Should I get the RK series II or get another amp to add....

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
I did the math, I'll need $1000 after selling my series I RK (if it goes for $1800). I started thinking, I can almost get an additional amp for that much?? I could save a little more and get the Lonestar, and then have two boogies or even get something like a Bogner Shiva 1x12 since it's clean/semi clean tones I'm looking for.

Should I get the new RK series II or another amp to add to my collection instead of replace?

Not only do I have GAS, but it's split personality GAS.
dude,...just get the the RK 2 when its ready to be bought. You can't temper desire ;)
Tele, my 1st thoughts are that you're insane :shock:....but that aside, I've only heard you rave (in a good way) about the RK. I think you're on to something with getting a lonestar though. What I'm concerned with is that the RK II is strictly theory at this point. I'd want to hear and play one before I dumped my all-time favorite amp for the alleged new and improved model. You know what the RK I can do and you know how sweet an LS can sound....I'd say wait before you leap or at least wait to check out what John Petrucci does :lol:

tele_jas said:
I did the math, I'll need $1000 after selling my series I RK (if it goes for $1800). I started thinking, I can almost get an additional amp for that much?? I could save a little more and get the Lonestar, and then have two boogies or even get something like a Bogner Shiva 1x12 since it's clean/semi clean tones I'm looking for.

Should I get the new RK series II or another amp to add to my collection instead of replace?

Not only do I have GAS, but it's split personality GAS.
nocluejimbo said:
I'd get a Stiletto Ace or one of the lower wattage EL84 amps to go with the RK.

A Shiva would be cool, too.

I'm looking for something geared more for clean or country music, but also works good with pedals so I can give it an extra bang for the rockin' stuff. I tried a Stiletto and did not like the cleans at all, I liked the distortion for classic rock, with a humbucker, but that was about it.. Not my style of amp.

I'm leaning towards:
* the Lonestar
* Bogner Shiva
* Dr. Z
* a Rivera 1x12 combo
or something else along those lines, but mostly towards the Lonestar.
Personally if I was in your shoe tel_jas, I would go for the LoneStar.

To get the Road King II, first you have to sell your current Road King, then the waiting game for your order. That's painful enough.

Now if you get a LoneStar, you are actually "breaking new ground" in your amplifier "paradigm". You got a new amplifier with a different tone.

Now if you get a Road King II, you basically have a Road King with upgrade and the new features. You are not breaking new ground in guitar amplification, you are simply upgrading to a new model.

Now somewhere later this year, when Road King II is more readily available, that's when you could then sell/trade-in your current Road King.

In summary, a LoneStar would satisfy your GAS right now. Later down the road when GAS strikes you again, then that's when you could sell-trade your current Road King for the new Road King II.

I know, you wanna be the first here to have a Road King II[?]
RR said:
I know, you wanna be the first here to have a Road King II[?]

That was ture until I recorded my live show this past Friday night and realized how GREAT my RK sounds. It's almost like you have my band, and then the RK... not that it stands out or anything bad, but it compliments my playing and in a way compliments the band. Even the songs I use the clean channels on sounded amazing. There is nothing wrong with the current clean channels and I love them and they can do country just fine. I really think my GAS for the new RK series II has subsided (for now) and has leaned more towards getting a new amp in addition to my current setup. And the Lonestar is in the lead of that race, but my pocket book is in last place right now with the Traynors and Vox Valvetronix. If I can last 4-6 months, I can get a Lonestar, but I gotta watch my $$$ and not let GAS get the best of me.

Anyone have any Rolaids?
Hey Tele-Jas,

I find myself agreeing with the Lone Star Route. You already have very nice amp! Which LS were you looking at? The LSS would give you that class A sound, which is something that would be completely different from the RK or the LSC would give you 100 watts of clean headroom. You can find them fairly reasonably used. Either way, you'd have your cleans and you wouldn't be out an amp when it came time to look at and listen to the new RK. You may find one used down the road. Which would save you more money. Then you can have your cake and eat it, too. :)
Tele, are you looking at Traynors and the Vox Valtronix combos...or did I misunderstand your comment? The reason I ask is that I considered the Traynor YCV40 for my "small" amp purchase (I ended up with a Crate V32 Palomino) and I owned a ADV60VTX Vox for about 2 weeks. I'd be interested in your feedback on the Traynor.

tele_jas said:
RR said:
I know, you wanna be the first here to have a Road King II[?]

And the Lonestar is in the lead of that race, but my pocket book is in last place right now with the Traynors and Vox Valvetronix. If I can last 4-6 months, I can get a Lonestar, but I gotta watch my $$$ and not let GAS get the best of me.

