Soldano HR50 vs. Mesa Single recto

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Sep 5, 2008
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Eastern USA
I am kicking around the idea of getting me a Soldano Hot Rod 50 BUT......does it offer anything "tonally" that my Mesa Single Solo 50 can't deliver ? Anybody out there own or have owned both of these amps to give some good insight ? :roll:
A DR and a HR50 are very different animals. In my opinion neither can come close to the other's tone. HR50s have mids and upper-mids like modded Marshalls. It's notably a different voicing from the DR.
white snakeskin tolex

it comes with a pair of tight leather pants :lol:

It's not the best sound quality, but it's a direct comparison between the two.
sixtonoize said:

It's not the best sound quality, but it's a direct comparison between the two.
:?: What is a Soldano Hot Rod 50 Avenger? It looks like an Avenger in the video.
coppa said:
white snakeskin tolex

it comes with a pair of tight leather pants :lol:

Metaphorically speaking, you couldn't be more right.
If I'm not mistaken, the Avenger is a 100 watt HR50 with the depth mod. I even think it was intended to replace the 50 at one point.
vatoben said:
coppa said:
white snakeskin tolex

it comes with a pair of tight leather pants :lol:

Metaphorically speaking, you couldn't be more right.
If I'm not mistaken, the Avenger is a 100 watt HR50 with the depth mod. I even think it was intended to replace the 50 at one point.
Pretty much. The Avenger is a single channel HR50 with no loop, an adjustable depth mod, the Warren Haynes mod, and 100 W. There are variations with different fronts and you can order them direct with a loop. I think the Avenger rules and is tighter than my Tremoverb with more upper mids and the Soldano sizzle.
Soldanos, at least the SLO100 I've played have the trademark sound that I thought Mesa was supposed to have. I don't know I really loved the SLO which is the inspiration for all our rectifiers I'm quite positive, but yeah it's just got that luster over it that gives it a thick liquidy sound even on a chord and makes me want one more and more. The head is as expensive if not more than my RKII combo but that's beside the point.
I've owned 3 DR, two 2 channel models and a 3 channel model. I've also owned a Avenger and the Avenger owned all 3 DR bigtime. If thae Avenger had a clean channel I woulda kept it.
Get a Lucky 13 if you want Clean & SLO distortion.

Very well made, and with 2 extremely small mods, the distortion channel will have SLO gain & tone with Reverb and an incredible Clean channel.

They are cheap too if you can find a used one because they do not have the SLO gain unless modded, so most Soldano guys don't find them that appealing. If they only knew! :lol:
i bought a single rec and then stretched my budget when i found a soldano HR50 (not a +, mine is the single channel version), the single was a nice amp but the HR50 suited me better, i've since bought a 2 ch dual rec but the HR50 is still number 1, i like that it has that hot marshall feel.

if i had to describe it to someone i'd say it sounds like a hot rodded 800 with more bottom end and excellent clarity even under gain.

I love it so much that i'm not sure i'll even keep the dual rec (might try EL34's and see if i change my mind)

a HR50+ will give you the 2 channels!