ROADSTER owners: What OD are you using?

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I don't use an OD either... got all the tone I need from the Roadster
Fulltone OCD... i use it on channel 1 (tweed) to get me a nice slightly overdriven tone and with the right reverb/delay unit and the right guitar your in glimore solo territory. I also like to use it on channel 3 (vintage) as it gives it a nice smooth lead tone and on channel 4 (modern) it gives the rhythm a little added chunk which isnt so much what you ehar but more how it feels (think when you hit a baseball just right and it feels liek rubber). Also i like the additional harmonics and sustain it provides. I dont leave it on all the time but use it when i need a little extra richness for the amp. IMO it doesnt really color the tone of the amp that much but more gives it a kick in the rear by adding some more harmonics, sustain, and amazingly tightens the bottom end.

Unless you've tried the RIGHt OD in front of the RIGHT amp you dont know what your missing out on. When you do find that right combination you begin to wonder why you didnt try it before. Also for me since i have a switching system, i basically can turn an 4 channel amp into an 8 channel amp between my eq and OD which i like because i can cover that much more ground with the same amp. I would say try a bunch of ODs (i recommend the OCD or Maxon od808) and see if its somehting you like. Remember their main functiona is to over drive your preamp (or the signal hitting your preamp) so try boosting the volume on the pedal and only add a touch of gain for coloration.
thejay said:
I don't use an OD either... got all the tone I need from the Roadster


No need for an OD with a Roadster IMO, but I've always preferred a straight forward, no thrills approach. If I need more umpf pushing the front-end of my Roadster (or my DR) I'll just go to one of my guitars with hotter pups.
G.I.G. said:
thejay said:
I don't use an OD either... got all the tone I need from the Roadster


No need for an OD with a Roadster IMO, but I've always preferred a straight forward, no thrills approach. If I need more umpf pushing the front-end of my Roadster (or my DR) I'll just go to one of my guitars with hotter pups.

hotter pups is way different than the result of an OD infront. I mean some people like an OD infront and others dont. But going from a lower output pup to a higher does not produce the same effect.

I'm not in disagreement with you guys as i think stock the roadster is a tone machine, but adding an OD doesnt kill that (well the right OD wont kill that) and at that point its a matter of liking what the effect does for you. Its in the same breathe as adding a delay, trem, or reverb pedal to your chain. All will effect the tone of your amp in some way... its a matter of whether you like what it does.
I jammed my roadster for a long time without a OD or boost. Even after I got the Maxon OD808 i used it sparingly. Then I moved. In my new house, whatever it was, I could not get the same tone at reasonable volumes. I use it all the time now. If nothing else, it allows me to get the tone I want with out tearing my face off.
If I can't crank it, I liked the Boss BD2!

Another GREAT OD is called the tIM overdrive made by a guy in Tennessee. Freaking GREAT! :twisted:
Along with colleague Jdurso, I'm also admittedly addicted and will rant and rave for hours about the Fulltone OCD. Aside from my Roadster, it was one of the BEST gear purchases I could have possibly made.

I REALLY like what it does to my cranked Channel 2 Brit, it turns it into a Marshall on fire, with Mesa balls!
Kaz said:
Along with colleague Jdurso, I'm also admittedly addicted and will rant and rave for hours about the Fulltone OCD. Aside from my Roadster, it was one of the BEST gear purchases I could have possibly made.

I REALLY like what it does to my cranked Channel 2 Brit, it turns it into a Marshall on fire, with Mesa balls!

i'm with ya brother... it makes great even better
"Hi everyone, my name is Laskyman, and Im an OD808 user....."

Ill prolly be an OCD user as well, just haven' gotten the opportunity yet...

jdurso said:
G.I.G. said:
thejay said:
I don't use an OD either... got all the tone I need from the Roadster


No need for an OD with a Roadster IMO, but I've always preferred a straight forward, no thrills approach. If I need more umpf pushing the front-end of my Roadster (or my DR) I'll just go to one of my guitars with hotter pups.

hotter pups is way different than the result of an OD infront. I mean some people like an OD infront and others dont. But going from a lower output pup to a higher does not produce the same effect.

I'm not in disagreement with you guys as i think stock the roadster is a tone machine, but adding an OD doesnt kill that (well the right OD wont kill that) and at that point its a matter of liking what the effect does for you. Its in the same breathe as adding a delay, trem, or reverb pedal to your chain. All will effect the tone of your amp in some way... its a matter of whether you like what it does.

