Single Recto power

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Feb 15, 2008
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Iv been in the market for a new amp for a while. My favorites bands use them. And overall they seem like a solid amp. I cant quiet afford a dual so im looking at an alternative. A single recto. My concern is that it only being 50 watts its not going to be loud enough to play over drums in a non-miced situation live. Would it be better to just save for a while longer and get a dual recto? I play only metal

Is this true? Im sure this question has been asked before but i searched for it and couldnt find anything

How bid a venue will you be playing? I played a club last summer and never approached the 50% level of my volume. Actually, I was asked to turn down and we do play metal.
Were you un-miced?

But yea. Any big venue its not a problem because of the mics but we play outside sometimes to w/o any mics and some of the crapper venues dont have them. Right now im useing a 150w solid state and it does the job but the tone is terrible. And i no 50 watts of tube is not the same as solid state wattage
I was aksed to turn down in a non-mic'd situation with my output on around 6..the Rectoverb is one of the loudest 50 watt amps in existance.

comraderose said:
Iv been in the market for a new amp for a while. My favorites bands use them. And overall they seem like a solid amp. I cant quiet afford a dual so im looking at an alternative. A single recto. My concern is that it only being 50 watts its not going to be loud enough to play over drums in a non-miced situation live. Would it be better to just save for a while longer and get a dual recto? I play only metal

Is this true? Im sure this question has been asked before but i searched for it and couldnt find anything

comraderose said:
Iv been in the market for a new amp for a while. My favorites bands use them. And overall they seem like a solid amp. I cant quiet afford a dual so im looking at an alternative. A single recto. My concern is that it only being 50 watts its not going to be loud enough to play over drums in a non-miced situation live. Would it be better to just save for a while longer and get a dual recto? I play only metal

Is this true? Im sure this question has been asked before but i searched for it and couldnt find anything


If you have a proper speaker cab to go with it, it will be plenty loud. You'll even have plenty left on tap.

I used a 65W solid state amp for a while, and my drummer would completely drown me even when I was cranked all the way (eww). Then when I got my 5150 2x12 combo, a 60W tube amp, my prayers were answered. It was balls to the walls louder than the 65 watt Solid state. Hell I was even louder than my other guitarist's 250watt solid state head with a 4x12!

Its not even comparable, the tone is unmistakeable and the output volume is just blistering. Try a single rec at a store and crank it in a sound room. You will quickly find that you don't need to go far to reach your 150W SS amp's output volume.

wattage doesn't equate to loudness. For example, a 100watt Dual rectifier is not twice as loud as a 50watt single rectifier. While there is a difference in volume (the 100w DR being louder) it is actually only louder by a few decibles. Goodluck!
Sure it is!!! I have this amp that goes to 11...which is 1 louder than amps than only go to 10.
Johnson said:
wattage doesn't equate to loudness. For example, a 100watt Dual rectifier is not twice as loud as a 50watt single rectifier. While there is a difference in volume (the 100w DR being louder) it is actually only by a few decibles. Goodluck!
You will not believe how loud a 50W Single Recto is. IMO, I would play both the Single and Dual and then deciede. As stated earlier, it's not a volume thing, it's a dynamic and 'feel' thing when comparing the two.

Johnson said:
wattage doesn't equate to loudness. For example, a 100watt Dual rectifier is not twice as loud as a 50watt single rectifier. While there is a difference in volume (the 100w DR being louder) it is actually only louder by a few decibles. Goodluck!
5 decibles are twice as loud!!!! but back to the question.
Ive got a rectoverb single recto and my bandmate plays a peavey 5150 and I outpower him with my amp.
the single recto is a tight loud amp and a perfect alternative to the dual recto
by the way I only play metal, death brutal meta ala entombed, carcass, morbid angel, nile
wildrat666 said:
Johnson said:
wattage doesn't equate to loudness. For example, a 100watt Dual rectifier is not twice as loud as a 50watt single rectifier. While there is a difference in volume (the 100w DR being louder) it is actually only louder by a few decibles. Goodluck!
5 decibles are twice as loud!!!! but back to the question.
Ive got a rectoverb single recto and my bandmate plays a peavey 5150 and I outpower him with my amp.
the single recto is a tight loud amp and a perfect alternative to the dual recto

I am not sure I understand what you mean by "5 decibles are twice as loud."
actually 3 decibles are double up. read about sounds and decibles then you will find out that it is double up the volume
wildrat666 said:
actually 3 decibles are double up. read about sounds and decibles then you will find out that it is double up the volume

No, 3 decibels is basically the minimum volume increase that must occur for a human to notice the difference. In order to gain this 3 db increase you must roughly double the power. So basically to sum it up, It's not twice as loud. It's the next notch in loudness.
yes but it twice as much. the human ear only thinks it is twice as much at 10 dec+. it does nt matter, the single recto is a loud amp. it is enough to cut through in a band situation
wildrat666 said:
yes but it twice as much. the human ear only thinks it is twice as much at 10 dec+. it does nt matter, the single recto is a loud amp. it is enough to cut through in a band situation

Ok, whatever you say... so 153 db is twice as loud as 150db got it. :roll:
maybe you are right. I only know that to get 3 extra decibel you´´ll need more watt. 153 decibel is twice as much as 150 db