Setting my MarkV's tone

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Nov 9, 2010
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I've got a question I've been fiddling around with it for some time and for some reason I get this really muddy sound on my low E string when I do chugging.

I play on a guitar that is tuned to C standard, I want a sound that has tightened up bottom end. SO it's clean and heavy. Much like Arch enemy or UnSun.

If someone can help me out with this I'd appreciate the help.

I also would like some help on micing up the mesa I have a SHure sm57 running into a presonus Firebox into Logic pro 8. I heard that mesa's are hard to mic up. That's where I'm hearing the muddy sound the most as well.

Note: I would also like to say I'm trying to get a sound much like this:
and this:

I know the band in the first link used Mesa Dual rectifiers for the album.

I also play this stuff on my Ibanez Xiphose that has Dimarzio Dactivators.
I play with same tuning.
Once you get that kind of sound... record it... Meanwhile:

hope this helps.
It´s not me in the video
On the EQ knobs, try starting with the gain at 3 (o'clock), treble at 2-3, and with the mids and bass off. Use the GEQ to add bass. Try using extreme or Mark IIC+ mode rather than Mark IV mode, too.
It's perfectly normal to run the pre-amp EQ knobs as Treble on 7, Mids on 4, Bass on 1, or something close. These controls add to the sound before the distortion happens, and too much distorted Bass will be way un-tight. That's why Mesa has the post-distortion Graphic EQ, so you can add bass without causing flubby E-strings. :D
HeadlessAxeman said:
Adding a Compressor in front of the pre-amp helps get your mush/Djent back

all you need for good djent tone is to get the bass nob down around 9 oclock or less boost the mids to about 2 or 3 oclock, treb at about the same and i like to run pres at about 3 oclock maybe a lil less. Then the GEQ make a typical "V" but then bring the mid notch up to about half or even more. Bring ur bass and sub bass as i call it to the middle line then ever so slightly boost the 80 notch up just so slightly but also move the sub bass nob with it just so its a hair line above the middle line, then the mid treb and treb notches put the treb at about 3/4all the way up and the mid treb 1/2 up and that should bring out the "djent" sound. This setting with my s7320 with x2n7 makes it tight as tight can be but also gives u good sustain and feel. Add a od infront if you want a lil extra grit but after i sold all my pedals i realized the amp sounds better without a od and just useing the amp it self. Another thing i do is the fx loop i have at about 1:30 and i use my channel master at about 11 oclock and use the master output to tame the volume, this just to me seems to get a bit better preamp distortion. Alot of people think alot of the "djent" bands or even meshuggah use extreem amount of bass, but the key to their tone is mids lots and lots of mids.
Thanks guys

One other problem is right now I have a: Blackcat moan wah, and a TS9.

when I try adding them to the MArk V the wah won't work correctly through the FX loop and when I put it through the front it cause too much white noise and sound to be used effectively. Same goes with the TS9.
Wahs go in front, not in the loop.
All wahs make that woosh-woosh white noise. If you have ever heard a guitar player use a wah in a live situation, you don't hear the noise because it's covered up by the noise the rest of the band makes. :D
Overture2152 said:
I've got a question I've been fiddling around with it for some time and for some reason I get this really muddy sound on my low E string when I do chugging.

+1 regarding what others have already stated regarding low settings on the bass knob.

Also of consideration is your cab. Some cabs take low tunings better than others.
MrMarkIII said:
Wahs go in front, not in the loop.
All wahs make that woosh-woosh white noise. If you have ever heard a guitar player use a wah in a live situation, you don't hear the noise because it's covered up by the noise the rest of the band makes. :D

Yeah true but I've got a very very strange thing going on. not only does it make the noise when the volume is down when I switch it off the distortion on my amp ceases to exist. AND I get radio interference from a local Bible station. It's pretty dam annoying.
Overture2152 said:
MrMarkIII said:
Wahs go in front, not in the loop.
All wahs make that woosh-woosh white noise. If you have ever heard a guitar player use a wah in a live situation, you don't hear the noise because it's covered up by the noise the rest of the band makes. :D

Yeah true but I've got a very very strange thing going on. not only does it make the noise when the volume is down when I switch it off the distortion on my amp ceases to exist. AND I get radio interference from a local Bible station. It's pretty dam annoying.

Try replacing your patch cables, it's simple and it might be all you need to change :D
radicalcut said:
Overture2152 said:
MrMarkIII said:
Wahs go in front, not in the loop.
All wahs make that woosh-woosh white noise. If you have ever heard a guitar player use a wah in a live situation, you don't hear the noise because it's covered up by the noise the rest of the band makes. :D

Yeah true but I've got a very very strange thing going on. not only does it make the noise when the volume is down when I switch it off the distortion on my amp ceases to exist. AND I get radio interference from a local Bible station. It's pretty dam annoying.

Try replacing your patch cables, it's simple and it might be all you need to change :D
I'm sorry but I'm having a brain fart what are the Patch cables?
The GEQ is everything in the Mark V.
If nothing works to your satisfaction, try BBE Sonic Maximizer or Aphex Aural Exciter
BBE Sonic Maximizer is like a drug:
First you try it, you like it because its an easy path.
Second your friends tell you its **** (if they're not doped up as well),
Third, you start turnings knobs not admitting yourself its doing nothing particularly well for you
Fourth you sell it.

If you dont like Mark V after fiddling with knobs, trying it with different guitars (pickups; because of pickups mostly!), trying to swap out power tubes, that means its just not the amplifier for you!

Look, sonic maximizer is a very odd tool but it does nothing that would help you get a better sound in studio or in a live mix, especially with conjuction with GEQ, only mess mess and more mess...
The Sonic Maximizer is a strange product. I agree--the first time you use it, you think it's awesome. A month later you hate it.