Selling a 3 channel to fund the purchase of 2 channel..wise?

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Apr 11, 2006
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A Blackface 2 Channel to be exact/

That is my old one. A wise choice?
I sold a 2 channel DR for a Single Rectifier. Many people would think it to be unwise but it taylored to my needs better so I would say as long as you are satisfying yourself, go for it! :lol:
Cool man, thanks for the advice.

I have had the 3 channel Dual for around a year or so now, and it's just not happenin as much as the 2 channels i've heard. The fact it's a Blackface just makes it oh so much sweeter, to me.

Anymore opinions?
Maybe you were like me and just did not get a good three channel.
I will keep the 1992 two channel untill I die. I did pick up a Road King and now the DR is a museum piece. Do what you think is best, but do not feel any regret.
Man, I'd get a Tremoverb if I were you! :wink:

I sold my 3 channel triple to get a Tremoverb, so I kind of did the same thing. But then I sold 2 Tremoverbs to get a Road King :roll: , when will I stop!!

Although I've been doing pretty good so far, I've had this RK for over 6 months now.
It's all preference! If you like the dual channel better, then it is a great choice. I have not gotten a chance to play a two channel yet.

How did you like the JJ's in the recto?
ibanez4life SZ! said:
It's all preference! If you like the dual channel better, then it is a great choice. I have not gotten a chance to play a two channel yet.

How did you like the JJ's in the recto?

I definately preferred the JJs over the stock Mesa 6L6s - they improved the aggression of the amp to me. The 2 channel models have so much aggression aswell, but its smoother and more organic, to my ears.
Mr Random Hero said:
any more opinions?
Yeah, my opinion is probably not worth much, similiar to what PRSKiller mentioned.

Sometimes it is better to go for simplicitiy, less things to confuse to get instant gratification quicker.

Here we're discussing the Road King II on the other post and I'm just trying to familiarize with my obsolete 10+ year old Trem-o-Verb with its interacting tone controls and "only" two channels with each with two modes.

And a Road King has 4 channels each with 3 modes
I don't think I will ever understand the 2/3 channel debate unless I hear an early 2 channel. The first DR I bought was a '97 2 channel, loved it, and bought my 3 channel afterwards, which sounds just as good if not better. I guess being from the late 90's, there's no difference like there was in the early 90's?

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