot and a little bit too bright, and then I use the guitar volume and tone to get the clean and rhythm and lead tones I want. It cleans up like an old Blackface, even on the lead channel! It absolutely loves my '94 Les Paul with PIO caps and vintage output pickups. Oh, and an old "boost input" Memory Man in the loop for both delays, and ambience (slap-back echos etc).
The coolest thing is the sustain, and the response, I realised when I first played it that my fingers are actually way faster than my old amp was! And this is just as true for the lead channel set up for shredding as R1 set clean, very inspiring, I haven't played this much guitar in years!
Love it! :lol:
Estetically, mine has toured to hell and back, it looked pretty bad and had two knobs knocked off when I got it, but after a few hours with rags and wood oil it looks awesome, like a worn-in old guitar. Very cool! The grill is intact, and has a cool vintage amber colour. And the hardwood gets a lot of credit for durability!
On top of all this, I bought it off the original owner, who's played with a quite famous show here in Sweden (with the mark iv as his main gigging amp). He had his studio filled with vintage instruments and amps (Plexi Marshall, '60s Fenders etc etc) so I got a chance to try his IIC+, a very, very cool amp. It really sang like a guitar with good wood does, next time I see one, I'll pick it up... :wink:
Btw, being an "a", and not having the manual for this version, does anybody know what the jack under the chassis beneath the reverb does? Seems like it's connected to the channel switching somehow, but I haven't tried it. I was gonna put a reverb footswitch jack there! :lol: