strange behavior using tube rectifier and 45 watt mode

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
I always have channels 1 and 2 set to ss rectifier, but tonight I tried the tube rectifier setting and noticed odd behavior. If I'm on the 45 watt power setting and flip the switch to tube rectifier, the volumes drops out and then slowly ramps back up. Switching to 10 watt mode the volumes jumps up. Switching back to 45 watt mode and the volumes drops down again. Does the same thing on channels 1 and 2. Also, the volume ramp up is slower using variac power than when using full power, but the drop out and ramp up happens either way. Using ss rectifier there are no drop outs when switching power modes and the volumes are as they should be (10 watt quieter than 45 watt).

Before I buy a new rectifier tube, could some of you test your V and let me know if you get the same results?
Just to follow back, a new rectifier tube sorted out the problem.

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