So. Is a Blue Angel "Pure Class A"

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No, it is not true Class A operation. And the louder you turn it up the "more" Class AB it becomes. So? Tone is tone. I looked up tone in the dictionary and there was a picture of a Blue Angel! I just paid mine off, tomorrow the credit card interest would have started. Now I can save a bit and try to figger out where the hum is coming from. I don't think it is the tubes, the only ones I haven't changed are the 6v6s. I will send it back to Mesa if need be, the Maverick is running sweetly at the moment and the Subway is in reserve. I put a Peavey Scorpion Ultra in it and it is so much louder it is unreal. Could easily gig with just the 2 6V6 setting. The efficient speaker made the hum louder too so that sucks. I bet when I get all my amps working my guitar breaks!!
Yea, I knew that when I posted the thread 6V6, just stirring the pot.

So how goes the Motown gig? Man I hope you get the Blue Angel fixed soon, you're gonna LOVE it in a live situation. It really shines at stage volume. Mine works every weekend, and my previous amp, a Fender Prosonic (Bruce Zinky design) that'll do Class A with 6L6's, and has a normal channel, and a dual cascading gain channel, hasn't left the house since I got the Angel. And I really liked it until "she" came into my life.

Best of luck to you.

Hey Murph, the Motown gig is going great. I really fell into one of the best bands in the area. They are booked by an agency so there is no slogging it out in the trenches and no BS. We played at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club last Friday for the Bellingham Dance Club! There was NOBODY sitting and most of them were singing along. It ends up being about 30+ gigs a year, just right for me.

The band is solid, great players and performers. They have a practice/storage place, a van, two PA systems (large and small) and we all wear the same outfit on stage. No alcohol or drug problems, it is just fun! Best of all, they just let me play whatever I want, if I go berserk on some post Hendrix/Jeff Beck style rantings they just think it's great. Gotta learn a few signature parts but what else is new? I am looking forward to sparking up the Angel, hard to beat a Maverick with vintage tubes and a JBL G125 speaker tho.
:D You guys are making me want to get the Blue Angel out and give it a whirl again. I haven't used mine in months.

I have a 1x12 combo. What speaker would you guys reccomend? It has an English Celestion Heritage 30 in it right now that really shines on the clean stuff, but is lacking when an overdrive pedal is used.
Mines a 1;12 combo. I bought it from a guy in California that had put in a Neo, and sold the original. I let him keep his Neo and bought it without a speaker.

I put in a Vintage 30 because I'd had good luck in the past with them and was in a rush to hear it. It got just a few hours play and went straight to work. I gig every weekend, though many just 1 night, so it broke in at stage volumes which is a good thing. I love everything about the amp including the v30. The only reason I'll pull it out and replace it is if I continue getting mad at the Communist Chinese for trying to poison my child, and, oh yea, my dog. At which point I'll take the rest of my Chinese tubes and shoot them with my American Ruger 44 magnum.

Sorry, got off track.

The V30 sounds great with the natural tube breakup of the Blue Angel. To me it's a natural match.

Best of luck.
The only reason I'll pull it out and replace it is if I continue getting mad at the Communist Chinese for trying to poison my child, and, oh yea, my dog. At which point I'll take the rest of my Chinese tubes and shoot them with my American Ruger 44 magnum.

No ****. I just had to tell my 3 year old to stop chewing on a toy. What a great world we live in. Date rape beads, what will they think of next?

I started a new thread about my Blue Angel and the hiss that it makes, so as to make myself stop hijacking this thread. Do you guys have any suggestions?
Hey Monsta-Tone, welcome to the Dual Rectifier Weirdo Cult!!! My Blue Angel is also a 1-12", black/black. It came with a British made Celestion/Black Shadow Vintage 90. It is a pretty OK speaker for a cheap stamped frame model. When I replaced it I wanted to go with a front mounted speaker instead of the rear mount. 3 reasons for this:

1. MUCH easier to swap in and out when you are in the "speaker rolling" stage.

2. It gets the cone of the speaker a bit farther away from the tubes.

3. You get a little bit more air in the cabinet, more bass response (at least in theory).

First I tried a JBL G-125. It wasn't a good front mount- sounded great though.
Then I put a Peavey Scorpion Ultra in there. Perfect mount, made for front mounting. I have had it up a bit but not real loud yet. It sounds fantastic, HUGE and sweet. I know when it is cranked it won't sound strained like Celestions always do to me. I am almost scared of it!! Heavy though, really heavy for a 1-12. Still, it is worth it to me. Hope this helps, SixVeeSix
Hey sixveesix:

I'm trying to decide if this is the amp I should buy. I really like the classic "Fender" cleans but want something with more thump. I play rythym in a classic rock band and need to keep up with the lead guitarist's recto

I am also considering an F series, a DC series and a Maverick.

Thanks in advance.

If you want to keep up with a Recto, you might want an F-100 or DC-10.

My Blue Angel starts to break up at 11 o'clock and just gets sweeter after that, but not much louder.

This is not a put-down for the BA, it is a great amp. I really like the breakup that it gets.

I have a DC-10 that is incredibly loud when it needs to be, but still sounds great at lower volumes. Let me know if you are interested.
ramseyron said:
Hey sixveesix:

I'm trying to decide if this is the amp I should buy. I really like the classic "Fender" cleans but want something with more thump. I play rythym in a classic rock band and need to keep up with the lead guitarist's recto

I am also considering an F series, a DC series and a Maverick.

Thanks in advance.


It sounds to me like you need more power than a Blue Angel or a Maverick. They are both great amps but I don't have to keep up with anybody, our band plays at moderate levels. I like the lower headroom, I can get a great tone with these smaller wattages at lower volumes. You probably need at least a pair of 6L6s on your side. Monsta-Tones DC 100 might be just the ticket. Good luck.
I, like 6v6, like the power and breakup where it is and don't need more power. We play small rooms 200/300 seat (bars) and it's plenty unmiked. I've done larger rooms with it unmiked and cranked pretty hard.

I was lucky a few months ago, a really great picker that's a friend of ours stopped by one night and set in on my rig and I got to walk around the entire bar listening and was amazed how well I had everything dialed in, albeit a very simple setup.

You must be playing some big rooms, or playing really loud!

Best to ya.


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