Scored a Mark IIC+ how do I know it is a MArk IIC+

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The panel mounting of the compressor and the diy pcb are nice, but what the hell...

And why is it connected to the PI? Never heard of anything like that. Not much looks out of the oridnary on the preamp board. If you're lucky, the black cable that's connected in parallel to the V5 tube, like boogiebabies said, can be simply removed to restore your amp's tone. Take it to an authorised tech to have it checked out.

Noticed the C90 Black Shadow. Surely these are fairly new and weren't around at the time of IIC+ production? Non-stock alert!

Still, $700 with eq and reverb is a steal.
It's a paralell effect to provide PT compression !!! HAHAHAHAHA....


I want more power tube compression.


Sure, $ 1200 plus labor.


Cooooool !!!

It's dumb but that amp is a serious steal at 7 bills. All you have to do is remove the old battery cables and the ginormous output cable to the PI.

If you can get better pics, we should be able to help you get that parasite out.
I'm working on a IIC right no which has been f**ked with, it's received the trigger-finger treatment from a tech with a glue gun. What a ***** to clean up. I hate working on other people's mess.

The turret board mounted just next to the FX80 needs to be removed. Looks like the black thing is a 9v regulator. It's probably sapping the heater supply. Snippity snip. You should pull the chassis out completely to give us a better look at the preamp board, the one behind the pots. If your digicam has macro mode, use it.
I got the compressor remove HOLY S&*T!!!.

The sound difference is unreal.

Now I know what all the fuss is about the MKIIC+!!!

My amp guy had seen this amp and tried to get the previos owner to remove it.

It was just run into the effects loop, and had one tap for the power, so it only a 10 min. job to get it out.

Man it sounds sweet now though.

Now for the speaker!!
Without the compressor it is stock. If it was a serial mod it would have had to go to the loop send via the circuit board or jack. It was a paralell because it went right to the V5. The Graphic EQ is a paralell effect as well, but is bypassed when off.
Glad you sorted it out by yourself mate. You're a trainee boogie master now, with the right weapon, almost... get an EVM in there! But only if you're going to play it loud. Otherwise you'll just hurt your back lugging this thing around. The EVM12L is 20lbs (10kg) by itself. I think the magnet alone weighs more than a Vintage 30!
gts said:
........ A 60w combo (Without EQ) just went for $900 on ebay. It had an EVM 12L and reverb......

That was a (susposedly) converted IIC, not a C+. Not a very desirable amp. IMO, a real C+ would have brought more than that.
gts said:
sundaypunch said:
gts said:
........ A 60w combo (Without EQ) just went for $900 on ebay. It had an EVM 12L and reverb......
That was a (susposedly) converted IIC, not a C+. Not a very desirable amp. IMO, a real C+ would have brought more than that.
IMHO Once converted it IS a real C+!
Unless someone other then Mike B did the mod....

If Mike did the mod there is no difference. He reworks the whole preamp section etc. The PCB is the same.

Either it's the same or Mike B at Mesa has no clue what he's doing when he does the + mod to a C.
If someone was selling a C that was modded to a C+, and offered it cheaper because they had some deluson it was less desirebale, that it wasn't a REAL C+ I'd be happpy to buy it cheap!!

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. That is like saying a '64 Vox AC30 converted to a top boost model is worth the same as a factory top boost model (because it sounds identical). Or that a silverface Fender converted to blackface spec's is worth the same because it sounds identical. It is still a less desirable amp in the minds of many, especially as prices rise.

A "C" converted to a C+ isn't a real C+. I personally would not be interested in a converted amp other than at a ridiculously low price. I'm sure there are others who may not mind.

If the ebay amp was actually a real C+ then that is a different story. I don't remember the particulars of the auction.
Whether or not it's desirable is actually irrelevant and besides the point. The fact is, a IIC modded to IIC+ specs will have the same circuit and therefore the same components, and 100% the same sonic character. In fact Mike B. replaces alot of the other non-mod components that might fail, so producing a more functionally desirable IIC+.

If you compare a IIC>IIC+ and a factory IIC+ side-by-side which both have the RP11A circuit board, anyone but the most keen eyed Boogie connoisseur would not be able to tell any difference at all. And sonically, no one will be able to tell the difference because there's none there.

Don't believe the hype and BS.
Yes, but the hype and BS is the only reason a C+ is worth more than $1500 as it is :D .

