Roadster's footswitch

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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Athens, Greece
Hi again gyus

As i said in another topic i'm planning to buy a roadster. I read in some reviews that the footswitch has a small but noticeable delay when switching channels. Is that true? Can someone who already has the amp to tell me please?

I have been playing and gigging with the roadster for the last 1.5 years. I do not notice any kind of major delay in the switching.
When you dial down roadster...its one of the best mesa out there. It can do it all.
I notice it, but I can't say I find it to be an issue - I'm not losing any sleep over it that's for sure. I can't imagine it being a deal breaker unless you're switching channels 100 times a song or something.

Now if Mesa would just fix the issue where the Roadster kills a puppy every time you play certain chords....
That footswitch is a beast. Almost takes up the length of my pedal board, with enough room for a wah on the end!

I do notice some delay switching channels, but the best way is just to check it out and see if it's something you can deal with. If you're trying to sustain over a channel change, you will notice a gap. At least, I have.
jared said:
the best way is just to check it out and see if it's something you can deal with.

I know, but in my town the dealer has only a demo store and somewher he lost the i can't try it with it...anyway

I have never noticed a delay in the channel switching on my roadster. Are you sure you not thinking about a slight delay in the reverb catching up but thats the way Mesa designed it for some reason.
JLBoogie said:
I have never noticed a delay in the channel switching on my roadster. Are you sure you not thinking about a slight delay in the reverb catching up but thats the way Mesa designed it for some reason.

Probably you're right. It is the different reverb levels from one channel to another. it is clear explained in the manual. Mesa for some reason designed it like that, or maybe it's the natural way that a reverb which is common to all channels react like that. I don't excpect nothing short to excellent from Mesa, so it's for some reason...maybe an electronics engineer could explain to us.... :)
fusguitar said:
jared said:
the best way is just to check it out and see if it's something you can deal with.

I know, but in my town the dealer has only a demo store and somewher he lost the i can't try it with it...anyway


The footswitch from a 3-channel recto will also work with the roadster to try it out, you'll still get the first 3 channels to try with the footswitch.
All 3 of the roadsters I have played have a slight delay when switching that none of my other amps had. Its not a big problem except for maybe one of my songs that the band still uses. I wrote the song using a 3 channel dual rec back in 2001-02 coming out of a clean arpeggiated riff I would hit a chord and as it rang out I would switch to a heavy overdrive sound then play the chorus of the tune fairly heavy. When doing this with the roadster it would still sound ok, but seemed to lose some of its dramatic effect. I got over it by using an OD pedal which became part of the set up anyway.

I recently sold my Roadster so I can't check the reverb issue out, but I never use reverb so that shouldn't have been the case. The issue seemed to be the same no matter what set up like switching between a 50w to a 100w channel.

The amp is still amazing, and most people will never notice the issue. As someone else mentioned its by no means a deal breaker.

Loser No. 27 said:
Now if Mesa would just fix the issue where the Roadster kills a puppy every time you play certain chords....

Care to explain? I think I might be having that very same problem (no kidding...wild arcing sound at times. Have to switch the amp to standby to get it to stop).