the ED... best in the business

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
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Today i got the chance to jam on a single recto at a friends house. i used to own a single and played in a band with it for a couple years, it was my fav amp. But i got tired of the recto sound and moved onto other amps. SO it has been about 3 years since i last cranked a single recto. I was so shocked on how bad it sounded! Very bright, sterile and thin. I played it through a marshall 1960 ax with greenbacks. a very warm cab, but it still was shrill sounding, no matter how i set the eq. Now i owned a roadster just recently, and it is better sounding than a single rec but i got rid of it because the ED sounded better. Its funny how your ears work. I used to be in love with the recto sound. most of my fav bands use rectos. but the ED just sounds so much better. More organic, more warm, more clear and smooth. i set the gain on the rectos at about 1:00, that is where i like it, the gain on the ED is set to 3:00 and to me thats the sweet spot, gets saturated enough while still allowing a great clean mode. SO i came home and fired up the ED with the recto sound still fresh in my mind and couldnt believe how much better the ED sounded. I fell in love with it all over again. The cleans on the single recto are no comparison to the ED. The overdrive on the recto sounds brittle and lifeless. The ED is my dream amp. now if you are the type of player that needs 3 or 4 very different tones, id say go with a roadster, they are great amps, but if all you need is a sick clean and dirty sound the ED is the best in the business. Just thought id share my joys with this amp. you fellow ED users will understand. just preaching to the choir i guess, but maybe some one will read this who is searching for a better tone and try out an ED :D
Hey weatherman. Great amp for sure !
Have you played the ED thru that AX cab you talk about ?
I've got one and can't believe how warm and organic those greenies
sound when I plug in. Great combination.
Birdy said:
Hey weatherman. Great amp for sure !
Have you played the ED thru that AX cab you talk about ?
I've got one and can't believe how warm and organic those greenies
sound when I plug in. Great combination.

No I haven't tried the AX and the ED together yet, i will eventually. On paper it seems like they wouldnt be a good match, both being on the warm side. I prefer V30's with the ED. But if you say it sounds good i might just have to try it out!
lyman said:
****, i have to try one of these out. it might be bye-bye maverick if i do....

No offense to your Boogie Maverick, they are good amps, but I believe you will be stunned at how much better the ED will sound. Don't try it until you have the funds, lol.
theweatherman said:
Today i got the chance to jam on a single recto at a friends house. i used to own a single and played in a band with it for a couple years, it was my fav amp. But i got tired of the recto sound and moved onto other amps. SO it has been about 3 years since i last cranked a single recto. I was so shocked on how bad it sounded! Very bright, sterile and thin. I played it through a marshall 1960 ax with greenbacks. a very warm cab, but it still was shrill sounding, no matter how i set the eq. Now i owned a roadster just recently, and it is better sounding than a single rec but i got rid of it because the ED sounded better. Its funny how your ears work. I used to be in love with the recto sound. most of my fav bands use rectos. but the ED just sounds so much better. More organic, more warm, more clear and smooth. i set the gain on the rectos at about 1:00, that is where i like it, the gain on the ED is set to 3:00 and to me thats the sweet spot, gets saturated enough while still allowing a great clean mode. SO i came home and fired up the ED with the recto sound still fresh in my mind and couldnt believe how much better the ED sounded. I fell in love with it all over again. The cleans on the single recto are no comparison to the ED. The overdrive on the recto sounds brittle and lifeless. The ED is my dream amp. now if you are the type of player that needs 3 or 4 very different tones, id say go with a roadster, they are great amps, but if all you need is a sick clean and dirty sound the ED is the best in the business. Just thought id share my joys with this amp. you fellow ED users will understand. just preaching to the choir i guess, but maybe some one will read this who is searching for a better tone and try out an ED :D

I just tried an electrodyne tonight. I was curious what one would sound like after hearing a demo vid on the net. Well, I was stunned. Absolutely phenomenal clean and gain. With the knobs at twelve o'clock, the clean had the right about of fullness, warmth, and chime. I was absolutely stunned. The crunch was magic AND it sounded so fluid and legato for leads. I tried a recto immediately after and it felt brittle to play. My lead playing was choppy and single note runs sounded empty although the crunch was thick and brutal. After all, they do what they do well but like you, I think my tastes are changing. Luckily, I have an old Two Channel Recto so I should be able to break even if I start swapping gear. I'll admit, I'm definitely extremely tempted at this point. The only problem is that financially, I have no money to invest if I can't break even.

