Son of Boogie: thoughts?

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Feb 26, 2010
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I've been offered a 112 SOB combo in a trade. I'm having trouble finding much about them, what the consensus on them is, how much they sell for, etc.

I have a Mark V and a pre-500 Dual Rec so bases are well covered so to speak but I do love Mesas so one more is always welcome - if its a decent amp...

I won;t have a chance to play it first, its a long distance trade. And I did try and search the forum before I posted this with no luck.

Thanks for the help!
It has moderate pre-amp gain at best. More like a Silver Face Fender with an overdrive pedal.

... now that I said that, Mark I up to the Mark IIB are the Boogies' that sound closest to an original Fenders if this is your cup of tea (like me). I mean other Boogies with tweaking could sound like Fender but these amps from the get go sounds like Fender with midrange and gain.

Gosh, how much watts 60? 100? I think these has $600 market value. Just off of the top of my head. Hope other chime in that's more familiar with these amps.
Although these amps are considered the "red-headed step child" of the Boogies,which keeps the prices down,I think they are great.I own one,although I havent seen it in about 10 years,it was loaned to a good friend when I got my IIC+.With the right tubes and a simple bias adjust they are every bit as good as a MKI.People complain about the limit knob,but its easy enough to turn it to zero.I had the 60/100 watt version and never needed the 100 watts,its plenty loud.I made a simple A/B switch and its channell switchable.Dont know what you are looking to trade for it or if you are capable of tweaking it yourself,so the usual considerations of a "long distance deal" would apply.They can be found in the 500 to 600 dollar range.
Great amp I have one that is the 60/100 with the limiter. Limiter is a great tool if you use it right. For a 1X12 it is a power beast and can stand with anything out there, with the right tubes it is great sounding amp. I wouldn't value it over $600, but as far as a circuit board amp goes it is a work horse that has never let me down.
I just bought one of these on ebay. Owned an SOB halfstack as a kid. Can't wait for my 1-12 sob combo to arrive.
Gigged with my SOB last night. 60 watter with reverb. Anybody who thinks these amps are no goood needs his head examined
Only boogie out of 11 i still own...60 watter no reverb. It's like a high wattage fender but much better. More mids and the ability to overdrive it without pedals. Input 2 is straight up vintage Fender, Input 1 is "boogie" cascaded gain. Awesome amps...
I had an SOB built by Mesa back in 1985. It's still my main gigging amp. A tank. Period. I've never had a single issue with it. Changed the filter & bias caps 5 years ago for the first time because I knew I should... not because I had to. Mine is Simul-class (15watt class-A or add in 60watt class-AB for a 75watt beast). Mesa Blackshadow speakers came stock (rated at 150 watts....huge headroom on power rating.) Some have EVs as an upgrade. There is no venue too big for an SOB. The 'limit' allows you to get some power tube saturation at low volumes (actually current starvation....but similar type distortion). Input 2 is clean. Input 1 is in series with input 2(cascaded gain stages), and produces much more than overdrive as someone said above.... not shred metal distortion.... but solid singing tube distortion for sure. The one negative? Not only built like a tank, but just as heavy. :wink:

I have a 67 bassman and a 70 Bandmaster. Love them too, but love the SOB the most. These amps are amongst the most under-rated of all tube amps and a deal at $600. Grab one and never let it go!