The Blue Angel Appreciation Thread

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yep, I did it too. Sounded good.

Though just for your general knowledge the reverse isn't true, a 6L6 amp cannot take 6V6s without drastic modification.
thanks for the tip! i was just considering putting some 6v6's in my jcm900... :oops:

where would i be without this place!
Hey Guys, I just found this Forum while looking for info on the new Lonestar Special.

I've got an older model Blue Angel 4x10 w/original Jensen AlNiCos...BEAUTIFUL amp!!! I thought of throwing in 2 Eminence Ramrods in either an X pattern or on the bottom, but didn't really wanna mess with perfection...some other time perhaps!

I'm running a NOS JAN Phillips 5AR4, NOS JAN Phillips 6L6s, Ei EL84s, & Ei 12AX7s....super warm & smooth.

Also use a Mesa/Boogie Bottle Rocket with it & it SMOKES!!!

Very nice amp....I'm looking for a head now(Ain't we all??? :lol: ), just because I love the **** things!!!

Honestly, I think folks saw the "Dual Rectifier" on the front & never gave the amp a try because of it. If they would've thrown that Blue Angel like on the t-shirt on the front of the amp, they might have had something!!!!

BTW, anyone know how to date their Mesa? My serial number is BA00364...I'm guessing it's the 364th made, but no idea when.

A Bro on another Forum told me he was in a local store & saw that they had a Blue Angel head.

I called, we talked, they sent pics.........


It's gonna be heading to S. Florida on Tuesday!!!! :D
PUCKBOY99 said:

A Bro on another Forum told me he was in a local store & saw that they had a Blue Angel head.

I called, we talked, they sent pics.........


It's gonna be heading to S. Florida on Tuesday!!!! :D
<<Doing best Montgomery Burns impression>>

I bought my BA NOS two months ago. Best investment I'll make all year!

NOS you say???!!!!


Black & wheat, blonde & wheat.....or did you get lucky & find a Blue one????

Both of mine are/will be black & wheat.

Hey.......................what tubes are you guys using in yours??????
PUCKBOY99 said:
NOS you say???!!!!


Black & wheat, blonde & wheat.....or did you get lucky & find a Blue one????
I WISH it were all blue. I remember seeing those back in the 90s.

Mine is all black, but it's okay - it matches my Nomad.

I'm using Ei EL84s, Ei 12AX7s, NOS JAN Phillips 6L6WGBs, & a NOS JAN Phillips 5AR4 in my 4x10....very nice!

I might try some different tubes in the new head to see what's what before moving the combo along....I'll keep you guys posted!
I just put a Jensen P12N reissue in my single 12 Blue Angel and really like what it does. Very compressed sounding and clear as a bell at lower volumes.
Sounds great with an Epiphone Sheraton. I've used this amp on my last two gigs and will go again this weekend.
Like a knucklehead, I broke one of the plastic clamps that lock the preamp tube bracket in place. Are these available and easy to replace?
Well, tonight I came full circle to a decision I made about 10 years ago -- to own a Blue Angel.

With a new job and some other major life changes I decided that I'd treat myself with some new music gear. I lurked here and around the internet and reaffirmed my Blue Angel quest.

Tonight I received PUCKBOY99's 4x10 BA. 8)

As an aside and a plug -- I must say that the deal with PUCKBOY99 went very well and was quite easy. He was upfront with the product that I was purchasing. It was packed quite well and arrived here fine. I'd give him the proverbial eBay A+++++. :D

I got to play with it tonight a little bit. First off -- it can be quite loud. I expected this, but still was a bit surprised at what ~30W class A can do. I had to roll back to volume tonight so my first evaluation is a bit limited.

I like the different voicings with the different tubes. There is a difference in headroom between both modes, and the Progressive Link thing does add something.

Clean is clean and melodic. I can push it to break up in a very musical way. I also understand what people have meant with how this amp articualtes each note. It does just that. I think I got that 'not-quite-Deluxe-not-quite-Bassman-clean-Mesa-Blue-Angel-tone'. Nice. I think I'll have to crank it a bit to get that 'not-quite-british-tone'.