I hear what you're say'n. Hot pups are not a replacement for an OD pedal, just a way to push the front end a little more than a guitar with lower output pups. I feel that I get a good variety of tones by going from a guitar with low output, passive pups, to one of my guitars with EMG's or Seymour Duncan Black Outs (which are great BTW!).

I have often thought of experimenting with an OD pedal again. I used to own the Dunlop ZW OD pedal. I was using it to give my Tube Works Tube Driver 100 watt combo some more balls, but it didn't accomplish what I wanted it to do. It basically just made the amp louder, hiss, and feedback more. Don't know if any of you have tried that pedal, maybe it's just that particular model, but I was kind of turned off on OD pedals at that point. I might have to try the Maxon 808, it seems to get a lot of good reviews on this board. I certainly wouldn't say that my Roadster needs an OD pedal. I'm always up for trying something new...
G.I.G. said:
jdurso said:
G.I.G. said:

No need for an OD with a Roadster IMO, but I've always preferred a straight forward, no thrills approach. If I need more umpf pushing the front-end of my Roadster (or my DR) I'll just go to one of my guitars with hotter pups.

hotter pups is way different than the result of an OD infront. I mean some people like an OD infront and others dont. But going from a lower output pup to a higher does not produce the same effect.

I'm not in disagreement with you guys as i think stock the roadster is a tone machine, but adding an OD doesnt kill that (well the right OD wont kill that) and at that point its a matter of liking what the effect does for you. Its in the same breathe as adding a delay, trem, or reverb pedal to your chain. All will effect the tone of your amp in some way... its a matter of whether you like what it does.

I hear what you're say'n. Hot pups are not a replacement for an OD pedal, just a way to push the front end a little more than a guitar with lower output pups. I feel that I get a good variety of tones by going from a guitar with low output, passive pups, to one of my guitars with EMG's or Seymour Duncan Black Outs (which are great BTW!).

I have often thought of experimenting with an OD pedal again. I used to own the Dunlop ZW OD pedal. I was using it to give my Tube Works Tube Driver 100 watt combo some more balls, but it didn't accomplish what I wanted it to do. It basically just made the amp louder, hiss, and feedback more. Don't know if any of you have tried that pedal, maybe it's just that particular model, but I was kind of turned off on OD pedals at that point. I might have to try the Maxon 808, it seems to get a lot of good reviews on this board. I certainly wouldn't say that my Roadster needs an OD pedal. I'm always up for trying something new...

i would give it a try because i was in the same boat until i took some advice from some fellow board members tried both the maxon 808 and the ocd... both were amazing but i ended up with the ocd because i liked it a little more.
jdurso said:
i would give it a try because i was in the same boat until i took some advice from some fellow board members tried both the maxon 808 and the ocd... both were amazing but i ended up with the ocd because i liked it a little more.

Well, I took your advice and other's and decided to take the plunge. I just picked up a Fulltone OCD and am really digging it so far! I tried both the Maxon OD808 and the OCD for about a half hour through a Stiletto Ace and a Mesa 4x12. The Maxon didn't really do it for me. I think the OCD is a little more versatile. Plus it gave me the cut and definition I was looking for.

My settings so far....
Volume 3 o'clock
Drive 8 o'clock
Tone 1 o'clock

I just got done using the OCD with my Roadster. It gives the distorted channels a little more clarity and attack, especially when palm muting. I'm not in love with it with Channel 1 yet but I'll keep messing around with it.

Overall it is a nice addition to add to the ol' tool belt, even if I don't use it all of the time. Not a bad way to improve tone, especially for $140.

I still say the Roadster doesn't need an OD pedal, but it sure is nice to have one. :wink:
KLON Centaur. It makes everything... bigger. I just got a BB Preamp and I don't think I like it as much as the KLON. I used a regular Boss SuperOverdrive for a while and that thing was $40. I used a Keeley Tube Screamer reissue for a while too and compared to the KLON, the Tube Screamer doesn't match up.
I'm using a BB preamp on channel 2 (FAT) just to give it a little old school overdrive and an OCD set slightly hotter on the same Channel and 3 as well.

I prefer the OCD I think, build quality is superb and absolutely no tone change, juries still out on the BB