If we really want to be honest, the sound of the amp has little to do with how much it is worth. When you buy a C+ (or a 50's Strat / Les Paul) you are paying a premium for the serial number and the mystique. A '59 tweed Twin will run you $10,000 and a plexi Marshall $4k-$5k. There are repro's/clones/modded amps that you couldn't distinguish from the real thing if you had your eyes closed. That doesn't make them a $10k amp.

Like it or not the C+ has started to shift into the buying demographic of "status" / "collectible" gear. The demand has more to do with the mystique than the actual sound. Many of the people that want them so badly have never even played one (kind of like all the Marshall fanatics that want a real JTM45). I wonder how many people that want these amps could distinguish a real C+ from a dialed in MKIII or MKIV if they didn't know which one they were playing through?

The C+ already is well on it's way to Grail status as far as Mesa amps go. A converted amp without the proper C+ serial number isn't going to cut it for everyone that wants to buy a piece of the legend.

Of course this is all just an opinion. The nice part is that everyone in the market for a C+ gets to make their own choice when they buy one. We can debate about a converted amp - I'll put my money on the sure thing.
"when an amp is older than 10-15 years of age; or when used less often, say once in a year, it is time to swap out the filter caps, from the power supply"
amp repair textbook

Consider me a myth-buster. I'm after tone, not a museum piece. The stock IIC+ amps are there for the disillusioned to hunt and put in their private museums, whereas me and other humble people will be happy with a modded IIC+ :) which is not always cheaper. As long as it's got the 105 PT, 562003 or the original OT, it's fine by me, and if it's cheaper, BONUS!

It's funny how %99.99 of people who buy these things can't tell the difference between stock or modded. There are modded IIC+ amps which use the markIII or original IIC+ front face so you can't tell from just that unless you know what to look for in the guts.
Wow, I guess my modded C to C+ with the 100 tranny and no EQ must be a real turd to the "collector" out there then. I bought it thinking I could flip it for a profit and "stumbled" on the best sounding amp I have ever owned or played through, and I have been chasing my tone for over 20 years. I paid 1K for it, which was slightly less than I got for my previous favorite (Marshall 2554 Jubilee 1x12 - never sounded the same after a retube and "servicing") and will not need to look any further until something happens to change its tone forever. Gotta get me some STR415's I guess. :D I see that the amp in question here went for a cool profit, even though it lacked all the bells and whistles of the REALLY rediculously priced examples. At least it was "real" :wink: Z
I can see Sundaypunches point in regards to other amps but it's my understanding that a Silverface Fender converted to Blackface specs won't sound like a true Blackface because the transformers are different among other things; they won't be the same inside. I don't know enough about VOX's to comment on that example.

It's also my understanding that IIC's converted to IIC+'s are the same amp, completely identical. I've got 3 IIC+'s. A 100/60 watt with reverb, Simul with reverb, and Coliseum; all with graphic EQ. The Coliseum is the only factory one. The other two were converted IIC's.

To me and to a lot of buyers of these things, the most important piece is that graphic EQ. That would drive the price up higher than if it's a "factory" IIC+. I've watched Ebay listings over the last 2 years and the non-graphic EQ models always went for lower prices if they sold at all; regardless if it were born a IIC+ or not.

IIC+'s prices I think are based on rarity and how much it's hyped by internet and whatnot. IIC's are actually rarer than IIC+'s. My loaded Simul was originally a IIC, one of the cleanest he'd ever seen per Mike B. I guess it can get nitpicky like everyone wondering if you need Simul. I personally like the sound of the 100/60 and Coliseum to my Simul; not that the Simul sounds bad, it's just different.

I hope other people think as you do, though. That way, IIC and converted IIC+'s will have lower prices for people who are in it only for the "mystique" and will bypass a cool amp for the "holy grail" IIC+ 8) . I like the way these amps sound, not in it for the collector aspect, though it's cool it has that. :mrgreen:
Whammyless said:
I've watched Ebay listings over the last 2 years and the non-graphic EQ models always went for lower prices if they sold at all; regardless if it were born a IIC+ or not.

+1. It's all about the EQ and reverb brother. And, simul shreds a bit harder and I couldn't live without it :) otherwise the amp could be a markIIB modded to IIC+ by Mike B's pet dog for all I care.
jvk said:
Whammyless said:
I've watched Ebay listings over the last 2 years and the non-graphic EQ models always went for lower prices if they sold at all; regardless if it were born a IIC+ or not.

+1. It's all about the EQ and reverb brother. And, simul shreds a bit harder and I couldn't live without it :) otherwise the amp could be a markIIB modded to IIC+ by Mike B's pet dog for all I care.

+1. I can do without the reverb, too. I never use mine but then I again, I pretty much play dry 99.99% of the time.

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