Roadster - Head + 212 Cab or 212 Combo

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Jun 19, 2008
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Hi all

I'm in the process of looking to replace my ageing Marshall kit (JMP1, 8008) and 412 with something a little smaller and (a lot) more flexible.

I've settled on the Roadster as my favourite having tried Engl and Diamond amps too, but am unsure as to whether to go with the Combo, or Head + 212 cab.

The combo initially seems more convenient being as it is in a single box, but the weight of it could be problematic. The head/cab on the other hand, although still weighty, would be easier to transport as I can move the separate parts individually.

Is it just a question of convenience, or are there big sound variations between the two options? I've not been able to try them side by side.


I have a roadster head and a 2x12. To the best of my knowledge the difference will be in what cab you choose. I have the recto 2x12, but there are other choices as well. I like a big chunky sound so the choice was easy for me-recto! I think the combo is built more like the roadster cab-smaller, and it might be 3/4 back as well, I can't remember. Going with the head and cab gives you more options overall, in case your tastes ever change. Either way you go you will love it!!

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