RoadKing Series 1 Cleans????

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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San Benito, Texas
Hi, I became a proud owner of a RK seriesI 2x12 combo amp not to long ago. I had heard alot of hype on how the cleans on this amp were great and how they were some of the best cleans Mesa offered. After I bought the amp I found out about the series2 :cry: NOW... this one have way better cleans. I feel a little dumb now knowing that there is something better. I paid $2,100 for the combo which is not bad But I was just wondering; is the series2 RK REALLY that much better? I'd like to get some opinions of some people that have owned both of these. I bought the RK because i wanted to have a better clean than my DR head (Fender like qualities) but yet still be abel to get the RECTO TONE!!!! Although I must say the Brit setteing in channel 2 with a pair of JJ E34L's is one of my favorite tones at the moment. Just some opinions on this topic would be great. Thanks
RoadKinger483 said:
Hi, I became a proud owner of a RK seriesI 2x12 combo amp not to long ago. I had heard alot of hype on how the cleans on this amp were great and how they were some of the best cleans Mesa offered. After I bought the amp I found out about the series2 :cry: NOW... this one have way better cleans. I feel a little dumb now knowing that there is something better. I paid $2,100 for the combo which is not bad But I was just wondering; is the series2 RK REALLY that much better? I'd like to get some opinions of some people that have owned both of these. I bought the RK because i wanted to have a better clean than my DR head (Fender like qualities) but yet still be abel to get the RECTO TONE!!!! Although I must say the Brit setteing in channel 2 with a pair of JJ E34L's is one of my favorite tones at the moment. Just some opinions on this topic would be great. Thanks

Thats a $2500 amp . You should be able to get a good clean sound out of it . Tweak it until you find it and quit dwelling on RKII . Eventually there will something newer than LS cleans anyhow .
My advice to you is since you already spent the $$ on the RK I. Stay away from a RK II -- just avoid it. :wink:

Like the other poster said, it's an expensive amp. And given where you are coming from in terms of cleans, the RK I is an improvement.
thanks guys. I know i should stop dwelling onthe whole RKII thing but I was just wondering if the cleans are more crisp, and clearer than what i'm getting on my RKI right now. I played a LSC a long time ago when they first came out and I can't really remeber what they sound like compared to the RKI. Cause, if i remember correctly when the RK first came out in the early 2000's they were supposed to be the BEST CLEAN EVER or something like that; and now everyone is saying that it sucks. OH WELL..... I STILL GAT A KICK BUTT AMPLIFIER!!!!! :p
I ordered RKII w/o testing it out b/c there was none at this store. So, I test drove the RKI and ordered the RKII.

Actually, I was VERY impressed with the cleans from RKI. So, I say to you just hone in on the amp and get the best TONE out of it, and ENJOY!!! 8)
I had a RK series 1 amp for just over a year and I was happy with it until the RKII's came out and the Roadsters and I started asking the same questions you are about the clean channel. I paid $2200 for mine and coudn't see where the new series II/Roadster would be much better.......... I then bit the bullet last month and sold Road King combo and bought a Roadster 1x12 combo ...................................

All I can do is inform you of my opinion...... remember, tone is VERY subject and my idea of a good clean may not be yours.


I think the Roadster cleans are possibly some of the best cleans I've ever heard in a channel switching amp. I like the cleans more than I could possibly imagine, much more so than the series I Road King or any other Mesa Boogie I'd ever played (except the Lonester, which it's supposed to be the same clean). I really needed an amp with great cleans, and the Roadster is that amp, and the Road King II would be the same. The only thing I miss on the Roadster is the Brit mode from the series 1 RK, it was much better and had more usable gain.... Try cranking the gain and treble up 100% on that channel and use 2 EL34's and you'll really like it (keep other controls around, but below noon).

I've got some, sloppy, clips at: on the Roadster page.
I hate to say it......and tried to be positive in my previous post, but....

Tele is 100% right.

If you're a player who only occasionally uses cleans, or is like Scott Henderson who has no use for 100% cleans, then the RK I is super. But if you're like Tele (Country +....) and me (Jazz/R&B/Latin/Classic Rock +.....), then the RK I cleans are barely satisfactory.

