Vintage Mark-style PCB and chassis kit

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I’ve noticed that the paint on the chassis hasn’t been holding up as well as I’d like, it’s been coming off with minor handling. A little disappointing, but the metal shop didn’t do a great job centering the graphics anyway. Now I get to figure out a faceplate plan for these!
On my first Dumble clone, I had a print shop screen the labels directly onto the black powdercoated chassis. They complained that it was very difficult to get the screen flat on the chassis because it wasn't perfectly flat but they got it and they looked great. They've also been durable. But it was enough of a warning that I went to separate faceplates for all of my amps after that. The 18W amps get a 1/16" plexi faceplate while the Guytrons get a thin stainless faceplate. These are much easier to print.
On my first Dumble clone, I had a print shop screen the labels directly onto the black powdercoated chassis. They complained that it was very difficult to get the screen flat on the chassis because it wasn't perfectly flat but they got it and they looked great. They've also been durable. But it was enough of a warning that I went to separate faceplates for all of my amps after that. The 18W amps get a 1/16" plexi faceplate while the Guytrons get a thin stainless faceplate. These are much easier to print.
Thank you for the insight! I have a friend with a CNC who cut the plywood for the cab, he said he will help with the faceplates. I bought some acrylic and aluminum sheets from a local supplier to test, will hopefully have something to show within the next couple weeks
Anything in particular you'd like to see? I'm not much of a video production person but I think I can come up with something
Just maybe go over the amp, components, what you've done. Idk, any interesting tech stuff.

I'm not an amp expert but that any looks really sweet. Alot of work and time, just be nice to see it all. And your thoughts on stuff. Maybe any inside info or thoughts you have on this particular amp.

Thanks Jay 👍
Been taking a bit of a break on this project, mostly for personal reasons but also waiting to see what happens with the Boogie C+ reissue. Today I cleaned up the pieces from the CNC and test fit came out great
