Single, Dual, Triple Rec?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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I was recently at Guitar Center. I tried out a triple Rectifier and a Single Rectifier. I felt that the single Rectifier had a more defined sound than the Triple. Is my ear playing tricks on me or what?

Also, I played the SIngle with a Mesa 2x12 and the Triple with a 4x12 cab

The single just sounded Tighter and well rounded.

Think it was the differant cabs?
pau_leader said:
Think it was the differant cabs?

I suspect it was the volume. A Rectifier's gain channels generally sound like buzzy crap with the master output at anything less than noon....above that they start sag more on the attack and thump more on mutes. Once you find the sweet spot on the master volume.....Mmmmm.
I think it was mostly the cabs, although the heads are very different. Were you playing clean/dirty? Also "tightness", imo, is subjective to ear. I found the DR to have the best tones out of the three, whereas a SR player will shoot me down and a TR would just laugh. :wink:
OneMoreAugust said:
I think it was mostly the cabs, although the heads are very different. Were you playing clean/dirty? Also "tightness", imo, is subjective to ear. I found the DR to have the best tones out of the three, whereas a SR player will shoot me down and a TR would just laugh. :wink:

i was playing dirty.

So it maybe true to say that each amphead has their own sound?
OneMoreAugust said:
Absolutely. But you can change a lot of tone just by swapping cabs.

That is awsome!

The single Rectifier sounds great with the 2x12 cab. I may want to get that combo.
The combo might sound slightly different than the 2x12 closed back cab, because the combo has an open or 3/4 back. The closed back will give you more of a focused, punchy sound. The open and 3/4 back will take away some of the lower end, but make your mids and highs much more chimey and easier to dial in your highs. I noticed it is more difficult to make the bright sounds of a closed back come out without being overpowering, but maybe that's just me.
Seeing as how the single rect is a 50w, half the power of the DR and TR, this might be something to take into consideration when buying your cab or combo. If you liked the punch and focused sound of the 2x12 and SR, you might loose it on the combo.
I also don't think the SR comes in a combo, only as a head. But you can order your cab how you like it. You may be able to special order a combo, but I'm not sure.
Hope this helps.
OneMoreAugust said:
The combo might sound slightly different than the 2x12 closed back cab, because the combo has an open or 3/4 back. The closed back will give you more of a focused, punchy sound. The open and 3/4 back will take away some of the lower end, but make your mids and highs much more chimey and easier to dial in your highs. I noticed it is more difficult to make the bright sounds of a closed back come out without being overpowering, but maybe that's just me.
Seeing as how the single rect is a 50w, half the power of the DR and TR, this might be something to take into consideration when buying your cab or combo. If you liked the punch and focused sound of the 2x12 and SR, you might loose it on the combo.
I also don't think the SR comes in a combo, only as a head. But you can order your cab how you like it. You may be able to special order a combo, but I'm not sure.
Hope this helps.
I think he meant the combination of the SR and the 2X12 not a SR 2X12 combo, if that makes sense
simple fact of the matter is that the single recto sounds better than the dual or trip.

Generaly speaking the smaller the output tranny the brighter/clearer your amp is. Also, the 3rd ch. of the DR and TR were practicaly afterthoughts and kinda killed the tone a bit with all the extra circuitry involved.

An older 2ch model of a DR or TR will hold up to the a single much better than the curren 3 ch models.
no soul said:
simple fact of the matter is that the single recto sounds better than the dual or trip.

Generaly speaking the smaller the output tranny the brighter/clearer your amp is. Also, the 3rd ch. of the DR and TR were practicaly afterthoughts and kinda killed the tone a bit with all the extra circuitry involved.

An older 2ch model of a DR or TR will hold up to the a single much better than the curren 3 ch models.

