Strat PUPS

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"Four types of Lace Sensor were originally manufactured, each with a different output rating and tone:

* Red - (15k) - Hot humbucker output and tone
* Blue - (13k) - Classic humbucker sound, recommended for neck position
* Silver - (9k) - "Fat Strat" sound with raised output
* Gold - (7k) - Classic, bell-like stratocaster tone"

Woops!!!! Open mouth insert foot?

Ok, well I had the values all fragged in my head. I just remember how they sounded to me. That must have been why the gold/ gold/ gold was offered.

I still think that the silver sounded most like a classic strat though. Blue always sounded best in the neck for a smooth tone. I thought it sounded less than the silver to my ears though. I think that the brightness or lack of brightness of the position may have been playing tricks on me if the person that did the contribution for Wikipedia is right. Side by side though playing the blue/silver/red and the gold/gold/gold it appeared that the gold was hotter in the middle position than the silver. The last time I played those Lace Sensors was about 14 years ago. It might just be a bad recollection. I did nail the Red as the hot one though right? What gets me is if the red was supposed to be a hot humbucker then why would they have stacked two of them on the would be fat strat configured one in the bridge position? Isn't that a little overkill considering that the other pickups wouldn't even be close to being balanced?

Thanks for the correction on the info eltrain.
maybe the gold pickup was raised higher on the guitar? i often see the middle pickup raised or lowered on strats to accomodate playing style...
True, I never really took the time to mess with the setup on the guitars that I was checking out the pickups in, other than mine, once I actually bought the pickups and installed them. I still felt that the blue was smoother though than the silver and that the silver felt more like a strat. This can be explained by their positions though and how I had setup the guitar. I noticed that they have made other colors since then. If I get another strat I might check them out again. I primarily play Gibsons though so it might be a while. I do have one strat right now but I am keeping it stock for the real single coil sound and feel.