Suggested cabs for 20/20

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Jun 5, 2009
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Anyone have any suggestions for cabs or speakers for the 20/20, preference to classic rock, alt rock tones, but also interesting in more versatility if possible.

I was thinking about picking up a Road King 2x12, which is a half back design and I think would sound awesome. Its got a high wattage rating. Can the 20/20 drive that ok?

What kind of cab setups are you guys using with your 20/20's?
My set up right now is
Digitech GSP 2101 Studio Tube Preamp/Processor
Mesa 20/20
2 Marshall 1912 1X12 Cabs (1997 models)
The Marshalls seem to be a very good match for the 20/20...
Everything running stereo.

Currently I am running a Triaxis with my new 20/20 (and I am about to do the deep mod on it). I have them going through an old school Boogie 4X12 halfback. Stock speakers. I think for this rig its not the best sound. Believe it or not, the Recto amps work good with this type of cab because they are top and bottom heavy as everyone knows and the cab balances that out.

With a 20/20 it's a bit different. I played a recto 2X12 cab side by side with a new Orange 2X12 cab and the Orange completely blew it away. I actually was the owner of the Recto 2X12 and the guys in the music store where shocked as well. The Recto cab aggressively cut the mids due to its design. We played it loud and soft for a long time with multiple guitars/pickups and different players. The Orange just sounded WAY more balanced and full. Not more bottom end, just full. I think the dimensions of the Orange cab are whats giving it the sound. The speakers are the same in both, V-30s. So my suggestion is to try one out with your 20/20. My Orange cab is on custom order (and its coming in BLACK! instead of that nasty orange color...)

If I can, When I get the cab I'll post some sound clips. I no longer own the Recto cab but still have the Boogie 4X12. I don't think Mesa cabs are bad at all, it's just that I have owned them since '96 and my ears grew tired of the scooped thing. Orange 4X12 is next for me after I get my 2X12.

P.s. some famous players that have used Mesa cabs for years have switched to orange cabs. Specifically Lamb of god. They are huge endorsers of the Mark IVs and they run them now through the orange 4X12. Its worth checking out.
I'm running my 20/20 through a Mesa Thiele cab and a Mesa Compact 1x12 (half-open) both with EVM-12L's. I get punch/bottom-end/throw from the Thiele and a sweeter combo-amp local feel from the half-open. Just tweek L and R volumes to taste!

I'd be kinda interested in hearing a RoadKing 2x12 (1 - v30, 1 - c90) powered by a 20/20. That cabinet does the v30 sealed and the c90 part-open and is wired for stereo operation (I might want to swap the c90 for an EVM though :wink: ).

Thanks for that excellent feedback! So just to check, the Orange 2x12 you used and ordered was the closed back one right? I only see two 2x12's on their website. one is closed and the other is open back. Same V30's inside and closed back, the only other thing it could be is the dimensions of the cab. The Recto 2x12 is very compact, a nice practical advantage, but not at the expense of tone.

One question, can this cab be ordered with different wiring configurations instead of the current 16OHM (stereo or mono?)

Any of you guys tried the Avatar cabs?

vitor gracie said:
With a 20/20 it's a bit different. I played a recto 2X12 cab side by side with a new Orange 2X12 cab and the Orange completely blew it away. I actually was the owner of the Recto 2X12 and the guys in the music store where shocked as well. The Recto cab aggressively cut the mids due to its design. We played it loud and soft for a long time with multiple guitars/pickups and different players. The Orange just sounded WAY more balanced and full. Not more bottom end, just full. I think the dimensions of the Orange cab are whats giving it the sound. The speakers are the same in both, V-30s. So my suggestion is to try one out with your 20/20. My Orange cab is on custom order (and its coming in BLACK! instead of that nasty orange color...)
Orange wont do different impedance settings other then 16 Ohms. I asked already. I don't know...maybe it's a british thing? And yes to the other question it is FOR SURE a closed back cab. I really played it for a long time next to my Mesa 2X12 Recto cab, that alone sold me on the Orange. It is much taller though, so that might be a bad thing for some guys. I actually like the dimensions of the Orange over the Recto's as well. I would never use Orange amps, but they really got it right with their cabs thats for sure. I also have spent several hours at REALLY high volumes with my Roadster and an Orange 4X12. Its absolutely breath taking. My friend is endorsed by Orange and after the session he wanted a Roadster for his cab! LOL!

