Speaker Recommendation for LSS

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
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South Florida
I've read through a lot of the speaker posts on the board, but none seemed to address exactly the advice I'm looking for. I play mostly classic rock and blues. I love the clean, Fenderish sound of the LSS channel 1 and don't want to lose that. I use the clean channel strictly clean with plenty of head room. Channel 2 is fine for what I have been using it for, and that is, I have it set a little dirty, then I use various pedals to push channel 2 in different tonal directions.

I have just modded the amp to put the DRIVE switch on a footswitch and now that I'm using the DRIVE stage of channel 2, I am hearing what I think others refer to as that "farty" sound and really don't like it at all. I never really get to crank this amp, so that may have something to do with it. Even playing at rehearsals and live, the amp is mic'd, so the master on channel 2 is always around 10 or 11 o'clock. So, will a different speaker help to tighten up the bottom end of channel 2? Can you recommend a speaker that will do that without losing the sound of channel 1 that I like? Thanks for any pointers.
I know I've said this before but Celestion Blues (or Golds probably) are a great fit for the LSS in my opinion. Rather than make it sound Vox-y, as you'd think with a Blue mixed with EL84's, the Blue just tightened up the bottom for me and helped emphasize the upper mids. It didn't change the character of the amp for me, it just cleaned up the eq. Channel 1 still sounds like the best Fender amp you've ever played and Channel 2 still retains it's unique voice.
Steve73 said:
I know I've said this before but Celestion Blues (or Golds probably) are a great fit for the LSS in my opinion.
Thanks for this suggestion. I notice that the Blue is a 15W speaker. Are you recommending a single Blue for my 30w combo? Or does the Celestion Blue come in other power ratings? Thanks for additional info. Here's the link for the Celestion Blue for others following this thread:
axman53 said:
I notice that the Blue is a 15W speaker. Are you recommending a single Blue for my 30w combo? Or does the Celestion Blue come in other power ratings?
Ah, I see the Gold is rated at 50W. Here's the link for the Celestion Gold:

Holy cow! Pricey speaker that Gold!!! I'm seeing prices around $289 or so. Yikes! Is there Weber you like that comes close to the Celestion Gold? I'll keep shoping around on the Gold though.
Yeah, I have an LSS head with a 2x12 cab. Definitely go with the Gold in a 1x12 format. They are pricey indeed but sound great.

I don't have any experience with Weber but a lot of people seem to really like them. Maybe someone who's used the Weber alnico's can chime in.
I emailed the Weber folks and asked them which of their speakers came closest to the Celestion Gold 50W and they suggested their Alnico Blue Dog 50W, which makes sense now that I've done some research on Alnico versus Ceramic. For others who may be following this thread, I came across this email from Ted Weber (now deceased as it turns out):

= = = begin included email = = =
Re: Ask Ted Weber
« Reply #46 on May 25, 2007, 6:49pm

Yes, all of our ceramics are 1 to 3 db hotter than the AlNiCo version. So, typically, they have more volume, punch, headroom, and dynamics. They can get a little edgey at high volumes, where the AlNiCo will roll over and soften the edge. -- Ted
= = = end included email = = =

So, I can go the extra $90 or so and get the CG or pocket the difference and get the Weber Blue Dog Alnico. Still thinking about that. Meantime, I'm sure the reason Weber recommended the 50W version of the Weber Blue Dog Alnico is because I asked them what was closest to the CG, which is a 50W speaker. The LSS is rated at 30W and Weber does indeed have 30W version of the Weber Blue Dog Alnico. So, what difference should I expect between the 30W and 50W version of the same Weber speaker? Here's what the Weber site states: "As with all Weber speakers, the higher the power rating, the warmer and smoother the speaker. The 15 watt is aggressive, bright, with a strong midrange crang. At the other end, the 100 watt is warm, smooth, yet is detailed and clear with very good definition."
Additional comments, anyone?
I put a Celestion Gold in my LSS last year and I love it. I don't think you can go wrong with choosing a CG or a Blue Dog 50W...
I am very happy with my EV SRO coffee cans. I have no if this is true but, an EV tech told me the CG is very similer to the old SRO in sound comparison. I found a set on ebay $75 ea. Ive got my pair in separate 1x12 cabs and a head, this works out nice for small and larger gigs. One thing they are heavy buggers.
HI there I can highly recommend a little pedal called "rothwell atomic booster" Ive been ranting on about it on another post but it really tightens up the bass and clears things up, it works great at low volumes too! I cant praise it highly enough! Its saved me from resorting to the reeder mod on my 2 day old lonestar.
I have been using an Emi Wizard and a Rt 66 Comp. Sounds a whole lot bigger, still Fendery and plenty of sparkle. Last night at rehearsal the LSS just sang clean and just a little dirty on the Drive channel.
Great speaker for the LSS
Have you considered Jensen Mod 12-70 or 12-110? You just might be pleasantly surprised.
I found the stock speaker to have a harsh highend when using od pedals or the drive channel.
I had a Jensen C12K that I've used in several other amps and it made it a whole new amp. I liked it before but now I'm selling my others.
Well, I ordered a Celestion Gold for my Lonestar Special 1x12 combo; it should be here next week. I will post my findings here after the switch. Anyone else care to comment on their experiences swapping out the stock Special speaker?
I've just fitted my Celestion Gold in the last couple of days. Bearing in mind that it's still breaking in, my initial impressions are that its a much fuller sound with no harshness in the higher frequencies. There is no mud in the lower frequencies either. This is a *significant* upgrade to the Lonestar Special, it's just a shame it's so costly!
Wow, I do not have to wait until Monday as I expected; Fed Ex delivered my Gold Today!

As to Axman's question; I had to remove the lower panel on the back and the two middle el84's and that was it -easy. I do not do this stuff often and I was nervous about it but I am saying - easy.

As to my very early impressions, I completely agree with fox5150; this is a significant upgrade and he describes the differences well. The sound of channel 1 is much closer now to my Dr Z Maz 18 if that helps describe it for you (which, imo is a very good thing). Channel 2 is tighter and bigger sounding as well.

That's all I have for now - time to break it in more....
Im looking at the Celestion Golds for my LSC 2x12 (going by the high praise there getting on here), seems they dont go past 50 watts, Would these still be ok seeing as the stock drivers are rated at 90 watts?
I noticed Fane do alcino speakers with 100 watt rating, there very pricey though, even more so than the Celestion Golds!!!! Gee and I need to buy 2 of them! Anybody got any thoughts on these?
Also has anyone tried speakers with neodymiuim magnets? and what do you think?

Thanks in advance you kind knowledgeable people :D

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