Roadster vs 2ch Dual.... live gigging and versitility.

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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South of Heaven
After a few years off I'm looking at getting another Rectifier, the question is... which one?

Now, I've never played a 3ch, only 2ch. I've also haven't played a Roadster (yet), but will be going to trial one soon.

Now, between the Roadster and 2ch I don't really care about which has the better tone per se... there's a hundred threads on that subject already. What I'm wondering is, does the versatility of the Roadster trump the little bit extra tone you can get out of a 2ch?

Basically, what I'm looking at is that the Roadster is packed full of options I want in a gigging amp... and I'm thinking that while the 2ch may be a superior sounding amp in the bedroom, when playing loud *** rock and roll in a live venue with drums and PA and crappy monitors competing for my attention I probably wouldn't really notice the difference anyway.

Then again, there's plenty of people who dislike the tone of the 3ch enough that they sell it and seek out a 2ch despite the limited options. Hence the reason I'm on the fence.

screamingdaisy said:
Now, between the Roadster and 2ch I don't really care about which has the better tone per se...

If that's the case, then get the Roadster. I prefer my 2 channel DR because I play mostly in one general genre, and I want my sound to be absolutely perfect. If I want to play something clean, I usually go grab my acoustic.
I am in a similar position. I am wondering if I should go with a Mark IV, 3ch Dual or get the Roadster. My budget isn't agreeing with the roadster idea right now, but since I am ampless, I need to figure out something soon. I am not real interested in the 2ch DR because I play in a rock band that does a wide variety of stuff. I am willing to sacrifice "perfect tone" for versatility.

That being said, my real aim is a roadster. I could do with a 3ch Dual, but I rarely run at 100w even when gigging. I like to get the power amp working the way it should. The roadster will allow me to do this. The Mark IV does it too, and although I believe it's more versatile of an amp than the roadster (more tonal possibilities) those possibilities are limited to studio or bedroom use as it's basically a 2 channel amp. Sure, there are lots of modifiers you can turn on and off, but it's not a true 4 ch like the roadster is.

So I am torn between the Roadster and the Mark IV. It's a struggle... I am sure something will break soon, either my will, or my wallet.
I've owned a 2 channel Recto, a 3 channel Recto, a Mark IV, and currently have a Roadster.

The Roadster is an absolutely incredible amp. I will never sell mine. It can go from shimmering clean, to cranked tweed...slight crunch to punchy classic rock tones...and singing leads right on through tear your face off metal.

This used to be my live rig


Now all I use is the Roadster and an OD
you have more options with the Roadster and you can get similar tones out of it as the 2 channel dual. the 2channel sounds absolutely amazing but if I had to choose i would take the roadster for its versatility
To get all the tones I wanted, I ran a 2 channel rectifier and a Stiletto Ace combo for a little while. VERY versatile rig, but **** was it a lot to lug around.

So, I went hunting.

I now have a Roadster, and I don't miss my old rig at all. Call me crazy, but I like the sounds I'm getting out of the Roadster A LOT more than what I was getting out of the two channel.

I say go for it!

Roadster will give you the channel versatility, BUT using a two channel and your volume knob will be just fine!
screamingdaisy said:
Nitrobattery said:
Now all I use is the Roadster and an OD

If I remember correctly, weren't you using an Ubershall for awhile?

If so, what made you give it up?

Nope. I had an ENGL Savage 120 for a while, but no Bogner.

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