So who is keeping their Mark V?

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You,re definately not the only one, I am!

I don,t post in em, but I,ve read in amusement the threads concerning how close are the Mark 5,s modes to the originals, which amp is best, etc.

Those totally subjective opinions can be debated and argued to the end of this forum...and that,s alright I suppose, as long as folks don,t get all bent out of shape, and take it all seriously, because at the end of the day, what is it that only matters?

If you & your ears enjoy and are pleased with your amp or not...that,s it, that is it, and that,s all it ever should be...anything else would be absolutely ridiculous. Not, "it,s not even close" or, "it,s exactly like it man!".

The Mark 5 is just a guitar amplifier, that "you, you and you" may like, and "you, him or her" may not...but it,s just guitar gear & playing music, not cancer treatment or world peace.

Like it? keep it! Found that you did,nt like enough after all? Sell it, and try something else! Easy enough, right? :)

Until the day comes, if it comes, that my ear is not pleased anymore with what I,m hearing, my Mark 5 has a home with me. I believe that just as with a new guitar, one must learn to play a new amplifier, especially if (as in my case) it differs greatly in feel and response from the last one that they owned/played.

I,ve had sufficient time to do that now, and the Mark 5 fits my hands quite nicely! :D
I had my mark v head for about two months now!!!!! i could'nt be happier :D

this amp covers everything :wink: amazing, amazing!!!!!!!!!
It's been two months as well. Had the time to figure it out better and, no it's not perfect because there are too many variables at play (guitar, speakers, cables, tubes, ear wax!!) but its a dawn good amp. I could not care less if it sounds like amp x or amp Y. I play all kind of style and I want versatility and I got it. It's my first Boogie. I had THDs, Koch and now the MkV. Beside sound, I also wanted some modern features. This MkV has what it needs to make my life easier. For now I'm happy. And since I'm not married to the MarkV who knows in 5 years what I will fall for. I presumed I'm not the only guitarist with GAS attack. Am I?
I can't stop playing on that thing! Help!

My tone gets better every tone I ever had.

I am keeping my head.

I sold my Triaxis, 2:90, G Force, Ground Control Pro to get this amp. I actually tried it out first at the Mesa Hollywood store before I bought it and sold my gear.

Tonight is my first gig with it. I play in a 90's rock cover band and we are playing a 2 hour outdoor show in Malibu Hills at a winery. It is a free show, come on down if you are in the area. It is off of Kanan and Mulholland Highway!!!
bpm91 said:
Keeping it. I haven't even touched my Roadster since I got this amp.

I kept both!!!! but right now the mark v is getting most of the playing :idea:
thegaindeli said:
I've decided to sell mine... It's on ebay now. I've decided to try the Cornford MK50H II. If I don't like the MK50H II, I may find myself back into a MKV?


Classic man... :mrgreen:
I'm keeping mine for sure!...Now that I have both a Mark V head and a Roadster 2x12 combo, I'm living in a TONE dream!...Next up, a Stiletto head! :D
I am keeping it, no doubt!! I am keeping my Mark IV's as well. I don't need to sell everything I have each time a new amp comes along, I believe in keeping them all :mrgreen:

Actually, I am really diggin' on the Mark V. It has replaced the Mark IV in my gigging rig, at least for now. I can pretty sure it will stay, because I can get more variety of tones from the Mark V, so why not use it? Plus, I am just beside myself with the solo feature!! That is the ****!! I was using the EQ on my Mark IV as a boost for solo's. Now, I can actually use the EQ on the Mark V for EQing, what a concept :oops:

Now, what's next :?
I'm keeping mine.

Using Mark IV mode with preset EQ for rhythm, Mark I with graphic EQ for leads and Fat mode for my cleans.

Also going to get a Lehle D Loop so that I can have 2 effects loops. One with Ernie Ball volume pedal for the rhythm tone
and one with an OD and MXR delay for my lead tone.

They are also bringing out a channel switcher next year that can be synced to the D loop so that you press one button to change effects loop and channels. Kind of like having a multi effects board but with good analog tone. Genius!
Azrehan said:
They are also bringing out a channel switcher next year that can be synced to the D loop so that you press one button to change effects loop and channels. Kind of like having a multi effects board but with good analog tone. Genius!

Where did you get this info? Sounds cool!
I'm keeping mine. The Mark V is one of the best investments I've ever made. I think it can be handed down for generations to come if it is well cared for.

I'm keeping my MkV head because I always knew I would... no doubt about it. However, I was sticking to the MKIIC+ mode too much and was missing something even though it sounded great. When I went to the Extreme mode I knew I was home. I was staying away from those because I still have my Mark IV, but now I took the Mark IV out of my rack and put it back in the combo so I can have the same tones from combo to head/4x12. I'm also using the same pedalboard and swap out the Mesa foot switches.

I played my Roadster the other day, but am now thinking of selling that.

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