Running Road King effects send into Mark IV effects return

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
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Wasn't sure which forum to put this in but figured I would start here.

Would it hurt either amp if I took the effects send from the Road King and ran it into the effects return of the Mark IV?

The reason I want to do this is we have family coming over for a few weeks and I am losing my studio during that time and moving into another room in the house which shares a wall with my daughters room.

During that time I will not be able to play through my cabs after 8:00pm.

The Mark IV has a nice little feature called silent recording. No, it doesn't sound as good as a miced cab, but it does sound better then my Digitech modeler. I actually run it into my digitech, set the output type for mixer to add a little speaker simulation, add a little reverb and send the left and right to my tascam. Sounds very good IMO.

But during that time I would also like to play through my Road King as well, but since it does not have silent recording, I will have to sort of "borrow" the feature from the Mark IV.

Now of course both amps will be hooked to cabs for safety sake, but should I be able to do this without hurting either amp?
You could do that, or you could just run your RK effects send straight into your board or whatever you're using. While I believe it's true that the MKIV silent recording feature has a bit of extra circuitry to "sweeten" the tone, it's probably not that much of a difference. I used to run my RK effects send straight into the board all the time, it works just fine. If you do it that way, then you could also split your guitar input and run a signal from both amps at once and get a nice thick tone from both pre-amps at the same time.
I'll add a quick note: If you do what I suggested, keep your loop mix knob on the back of the RK at unity gain (IE: 12 o'clock, or 50%) and control your output volume with the channel (pre-amp) knob. Leave the master output knob at 0. And yes, make sure each amp has a load soak/cab hooked up to it for safe operation.