Stilleto 2x12 Combo Cabinet...need 1 dimension, see 3rd post

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Jammin J

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Sarasota FL
This may be kind of hard to answer.....then again maybe not :D

I'm in the process of building my own 2x12 hardwood cabinet to house my old DSL401 combo. Since the stock DSL401 is only a single 12 and comes with a crappy stock speaker, I am opting to make the custom cabinet a 2x12 with V30's.

I was wondering if anyone had the knowledge of a MB 2X12 sealed combo specifications as far as the speaker chamber goes. I have the outside dimensions to the combo itself (Stilleto 2x12), which is what I'm basing my new cabinet off of.....but I wanted to know some specifics as far as the volume of space that two V30's would need. Since MB is smart enough to run a great speaker right out of the box, I thought someone here might have some of the answers I am looking for. Being that no one I know has attempted what I'm about to do (not that I know a lot of people :lol: ) I'm trying to get as much information as I can.

How large to make the speaker chamber and is it baffled? Pics would be great if anyone has them lying around :mrgreen:

Thanks as always, this board rocks!

I have a 2x12 Rectifier cab. Not sure if this is what you are looking for. Give me a day or so and I can take some pictures and post them for you if no one has any answers. I've always wanted an excuse to get into the guts of the cab anyway.
Maybe this crude sketch will help you all with what I'm looking for. I need the measurement for the distance between the bottom of the cabinet and the top of the speaker chamber.


Once I have that......then the only other thing I could use would be to know if the cabinet has a baffle in it or if it's just the speakers in there.

Thanks again!

Jammin J said:
Maybe this crude sketch will help you all with what I'm looking for. I need the measurement for the distance between the bottom of the cabinet and the top of the speaker chamber.


Once I have that......then the only other thing I could use would be to know if the cabinet has a baffle in it or if it's just the speakers in there.

Thanks again!


Make sure to get the INSIDE measurement because wood thickness takes away from the measurement inside. perhaps you should redraw that to indicate that you want the inside if you want to match it perfectly. A couple inches of wood thickness adjusts the internal volume quite a bit in cabs.
That is a Good point. I had thought of that.....but I'm not hell bent on making an exact copy. I do want to get as close as I can. In doing so, I am making a few assumptions and that will most likely cause some variations.

I had planned on using 3/4" furniture grade Pine or Oak, assuming that is what MB uses as far as wood thickness. If anyone wants to measure their cabinet wood thickness for me, that would be great. I could use a confirmation on that.

I chose the MB design because Marshall seems to only makes open back combos and I wanted the tighter bottom of a closed back design. Due to fact that I don't have access to a MB 2x12 combo to try and base an exact combo off of, I'm forced to try and research it on the web. My findings may vary from the actual and since MB uses different woods than what I plan to use......I am fully expecting it to sound very different than how a MB combo cabinet might sound.

All input is appreciated!


Jammin J said:
That is a Good point. I had thought of that.....but I'm not hell bent on making an exact copy. I do want to get as close as I can. In doing so, I am making a few assumptions and that will most likely cause some variations.

I had planned on using 3/4" furniture grade Pine or Oak, assuming that is what MB uses as far as wood thickness. If anyone wants to measure their cabinet wood thickness for me, that would be great. I could use a confirmation on that.

I chose the MB design because Marshall seems to only makes open back combos and I wanted the tighter bottom of a closed back design. Due to fact that I don't have access to a MB 2x12 combo to try and base an exact combo off of, I'm forced to try and research it on the web. My findings may vary from the actual and since MB uses different woods than what I plan to use......I am fully expecting it to sound very different than how a MB combo cabinet might sound.

All input is appreciated!



I think if you read mesa's site you can get the outside dimensions of a MB cabinet and then you can read the thickness of the wood they use and generate the internal volume from that. So if they say they use 1 and 3/4 inch plywood and they give you dimensions of the outside you can remember that it is 1 and 3/4 inch bigger than the inside dimension on all sides. I think? haha
The Recto stand alone 2x12 is as follows:
H17 1/2 x W30 1/8 x D14 1/4

The Stilleto 2x12 combo is as follows (I know the height would be larger):
H20 3/4 W26 /34 D12 3/4

So the Width and Depth of the two cabinets vary quite a bit

I know that their exterior dimensions for the 1x12 Stilleto Ace combo is exactly the same as dimensions for the 2x12 Stilleto Ace combo........maybe it doesn't make that much difference :?