As for playing, I thought the choppy playing was me but apparently the amp plays a big part in it. When I first got the Dual, I was all about the chugging, riffing, and huge power chords. Now I've been getting into a lot more lead playing and I generally play lighter music even if I still listen to heavy stuff. We'll see what happens, I have a big move just under a couple of weeks out and we have a newborn but don't be surprised if I have a 'Dyne in a couple of months!
lespauljoe1 said:
lyman said:
****, i have to try one of these out. it might be bye-bye maverick if i do....

No offense to your Boogie Maverick, they are good amps, but I believe you will be stunned at how much better the ED will sound. Don't try it until you have the funds, lol.

none offense taken. i didn't design it! :)

it sounds good but i'd like a little more headroom, especially on those in between clean/crunch tones, which is basically where i live. a GC near me has one in stock, so i might try it on the way home from work. it's a combo, and i'm looking for a head, but i could always bring my cab in and try it out, and order a matching head if i dig it.
lyman said:
lespauljoe1 said:
lyman said:
****, i have to try one of these out. it might be bye-bye maverick if i do....

No offense to your Boogie Maverick, they are good amps, but I believe you will be stunned at how much better the ED will sound. Don't try it until you have the funds, lol.

none offense taken. i didn't design it! :)

it sounds good but i'd like a little more headroom, especially on those in between clean/crunch tones, which is basically where i live. a GC near me has one in stock, so i might try it on the way home from work. it's a combo, and i'm looking for a head, but i could always bring my cab in and try it out, and order a matching head if i dig it.

I spoke with Mesa of Hollywood last week and they have two medium heads in stock. One tan, one black.

When you try it out, make sure you understand the functionality (or atleast the existance) of the gain trim switch and clean level knob in the back. Makes a big difference to the amount of gain you get and is important for leveling off any volume discrepencies when going from drive to clean.
I tried a recto immediately after and it felt brittle to play. My lead playing was choppy and single note runs sounded empty although the crunch was thick and brutal. After all, they do what they do well but like you, I think my tastes are changing

I love listening to extremely heavy music (Dillinger, Meshuggah, ect...)- but I dont really play it. I used to think that the Roadster sound was for me. Then The Stiletto bridged the gap more toward "my" lead voice as I felt the Recto vibe doesn't really "have it" for lead lines. Then I played the ED. And I still play the Ed. I rarely tweak the ED unless I change guitars. I really, really like the ED.
primal said:
I spoke with Mesa of Hollywood last week and they have two medium heads in stock. One tan, one black.

When you try it out, make sure you understand the functionality (or atleast the existance) of the gain trim switch and clean level knob in the back. Makes a big difference to the amount of gain you get and is important for leveling off any volume discrepencies when going from drive to clean.

awesome, thanks for the tip(s), primal. i did end up trying it out on friday after work. i had plans later on, so i didn't play it for too long, and of course the detuned, poorly set-up epiphone i grabbed wasn't what i'm used to, guitar-wise.

i know about the gain trim/clean level features but didn't mess with them since the modes were more or less balanced when going from one to another. anyway.......yeah, that's a great sounding amp. i'm not used to the headroom it has on tap - especially in the 90 watt mode. it's super responsive to dynamics which rocks. big low end. and a surprising variety of tones for such a clean layout. i couldn't find a bad tone in there (there was plenty of bad playing, but that's not the amp's fault!
I, too, fell out of love with the Recto sound. In fact, I can't stand it now. I ended up picking up a Mark III blue and an Express 5:50. But I have my eye on an ED.

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