SS and Pantera VDOP

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2006
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I'm assuming VDOP was recording with the Randall Warhead and Bill Lawrence pups.

The tones for clean, rhythm and lead on "this love" are fantastic.

Any new Randall amps out now that can get close to these sounds from this album (minus the whammy, wah, etc.)?

i'm interested in buying a SS amp (not hybrid). no more tube worries :)

that amp has built-in digital effects as well. my buddy at the studio got one for around $600!
On VDOP Dime used some old Randall SS heads. I can't remeber the exact model but they were from around that time period. He also use a furman pq-3 eq along with a mxr eq pedal to boost the front of the amp.

The new randalls from the last 3 or 4 years arn't (in my opinion) as good as some of the ones that came around around the same time as the Warhead. The Cyclone is also a good head to use, it's basiclly a warhead without the built in effects. I had a cyclone for about a year and with an overdrive pedal got some **** good dime tones. All in all I used Randall for the last four years and never had a problem with any of the ones I had (V-Max,RH200,T2,RM100,RM4,Cyclone).

If I had to play something other than a Mesa I would pick Randall in a minute.
Dime used a Century 200 on VDOP and FBD. These amps were also briefly made under the RG200ES name. Both amps are pretty rare, and when they do pop up, they fetch a pretty penny. Cowboys and Trendkill were recorded with a RG100ES. That amp pops up on Ebay pretty regularly and gor for as little as $150. With all these amps, Dime used a lot of outboard gear. The PQ3, MXR 6 band EQ, MXR Doubler, etc. The amp alone gets no where near Pantera tone. Like stated in the previous post, a Cyclone with a boost is **** near Pantera sound. Add a doubler and it will nail it. I have a Cyclone now, and have owned 2 RG100ES's, and a RG200ES. The older amps just need too much to get em to sound modern.
rabies said:
I'm assuming VDOP was recording with the Randall Warhead and Bill Lawrence pups.

Actually, I don't even think that the warhead was in production when VDOP was recorded. I could be wrong, but I believe that the amp was release in the late 90s, and VDOP was recorded in 1991 (released in early 1992).
well whatever rig and gtr/pups he used it absolutely totally kicks ***. maybe the 12's and 15's too?

i wonder if there's a GW or GP article (official) on this...

also, what's a doubler? is that an ocatve effect? perhaps I have that in my G major...

what's cool is when dimebag does full step bends (or more?) and adds vibrato with his left fingers.

I could never do that (even after 15 yrs of playing gtr). but never really practiced it either i guess.

there's a solo in planet caravan, totally badass man.
Get an ampeg vh-140C. More gain than you'll ever need. I'm not a pantera fan but this was the go-to amp for early 90s death metal. Plus they're cheap. Equally good are the Randall RG100es.
I agree I had a AMPEG VH-140C and they sound great, it has killer distortion, reverb, and chourus I wish I would have kept that amp but in pursuit of a different tone I went to a tube amp dual rectifier so I got rid of it.
The Swank said:
Dime used a Century 200 on VDOP and FBD. These amps were also briefly made under the RG200ES name. Both amps are pretty rare, and when they do pop up, they fetch a pretty penny. Cowboys and Trendkill were recorded with a RG100ES. That amp pops up on Ebay pretty regularly and gor for as little as $150. With all these amps, Dime used a lot of outboard gear. The PQ3, MXR 6 band EQ, MXR Doubler, etc. The amp alone gets no where near Pantera tone.

You totally nailed it. I have owned 3 Randall RG100ES, and on their own they pretty much sound like garbage.

I would love to own a Century 200 though. I have only seen MAYBE 4 on eBay in the last 5 years. Like you said, very very rare.

Dean is coming out with the Dime amp, which is basically an exact replica of a Century 200. YouTube has vids.
Fairly simple setup.

Century 200
mxr 6 band (blue) - front
Furman PQ-4 - front
MXR Flanger/Doubler - Loop
You will NEED a noise gate up front after the mxr and the pq4

Rg100HT was used for CFH and trendkill.
Century 200 for VDOP, FBD, RTS
He went to a pq-3 for trendkill. Pq4 was used for all albums before that.

I owned 2 Century 200s and 1 RG200ES and recently sold them for top dollar. I think I got over 900 for each of them. Be prepared to pay big if you want one.

You would actually be better off getting a Randall X2 and putting a Flanger/Doubler in the loop. I have also heard that the Madison Divinity amps are spot on Dime tone too.

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