So it wasent my mind playing tricks on me. :D I do want to try out the DR and see how that one sounds. Anyway for the TR who has used the full 150 watts? That amp is to much to even try to crank up.
no soul said:
simple fact of the matter is that the single recto sounds better than the dual or trip. quote]

The only simple fact is that everyone's playing style and ears to tone are different. I couldn't even come close to the sound I needed from the single or triple. My 3ch DR head was perfect for me.
I do however realize that OTHER people strive for very different sounds.
But thanks for your opinion. :p
OneMoreAugust said: continue...
was the 2x12 a 3/4, open, or closed back? That makes a huge difference in the sound definition.

Sorry for the stupid question...

What is the differance with 3/4, open and closed back?

tone? sound?
OneMoreAugust said:
no soul said:
simple fact of the matter is that the single recto sounds better than the dual or trip. quote]

The only simple fact is that everyone's playing style and ears to tone are different. I couldn't even come close to the sound I needed from the single or triple. My 3ch DR head was perfect for me.
I do however realize that OTHER people strive for very different sounds.
But thanks for your opinion. :p

From the most objective view possible, I have no idea what you are talking about. These amps are practicaly intended to be voiced the same, its not like one can cover some serious ground that the others cant. Unless you are talking about actually messing w/ the tube recto (those of you who do are crazy btw) I cant imagine what you dialed in the DR that was so unobtainable on the others. The 50w is brighter (this is a fact, and is not up for debate or opinion) by nature of smaller OT, in some senses this leads to more cut. The SR has much much much more simple circuitry, which leads to more clarity, once again, this is a fact.

Theres nothing wrong w/ liking a 3ch recto, they just are a bit more buzzy than the rest of the family thats all. But please dont insult my knowledge of these amps by telling me your 3 ch DR can nail sounds that all the others cant, because its simply not true. Its features may be the best suited for your purposes, as may its price over the TR, but thats about all I could say anybody could rightfuly claim.

and Pau Leader, its not so much an issue of using the "full 150w" but an issue of having different dynamics, thats all. If you need more volume, getting a trip recto over the others isnt really going to give it to you, but extra speakers will.
no soul,
I'm not trying to
...insult my knowledge of these amps...
. I just get tired of forum after forum of chest-thumping, big headed people saying their amp is better than everyone else's and that whatever one might say is good, sucks.
simple fact of the matter is that the single recto sounds better than the dual or trip.
You might have great technical knowledge of these amps, but if you can't see past the fact that everyone likes something different, than you aren't any different than the rest of the chest-thumpers.
I don't want to get into a high school agruement about this. I finally found an amp webforum that I enjoy reading and contributing my opinions on and I don't want to lose that. It's that people state their opinions like they are written law and all shall obey.
Yes I have tried all three rect heads (four including the Road King). I liked the tones out of the DR and found them easier to achieve. Not everyone does. Was it different than the others, yes. Was it a great difference, not really. But when striving for the perfect tone, you become selective. There are many days I think my amp sucks too. But I dial in something new and it refreshes my love for it.

pau leader
What is the differance with 3/4, open and closed back?
I hear the biggest tone difference in the cab back. The open back has less bass and more higher tones. But this can be compensated a bit with different speakers. A closed back will give you a lot of low end and more focused high end (that is trebles and mids are more noticable directly in front of the cab) But I am having trouble achieving nice sounding, not overbearing, high tones with my closed back Recto cab. With an open back, the high tones seem to eminate from all around.
It's hard because most Guitar Centers don't have walls of Mesa cabs to try out and compare, but I have a few friends that have different cabs. I am even thinking about getting ahold of some 16ply baltic and trying a couple of different cab back patterns myself.
OneMoreAugust said:
You might have great technical knowledge of these amps, but if you can't see past the fact that everyone likes something different, than you aren't any different than the rest of the chest-thumpers.

Im not arguing that different folks like different things, Im just saying dont make artificial distinctions.

EDIT: Im not trying to start a flamewar with you either, Im here for the same reason you and everyone else is here, our love for these lo tech / hi price boxes.

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