Speaker/Tone Advice

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
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I have a Mesa/Boogie .50 Caliber + Combo with a Celestion Black Shadow C-90.

I play Metal, I have a Metallica type tone going, it's decent, but still room for tweaking

I want to change the stock C90 with a Vintage 30, do you think it will make a difference? I know I really need a closed back cab with V30's but will the single V30 in my combo help do you think?

BTW, if anyone has a .50 Caliber + try this settings, they're pretty sick!

Volume 8.5
Master 2 (or higher if needed)
Lead Master 2 (or higher if needed)
Treble 7
Bass 1.5
Middle 3
Reverb 0
Presence 2

80 Middle Line
240 Middle Line
750 Half way between Middle and Bottom line
2200 Middle Line
6600 Slight boost 1/8" up from the Middle line (MAX)

These are the DYERS EVE settings which are posted somewhere here/various places online that James used on his C+, I thought I'd try em on my .50 Cal+ and they also sound sick!

Sorry no sound clips, don't have the tools/cable etc...
I don't have any experience w/ 50 cals or even c90's for that matter, but...

I tried some v30's with my mark4 and I really didn't like them. they have a nice mid scoop to them, yet at the same time they're very upper-mid harsh. I've heard ppl call the m4 very bright, so that could be part of the "problem". I had EV's in the cab before and they sounded good, but a little too midrangey for me. I'm using t-75's right now and they're definitely better than the v30's (for me). I'm waiting on a pair of t-100's right now...

If you want 2 v30's I'm selling mine ;)
What are you trying to change about your tone? More highs, lows, mids? Less?

Also, keep in mind, the V30 is only a 60 watt speaker. Your 50 cal can push it to the limit and beyond if you play loud all the time. I'd suggest a 2x12 with dual V30's if you want that tone.

As stated above, I find the V30 to be a little more harsh sounding on upper mids and high end compared to the C90. V30's sound fantastic with darker sounding amps like recto's, but Mark's and DC's can get a bit brittle with them IMO.

I really like the EVM12L and Eminence Delta Pro 12A with my MKIV. The EVM12L is clear and punchy, and the Delta Pro 12A is fat and smooth. Together they sound huge in my thiele cabs.
Hmm okay, I just assumed the V30 was the way to go. I hear they are very clear?

I would like more low end and clarity.

Question with the V30 being 60 watts, does that mean I can turn my volumes up a bit more to push the tubes without going deaf? Or will I end up damaging the V30 that way?

Thanks for the replies!
V30 will be a bit more "clear" sounding, but you'll probably need a closed back or ported cab for more bass. Give the EVM12L a try. It's very clear, smooth, and has great bass.

As for the wattage rating, a lower rating doesn't mean it will be less loud. 25 watt greenbacks are still loud as hell. The rating simply specifies the highest RMS power level at which the speaker can safely run for extended periods of time without risk of damage. Pushing a speaker harder than it's rating can damage the speaker, but different speakers respond very differently, so it's hard to say exactly what will happen. A well made speaker can take quite a bit of abuse, but its usually better to play it safe than sorry. Many folks recommend using a speaker load that is rated at least twice the amps output rating.

Loudness has more to do with a speaker's frequency response, efficiency, and sensitivity, as well as the listening environment. For a lower volume, you'll either have to feed the speakers less power (turn the amp down) or use a power brake/hot plate/dummy load to soak up some of the extra power.
For low end tightness and clarity, EVM12L is THE way to go. The EVM has that solid bottom that is always focused, never flubby, and it stays solid even when the volume goes way up. It also has clarity up top without ever being harsh. And as you're into metal, this is a no-brainer, IMHO, as scooped tone will thunder from this speaker. It is that good, IMHO.

If you want to kick it up a notch or 3, get a Thiele Cab loaded with an EVM and run it along with your combo's MC90. It is an amazing combo where the smooth/musical mids of the MC get augmented by the authoritative bottom and upper crispness of the EVM-Thiele. I sit my thiele atop my DC5 combo whenever I get the chance ...it is a glorious combination that you must hear to believe. I know all this sounds like hyperbole, but it really is an impressive combo that honestly rivals a good 412 cab.

I'll try to record some samples tomorrow (but I don't promise anything) with my mdf-cab on v30, marshall cab - same speakers, mesa halfback cab - c90/ev12l.

Maybe my EV12L speakers are too old ('85) but compared to V30s there is no bass. OK, there is bass, but not so huge like in V30s. With halfback mesa - they sound horrible for me. I like heavy sound.
Anyway, both speakers don't sound harsh with my Mark IV. You have to get some marshall amps to understand what "harsh" means ;)

EV12L/C90 combo sounds very clear, and mids are smooth (imho), with mesa cab you can cut through very good but if you like heavy sound or nice, full, round cleans ... i think v30 is better(it depends on your taste).

V30 has got MUCH more treble (harsh) sound, but it doesn't affect Mark IV too much :) Like I said, it could be problem with Marshalls etc.

GT-75, no V30 harshness, very nice mids & highs, tight bottom, but not so heavy like V30. I like them in standard cab. I hope I will record some samples with GT75 too.
Thanks for all the great replies, I appreciate the input!

I look forward to the sound clips!

Is this the SAME EVM12L speaker you guys are mentioning:
(13MB). File will be deleted after 7 days.

Samples suck, you can call it "epic fail"... :lol:
It was recorded by my buddy, he used studio project b1 condenser microphone placed 2m away from speakers to record everything. It was very bad idea :oops: :?
waste of time :(

I've tried V30s in mesa halfback. There was only middle & treble & little bass(anyway, better(more) than EV12L), so it can be cab problem too.

Samples suck because we wanted to record BASS, and there is no bass :D
Tone is dry, doesn't sound like these amps at all. etc...
Marshall 6100 in these samples has no bass, this is ridiculous ;d
Useless samples....

Believe me, my v30s have better bass response than ev12l/c90, maybe they're damaged, I don't know. Everything sounds fine (except bass) - there is clarity, nice mids, subtle highs and smashing effinency(very loud).
IMHO (MY) Mesa Halfback simply sucks, don't know why. Just too bright.
Even Marshall 1960 unmounted back panel sounded better.

My old samples (imho slightly better) :p
http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&batch_id=bVlCVWRqY1M4Q1FLSkE9PQ (single rectifier + mdf v30)

http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&batch_id=bVlCVWRoZ1BwcFVLSkE9PQ (marshall 6100+ mdf v30)

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