stiletto used, question

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
hi all,

Whats a "market rate" for a used 2x12 stiletto combo, 1 yr old? Just won it on ebay for 1175, and the seller is refusing to deliver saying "he didnt want to sell it that cheap".

Sounds like a pretty good price for a used 2x12 but I'm not a market guru.

If you haven't already done so, you should probably contact the officials at eBay. I don't believe that a seller can refuse to sell something to you because he thinks it's going too cheaply. If he didn't want to sell it at the price you have, he should have either put in a high opening bid or put in a reserve level.

Sounds like some sour grapes from the seller.
His email to me was:

I did not set a reserve on my auction, as no one bids on them
when you set a reserve (evidenced by the stiletto up for the third
time as we speak with a reserve of 1399) This amp was 1800
dollars and as much as you may hate me for this i will not let it
go for 1100 bucks. I want 1300 so i will relist with a reserve i
guess. Leave me bad feedback if you like, but im not going to
lose my *** on this. I will leave you positive feedback as if you
bought the amp and everything is ok. My apologies, but i cant
just give it away. Thanks

He says this "was $1800", but i looked in his history and fount he won this amp TWO WEEKS ago on ebay for 1300.

for for a $124 loss he is getting neg feedback, reported to ebay, has to pay to relist as a reserve item (if ebay lets him), plus i was local so i could have given him cold hard cash and saved him packing/shipping trouble. All for $124.

When i told him i would report him, he says:
I am allowed an explanation for your
negative feedback so if you feel like thats the right thing to do,
go right ahead and be the adult you clearly are.

Really pissed here, i am in love with the stiletto and really wanted this. I dont think id take this from him at any price now, just cant trust him.

Or am i overreacting?
Save those emails and submit them to eBay. He seems to pretty clearly admit that he's refusing to sell you an amp that you won through the auction he conducted. For him to say that he'll re-list it now with a reserve after he stated that he didn't put a reserve on the first auction because "no one bids on them" is illogical.

Time to get eBay involved.

Good luck and let us know what happens.
flieger67 said:
Save those emails and submit them to eBay. He seems to pretty clearly admit that he's refusing to sell you an amp that you won through the auction he conducted. For him to say that he'll re-list it now with a reserve after he stated that he didn't put a reserve on the first auction because "no one bids on them" is illogical.

Time to get eBay involved.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

He shouldnt be allowed to list it again in my opinion . Leave the negative feedback and get in touch with ebay
Barry said:
flieger67 said:
Save those emails and submit them to eBay. He seems to pretty clearly admit that he's refusing to sell you an amp that you won through the auction he conducted. For him to say that he'll re-list it now with a reserve after he stated that he didn't put a reserve on the first auction because "no one bids on them" is illogical.

Time to get eBay involved.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

He shouldnt be allowed to list it again in my opinion . Leave the negative feedback and get in touch with ebay

Yep, forget assholes like that, they obviously don't understand how an AUCTION works.
I wouldn't let up on him - just make sure you are extremely diplomatic about the whole thing. No need to throw gasoline on a fire if you know what I'm saying.
its jerks like that guy who make me hate ebay.i refuse to bid on anything ever again as i was scammed out of $ 750 by some ahole who sent me an empty box.
I would report him to ebay and I leave negative feedback. Just be sure to do everything by the books because you are completely right in doing this. Dont do anything more that he can use against you.
btw, I would not buy the amp from him now as I would not trust him.....just teach him a lesson. You are sure to find another one on ebay soon!
Barry said:
flieger67 said:
Save those emails and submit them to eBay. He seems to pretty clearly admit that he's refusing to sell you an amp that you won through the auction he conducted. For him to say that he'll re-list it now with a reserve after he stated that he didn't put a reserve on the first auction because "no one bids on them" is illogical.

Time to get eBay involved.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

He shouldnt be allowed to list it again in my opinion . Leave the negative feedback and get in touch with ebay

I've had to report a seller to eBay in the past, and although the process took a while, it eventually paid off for me in the end.

Please stick to your guns and report this ******* to eBay. Don't do anything further to worsen the situation. You have the upper hand by saving all of his emails, and being able to show that the seller only bought the amp a couple of weeks ago for $1300.

You're doing the whole eBay community a favor by standing up to this prick.

Good luck!
Thanks all!

Ive reported him to Ebay in the "Seller non-performance" complaint field, and attached the emails from him. In thier hands for now, ill let them follow up with him.

So anyone ELSE have a stiletto combo for sale!?!?! :D
rockhound76s said:
I've had to use report a seller to eBay in the past, and although the process took a while, it eventually paid off for me in the end.

Hi Rockhound,

So how did it pay off for you?
I won an auction about 4 years ago, paid the seller, and never received the item. I filed a report with eBay who said they would get in touch with the seller to explain his obligation to sell the item. I also filed a request to obtain the contact info for the seller and was able to contact him by phone (my wife is a lawyer :twisted: ). It took a while (almost 3 months from the start of the original auction), but I finally got my item and had the seller's eBay account suspended.

I don't know how the policies have changed since then, but I hope they have for the better.

Let us know how it goes!
to come back to your topic,

i bought the 2x12 aces one year ago for 14000 HK$ each (nearly 1300 us$)

the shop ordered two more now the 1x12 for 17000 and 2x12 for 18000 HK$

so i expect them to raise in price at auctions as well. your price was extremly good (for you ;-)

hope it helps

ps sorry i am not going to sell any of them
Go after the guy and go after him h ard. He didnt cancel the auction he let it go all the way then said go away...not allowed.
I'm guessing this auction is the same guy, based on the feedback and his description of the amp:

He even mentions the original auction. What an idiot!

"...I listed this item last week and didnt realize that i had no reserve, so, to make a long story short, it went for 1100 and i backed out because i cant afford to lose 400 bucks on this amp. Thus, i relisted the item with a reserve and apologize for the miscommunication."
bsic - if that is indeed the same seller, it looks like he made it an open-and-shut case for you with eBay.

I can't believe that someone would be so stupid as to pull the stunt that this seller did and then re-list the item with an open admission of guilt. Sometimes the depths of stupidity is truly awe-inspiring...

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