Studio 22+ very noisy!

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Feb 14, 2006
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I just retubed my Studio 22+ with a full set of JJs. I had always played at bedroom volumes because of bad tubes. Now, out of curiosity, I cranked the master volume to 10. I know these have a reputation for being noisy, but it is VERY noisy once you get past 3. It's white noise, but VERY present/noticeable, to the point where I definitely wouldn't be able to use it on a stage. I took a video (it sounds worse than real life due to the bad mic, but it's still pretty bad):

Any ideas as to the cause? Should I take it to a tech? If these amps are really this loud... does anyone want to buy a Studio 22+ or trade for an old clean quiet fender?
Hi diegs:

I don't know if this apply to your Studio .22+ but when I bought mine ('87 or so), I notice this background white noise too, not too obnoxious but enough to exercise my warranty on it.

It was sent back to the factory. When I received back, the shop claim MESA Boogie factory had this issue on a few Studio .22+. I don't know what it was but ever since it got repair, it plays fine and never had a problem.

A few members should chime in and recommend to install back the original tubes and trouble shoot from them. It could be anything from lose power tubes wait, Studio .22s have that metal cover, hmmmm .... not sure. Maybe need a cap job?
Hi Guys,

There 22+'s are an inherently noisy design, especially in the lead mode (although they sound great).

I don't know the technical reason why....

Can anyone suggest a mod to rectify the problem ?