You will notice "less" lows with the Orange cabs. The Recto line is way bottom heavy to me in general... (which I like) but the Orange cabs are just overall sonicly fuller in the mids and "manage" the lows of the Recto line better to my ears. I never even used the Red setting on the Roadster because I didn't need the bottom and highs pushed. They where already there with the Orange setting on the amp.
Thanks for that. I guess I will probably spec my own Avatar cab. I can get the wiring config I want that way, closed back with V30's or I might mix it up with a G12H30 in there, not sure yet. Their contemporary model is nearly identical dimensions to the Orange 2x12. Hard to believe the Orange is worth all the extra money it would cost, especially after I set it up the way I would need/want it.
I'm reading a lot of good stuff lately about the Mills Acoustics 2x12. Anyone here have any experience with those? I'm thinking load it up with two V30's or perhaps a V30+G12H30 and according to pretty much EVERY reviewer on the net, it sounds incredible in every way. Can't find any used, nobody seems to want to part with theirs.

Anyone using those here?
The other thing I'm starting to wonder about is whether it makes sense to wire a single cab for stereo. I've been hearing some things that unless it has seperate acoustic chambers, then it isn't a great idea to wire it for stereo. I don't really care about stereo sound, but I just want to use both channels of the 20x20 somehow with a 2x12, WITHOUT, compromising the tight sound either. If stereo wiring a single cab will produce mud, then its not going to be the right solution. I imagine if the stereo signal is center panned on each channel, then it will probably be pretty ok. Anyone with experience in this way?

I've used my Traditional 4x12 in stereo for a few years now and haven't really noticed any muddiness vs mono.

I usually use a pair of EV-loaded Boogie Thieles. Otherwise, a oversized Rivera vertical 2x12 that's wired for mono/stereo with Celestions.
jaquetapus said:
I've used my Traditional 4x12 in stereo for a few years now and haven't really noticed any muddiness vs mono.


No muddiness using my single cab in stereo either. The one thing you don't get is the true "stereo" split, the fullness and or richness of sound, but other than that it works great.
Ok, you need this. Best sounding 2X12 I have ever heard..... EVAH!




Woah, that's a huge cab! Makes the rack look almost small! Very nice clean setup, love the roll-a-rack idea. Now we just need some clips!

Yeah, its really laid out in an attempt to be simple for me to use. I have the power conditioner mounted in the back rack rails and the BBE is coming today. I'll rack that right under the power conditioner. I had all this stuff measured out and the weights calculated so that it would all fit in. So in essence, I have 6 rack units inside a 4 space rack with wheels. The MIDI switch fits in the back lid as well as all the chords. I'll try to post clips as soon as I get the BBE in. The cab is really tall like a combo amp almost. It helps the sound out tremendously. I have posted a lot about the differences between that and a standard Dual Rec 2X12. I really feel that after owning the Mesa 2X12 for as long as I did and comparing it to the Orange in the music store for about an hour side by side the Orange has the Mesa beat. But thats just for my uses. Some wont like the tone of the Orange and prefer the crispier scooped thing the Mesa has going on.
vitor - could you show a pic of the back of your rig? I'm in the same boat as Dewd and i'm considering options for a 2x12 to compliment my 20/20 and g major 2 (on the way).

thanks ahead of time.
I run a Genz Benz g-flex 212 cab with my 20/20

loads of bottom end , but not mushy or boomy, clean top end not harsh.
triaxis, mesa 20 and, g-major.
Custom 2x12 eminence cabinet.(the governor and the cannabis rex)
I like it, the sound is different on each speaker.
vitor - do you notice change in your sound (lag, tone, volume) due to the 16ohm impedance?

also, how do you like the Lexicon? I've been looking at the MX400 for some time, but have heard very little from actual users (most folks seem to use TC Electronics line of effects).


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