Speaker Recommendation for LSS

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About the clean headroom; I can tell you that with my LSS 1x12 I did notice what to my ears is more clean headroom. I would say that the largest reason for this is the gold being a much better speaker, in my opinion. The gold is warmer sounding with non-bright (but clear/clean) highs and has much fuller and tighter bass so the perception from that is more clean headroom. I can only imagine that two gold's in your LSC with your higher power will yield you even more of what I am attempting to describe to you; more clean headroom :). Most here who have made the switch to the gold comment that they notice the greatest improvement in channel 2 with some drive. While I agree that channel 2 is noticeably improved, I really noticed and appreciated channel 1's improvement more and the clean headroom addition along with the fuller, tighter and warmer would be (for me) the reason why.

Thanks for the advice!
I was speaking to Derek at Watford Valves today, he was saying the golds are the best all-rounder and the Fane's offered the best smoothness!
You can hear demos of all the speakers on his website;
Just hit "sound factory" at bottom of page. They were all recorded using a Les Paul fitted with Duncan 59's.
I think im slightly leaning towards the Fane's :)
Thanks again for the advice, Much appreciated.
Anybody try a Jensen Blackbird yet? In anything? Looks interesting.
Well I am expecting some negative responses to this, but here goes.....I have an LSS, 2x12, with both Reeder mods. Great amp that has really grown on me. But, it is just too heavy; I recently had to take it upstairs as I had workmen in downstairs, and I could not believe how difficult it was to move, and I want to get back to gigging this year. I also fancied making it a bit brighter as I usually have bass very low and treble very high. So I decided to try some neo speakers. It is actually impossible, (I'm sure someone will say otherwise!) to get anything other than Jensen or Celestion Century Vintage neos in the UK, (without importing from the US). Anyway I ended up with a pair of Celestion Century Vintage Neos, (and how that happened is a whole other story, and I was not sure if I should fit them as the MC90s are pretty good). So tonight I sat with the Neos in their boxes and thought ah bugger it, and took the combo to pieces, and an hour or so later it was fitted with the neos. I turned the amp on, and it worked and didn't blow up. I was expecting it to sound crap really and to have no bottom end and ice picky treble.........Well no actually. It sounded a bit brighter, but pleasingly so, no ice pick, maybe not quite as loud as with the MC90s but very close, and really very good. I am very impressed, sounds very good, not hugely dissimilar to the stock speakers, and at almost 14 pounds lighter, I can move the amp MUCH easier. I am so far very pleased and look forward to the speakers breaking in. I hope this is of some use to others who were wondering about fitting Neos........
Cheers Thom, was wondering about neo magnets.
Im putting some money aside for new speakers, had kinda settled on some Fane Axa's but now you got me thinking....
Cheers for the info!
handyandy said:
Cheers Thom, was wondering about neo magnets.
Im putting some money aside for new speakers, had kinda settled on some Fane Axa's but now you got me thinking....
Cheers for the info!

After a few days I have a bit more info on the neos. Firstly I mostly use channel 2 and it sounds really good, the drive being a bit smoother and more to my taste.

(As an aside here I appreciate that people with stock lonestars will probably be thinking why get a lonestar, do both the reeder mods and then swap out the speakers when you could have just bought a different amp in the first place, but that is a whole different discussion!).

So I switched to the clean channel and it was one of those, oh no, what the f@%* have I done moments. The sound had no punch or presence. My immediate thought was to turn the volume up, but that wasn't helping. After a bit of twiddling, the solution was to just crank the mid control. I used to have the mid control at 9 o'clock 'ish on both channels. I find with the celestion neos that I need the mid on about 1 o'clock on channel 1 and it sounds great. The distortion channel sounds good with the mid on 9, but I find I can crank the mid to 1 or 2 for some very thick drive sounds.

Anyway, hope this is of interest. One of the main reasons for doing the swap to neos was to reduce the weight of the combo and also to brighten the distortion up a bit and so far I think it is a successfull experiment and I am very happy with it. Now it just remains to be seen if things improve as the speakers break in, and yes I intend to keep them in the amp for the forseeable future.
axman53 said:
fox5150 said:
I've just fitted my Celestion Gold in the last couple of days.
Does the chassis have to be removed to swap the speaker out? Thanks.
Not is not necessary very easy to change the Speaker, me too i have upgraded to Celestion Gold 12¨50WATS but pherhaps Weber blue dog 50WATS work great too or even better, not sure i just have ear samples of the Weber it seems too have more middles high response than the Celestion but has i said before i have just ear samples of the Weber, anyway Celestion Golds are very expressive great reponse to your dynamique playing. And love them
axman53 said:
I've read through a lot of the speaker posts on the board, but none seemed to address exactly the advice I'm looking for. I play mostly classic rock and blues. I love the clean, Fenderish sound of the LSS channel 1 and don't want to lose that. I use the clean channel strictly clean with plenty of head room. Channel 2 is fine for what I have been using it for, and that is, I have it set a little dirty, then I use various pedals to push channel 2 in different tonal directions.
Giving this thread a bump to see if there is any new favorite to replace the LSS stock speaker. Based on the great responses to this thread, I'm leaning toward the Celestion Gold at this point. But since I posted this, I've come across some speaker choices that no one has mentioned. So, I'm asking now if anyone has tried any of the Tone Tubby 12" speakers in their LSS or LSC. Also, I notice Weber now has the California and Chicago speakers which I hadn't come across before. Any additional input on these speakers would be welcome. Thanks!

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