I played around with the eBow too - the eBow does something really neat to power tubes. You can crescendo a long sustained note and go from crystal clean to a very creamy, songful, melodic breakup. Drool. I'm probably the first person to post this, but the eBow and this amp were made for each other.

The tone controls actually do something. In my Torres Traynor amp, for instance, tone controls only seem to work at the extremes of dial settings and the tone really depends on use of presence control and pull bright/pull fat switchs to get anything sound worthy.

The reverb is sweet with a fairly lenghty dwell time.

I'm going to futz with this some more and eventually play around with some tube substitutions. I have a box of NOS tubes that I saved from the garbage some time ago. I've got a lot of uninteresting RCAs for TVs, but also got a couple gems. There are a few decent power tubes from Mullard, Amperex and GE (but none are matched so I doubt I'll do anything with them)...some Sylvania, TungSol, Ei, and 'Made in Russia' 12AX7s as well as a number of 12AU7s. And here's the best find -- a TeleFunKen 12AX7 that currently resides in my VibroChamp and a TeleFunKen 12AU7 that lives in my RealTube overdrive. OK, I'm digressing...but I'll probably get some JJ's EL84s for the BA after I've learned it a bit more. Maybe I'll do the 6L6 substitution too.

I think I have to invest in an amp cover -- my 2 year old discovered all the cool knobs and switches in front. She seems to like the Blue Angel too. :lol:

Now to buy that Wine Red Les Paul Standard that I've had my eye on for 10 years...

:) :) Rock on! :) :)
Nice post Joel....Glad you like it!!! :D

I've got little ones myself & it was always interesting to see where the knobs were set when you plugged in.

Did I send you the link for the manual? There is some cool info in there & the settings are actually pretty nice:

Got the manual.

As we talked about, I think I need an attenuator to use this at home when the wife and kids are about.
Figured I'd wake up the Blue Angel thread.

Hey I'm a noob here so I'm pushing all the buttons and kicking the tires so to speak.

Last night I had a great experience with my Angel, a 1x 12. In another thread the mention of a Hot Cake pedal came up. I've never tried it with my Blue Angel. I've used it plenty with my Twin though. So I gave it a whirl. OMG!!! what a sound. Although my other Boogies get plenty of distortion this sounds different. The pedal gives the Angel a very unique sound different than anything else I have.

Anyone else putting a pedal in front of your Angel? Do you feel strange like you should'nt be using a pedal with a Mesa amp?
I have no issues with pedals.

I use a Fuzz and a RealTube overdrive pedal in front and a chorus, delay, phaser, and tremolo in the effects loop.

I love the sound that I get with slight fuzz on the Blue Angel, especially with the eBow for some incredible droning sounds.

I've been experimenting with some tubes and will post that in another thread when I'm done...
You know what I was wondering too.

If you use 6L6's in place of the 6V6's does this increase the wattage on that setting? That tube substitution is something I might try.
AMG1 said:
You know what I was wondering too.

If you use 6L6's in place of the 6V6's does this increase the wattage on that setting? That tube substitution is something I might try.
Yes, it does get louder with the switch set on the 6V6 setting -- almost as loud as the EL84 setting. 6L6 + EL84 is not much different in volume the EL84 alone.
What a great thread. I have been loving my Blue Angel 1X12 for a few years now. It has the best reverb I have ever heard. Great single channel amp (I have a MK IV for my channel switching fun). I have recently looked into making some upgrades. I am thinking I will put a Jensen or Weber Alnico in the combo and retube with JJ EL84s and NOS 6V6's. I love the Mullard RI in the V1 position. What pedals are you guys using to push this amp? Lately I have been running a Keeley Phat BD-2 into Keeley Comp into MJM Blues Devil and it sounds really nice. I just wish I had upgraded my speaker already. The Black Shadow is WAY too dark for this amp. What speakers are you guys using?