Stiletto Ace Combo/Head 112 comparison

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Rocco Stiletto

Active member
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Has anyone had the oportunity to audition the Ace Combo in comparison to the Ace Head & 112 or 212 cab? I've read excellent published reviews about the combos and how huge they sound. Just want to make sure the head/cab would be as effective.

Are the 112 combos a lot to lug? The spec. sheet says 79 lbs.
I own the head and use it as part of a w/d/w rig, running the Ace dry in a 412 cabinet. All the legendary thunder you expect from a British 50 watt half stack is there.

I considered the 112 combo first. It was great, lots of chunk in its delivery. It truly did sound like a stack in the store. I got to try a 212 combo later, and I didn't like it. To me, it just sounded kind of fizzy in the high end on any of the gain settings. Between the 112 and 212 I tried, I would have bought the 112.

OTOH, Platypus on here has a 212 combo and he's elated with it. YMMV
I wonder if you just played a bunk 2x12 or something because to my ears it's everything the 1x12 was but 'more' of it, way more low end... but everyone is different!

The differences are not staggering between the two combos as I've tried out both, if anything the 1x12 as a bit more urgency because you're only driving one speaker instead of two.

Combo sounds like a 4x12 stack to my ears and that's not just marketing hype.. it really made me do a double take. I'd be interested to hear the head version through a 4x12.
I've got the Ace head and through a Recto 4x12 its unbelievably good.Dude the sound is huge for El-34s. Its got as much balls as My Roadster, actually more. Its more detailed and sinister. I run them through the same cab so I'm constantly A/Bing them and Channel 4 Modern on Roadster vs Channel 2 Fluid Gain is intense. Hands down the Ace wins. The Roadster has slightly more chuck but lacks the definition of the Ace. There's plenty of low end for what I need in the Ace. If it had reverb I feel the clean channel is as good if not better than in the Roadster-through a Recto 4x12.I love the simplicity of this amp and the broad range of tones that are in it. I agree with Plats opinion on the 1x12 and 2x12 and hope he gets to rock a 4x12 soon. I ain't dissin' the Roadster dudes its a killer amp with great versatility. I like the Tweed and Fat clean the most. Does it sound like I need a Lonestar Classic? Guess what I'm gassin' for?
I run my Ace 1X12 combo in conjunction with a 2X12 recto. It is ballsy as all get out. It sounds very full and when I wanna go jam I easily just lug the combo because it has more than enough of what I need. You can't go wrong either way with the Ace :wink:
I've got the Roadster (1x12 combo) and I love it! Going this weekend to check out the ACE! I'm just dying to play both of those together!

I'm sure both of them sound awesome through the 4x12 but I've been there and done that with haulin' that stuff around. The 1x12 combos are a little hefty but manageble. And they sound just fine with those closed back cabinets!
Thanks for the replies. I'm leaning towards the 112 combo since I already have a roadcase for easy transport, and its a few hundred dollars less. I have to sell a few things first. Hopefully, this spring I'll make my purchase.
All the published reviews that I've read for the combo have been excellent. So, I think the Ace is the way to go.