In all honesty if I had owned the RK I, I would have upgraded for the cleans of the RK II alone. On that same note, however, I would not upgrade for that reason alone if I had just purchased the RK I or only owned it for a short time -- I couldn't take that type of loss so suddenly.
To me, a RK is a serious investment and and an investment lasts a lifetime. Amps that cost that much are keepers. So enjoy what you have and start saving for that next amp. Styles change over time. Ten years from now people may be looking for that rare RK I because it did something different than the series II.

My Rivera's have a sweet clean sound but doesn't have that Recto sound. So I bit the bullet and ordered a RK II. The wait is killing me...
RoadKinger483 said:
Hi, I became a proud owner of a RK seriesI 2x12 combo amp not to long ago. I had heard alot of hype on how the cleans on this amp were great and how they were some of the best cleans Mesa offered. After I bought the amp I found out about the series2 :cry: NOW... this one have way better cleans. I feel a little dumb now knowing that there is something better. I paid $2,100 for the combo which is not bad But I was just wondering; is the series2 RK REALLY that much better? I'd like to get some opinions of some people that have owned both of these. I bought the RK because i wanted to have a better clean than my DR head (Fender like qualities) but yet still be abel to get the RECTO TONE!!!! Although I must say the Brit setteing in channel 2 with a pair of JJ E34L's is one of my favorite tones at the moment. Just some opinions on this topic would be great. Thanks

I stick to what I always say . Trust your own ears . Do you need someone else to tell you whether your own amp sounds good or not ? If so you might want to consider a new line of work . Some of the entries here make it sound like owning a RK I is a burden . Ive owned mine for three years and still finding new territory . Just a slight tweak of any of the front panel controls will effect the end result incredibly . Then theres the back panel ! Its endless . Dont be scared to experiment .
well maybe i should shed some light on my entire situation. Right before I got the RK i was using a DR head with a Mesa 4x12 cab for dirty sounds and a VOX AC30CC2 2x12 combo for cleans. I went to a GC near to where I live and saw the RK that I have now there. The thing is that it was damaged in shipping and they hadn't really messed with it. The top left hand corner of the amp was cracked from front to back (I MEAN SPLIT OPEN!!! :shock: ) and some of the tubes had been broken as well. A good friend of mine that works there helped me get it up and running so I could try it out. Eveything sounded OK at the store although I was a little hesatent about the Mesa tubes in it. Either way I traded in both my amps for this one amp seeing as how I could get some really NICE cleans and the recto AGGRESION all in one little 2x12 package. I'm using 4 6L6's with the diode setting to achieve maximum headroom in channel one and for some reason I don't feel like its very powerful or loud enough if you will. I remeber me DR being MUCH LOUDER than this amp; even when I would use my DR with a 2x12 cab. Do you think something could be wrong with the amp. Like a damaged transformer or something internally that could maybe be keeping this beast from performing to its full potential?
RoadKinger483 said:
well maybe i should shed some light on my entire situation. Right before I got the RK i was using a DR head with a Mesa 4x12 cab for dirty sounds and a VOX AC30CC2 2x12 combo for cleans. I went to a GC near to where I live and saw the RK that I have now there. The thing is that it was damaged in shipping and they hadn't really messed with it. The top left hand corner of the amp was cracked from front to back (I MEAN SPLIT OPEN!!! :shock: ) and some of the tubes had been broken as well. A good friend of mine that works there helped me get it up and running so I could try it out. Eveything sounded OK at the store although I was a little hesatent about the Mesa tubes in it. Either way I traded in both my amps for this one amp seeing as how I could get some really NICE cleans and the recto AGGRESION all in one little 2x12 package. I'm using 4 6L6's with the diode setting to achieve maximum headroom in channel one and for some reason I don't feel like its very powerful or loud enough if you will. I remeber me DR being MUCH LOUDER than this amp; even when I would use my DR with a 2x12 cab. Do you think something could be wrong with the amp. Like a damaged transformer or something internally that could maybe be keeping this beast from performing to its full potential?
My amp gets plenty loud . I would have been hesitant to acquire an amp that had been damaged . I use the same power and diode as you in channel 1 . I assume you are running output hot enough ? Im using the RK for cleans and solos and a stiletto for crunch . Have a amp switcher that allows me to use the same cab .
is it normal on the RK to have the volume on CH.1 REALLY CRANCKED(2-3 o'clock) at 100 watts to be able to match CH.3 at 50 watts with the volume at 10 or 11??? I don't remember my DR being this drastic and thats because the drive channel was a hundred watts also.

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