Anyone have any Rolaids? calmed by the soothing voice of Red Barchetta....

You and I both know the sonic beauty and roar that our Road Kings spit out with easy regularity....this is what is referred to as "A sure thing".

The RK2 may very well be "all that and a bag of chips"...but....I have to agree with one of the other posts....have you heard one? No.

The LSC seems to be "The One" that the improvements for the RK2 were taken inclination is to believe that a Lonestar is what will truly satisfy your G.A.S.

My sincere advice is to keep the sure thing you have, watch your bucks, and patiently await the time when you can plunk down the green for a Lonestar Classic. My opinion is that with a good A/B box, you will have the absolute best of ALL worlds at your fingertips. Plus, you will have 2 supercool Boogies to deliver all the sonic pearls and mayhem your little tele stoked heart desires.

Here endeth the lesson. Go in peace.
Straight from Mesa/Boogie's product info page for the Road King Series II:

Improved Channel 1 & 2 now features CLEAN and FAT from our acclaimed Lone Star - our best clean ever - along with incredible new TWEED and BRIT modes. These two channels alone make a mighty amplifier.

There you have it, the RKII has Lone Star cleans, as well as improved everything. My personal favorite part about it? Tube reverb :)

Just be patient, is what I say.
TheRazMeister said:
Tele, are you looking at Traynors and the Vox Valtronix combos...or did I misunderstand your comment? The reason I ask is that I considered the Traynor YCV40 for my "small" amp purchase (I ended up with a Crate V32 Palomino) and I owned a ADV60VTX Vox for about 2 weeks. I'd be interested in your feedback on the Traynor.

Well, if I can't get enough $$$$ together, or it looks like I have to pay something silly like a house payment or something, I may look in to getting a little bit cheaper amplifier rather than a Lonestar. I've always had a hankerin' for a Vox Valvetronix AD60 closed back amp and also for the Traynor "YCV40" or the "YCV50 blue", I played one in a music store a couple of months ago and was extrememly impressed with the sound from this little amp!! Nice Fender-ish cleans and a very tight, high gain tone on the 2nd channel. For a cheap amp, they've done a GREAT job at getting some nice tones in there. And they don't look too bad either (Unlike the Peavey amps).
I LOVED the AD60VTX (x= closed back)...wonderful full range of sounds. The only problems I had with that setup was the need for the footpedal to get all the functionality and that runs about $225-275 for the heavy duty pedal and about $100-175 for the smaller one. Unfortunately something started to act flakey on the amp and back it went...That's when I picked up the ROV.
I don't know if you've tried the Crate V3112 (or V32 GC exclusive) but they are terrific little class A 30 watters and honestly I was more impressed with the Crate than the YCV40WR which has the Celestion Vintage 30's (that I don't care for). I never did try out a regular YCV40 or get to give the 50 blue much of a work out.

tele_jas said:
Well, if I can't get enough $$$$ together, or it looks like I have to pay something silly like a house payment or something, I may look in to getting a little bit cheaper amplifier rather than a Lonestar. I've always had a hankerin' for a Vox Valvetronix AD60 closed back amp and also for the Traynor "YCV40" or the "YCV50 blue", I played one in a music store a couple of months ago and was extrememly impressed with the sound from this little amp!! Nice Fender-ish cleans and a very tight, high gain tone on the 2nd channel. For a cheap amp, they've done a GREAT job at getting some nice tones in there. And they don't look too bad either (Unlike the Peavey amps).[/

I recommend doing whatever you have to do to raise the money for a lonestar....sell your children, prostitute yourself, play on cheap cheesy commercial jingles....oh, no...that's to horrible....forget the commercials.

A used early 70's silverface fender, converted to bf. Or bf if u can find one. 3rdly the lonestar. 4th the new rk series 2. The benefit of having to amps simulatnously running can REALLY fill up the sound and give a great versitility. Also if u need to take a small amp somewhere u can take the little clean dude.
Bobbypols said:
A used early 70's silverface fender, converted to bf. Or bf if u can find one. 3rdly the lonestar. 4th the new rk series 2. The benefit of having to amps simulatnously running can REALLY fill up the sound and give a great versitility. Also if u need to take a small amp somewhere u can take the little clean dude.

I've already got a 1970 Silver face Deluxe Reverb, it's the first amp I ever heard frowing up and the amp I learned my first song on and the amp that went on the road with me for 6 years in the mid 90s and the amp I played with from 1991 until 2003. Great amp, but I want a 2 or 3 channel amp and I like the new Boogies better than the new Fenders.

Just tried an F-30 and I really liked that, so it's either a Lonestar Classic or the F-30.