Maverick 4x10 Speaker Choices

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I bought a 4x10 Maverick combo on Reverb a couple of years ago, with the original Jensen P10R speakers.
When I got it, the amp had some cone cry in one of the speakers.
Because I live in a remote area, and because these are hard to come by, I asked the seller to refund enough of the purchase price to get a new Jensen speaker.
I put the amp in the corner and sort of forgot about it till this week. I had to travel a lot for work over the last 2 years and just haven't had any guitar time for a while.

I started troubleshooting the amp yesterday and discovered that all 4 of the speakers have cone cry!
I can't even play the amp at bedroom levels without the scratchy overtones that the speakers are making.

I know that I can reform the coils and get rid of this problem for now, but I also know that it will come back.

With this in mind, I am thinking about replacing all 4 speakers.
This amp will be used for slide and bluesy rock at medium to low volumes. I also want pristine cleans at any volume.

I have a Rivera M60 2x10 combo with Celestion Greenback/Creamback combo and it is really great for that amp.
I'm thinking I want the same creamy tone that this combo gives me, but with a little more sparkle for the cleans.

Have any of you guys/girls replaced the speakers in a Maverick 4x10?

I really like the tone of the Jensens, but I don't trust wimpy alnico speakers very much. Way too easy to damage them.
My Maverick is a head. That solves the 10 inch problem since there is just not as many options.

EVM 10M would be my 1st choice if you can pry some from the Rivera stash. That turns a 4x10 into a boat anchor tho and cost more than the amp is worth.

Along the same lines for sound and availability, the Force 10 or 10L.

For more color there is the ceramic blue dog which would be at the top of my list for mixing, the creamback if that is not too much color and there is the more recent version of the vintage black shadow by eminence I think.

I'm curious where you land on for your tone.

If you like the Jensen tone but don't trust them you could add a 410AR with them for a full stack. The little class A is not going to deliver enough watts per speaker to cause trouble even for alnico.
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Thanks! I really don't like EV's. I know that is sacrilege to most Boogie owners, but.....
The little class A is not going to deliver enough watts per speaker to cause trouble even for alnico.

Normally I would agree, but I have 4 Jensen alnico speakers that came out of the Maverick that prove me wrong.
Whoever had this amp before me played it LOUD!!!
Thanks! I really don't like EV's. I know that is sacrilege to most Boogie owners, but.....

Normally I would agree, but I have 4 Jensen alnico speakers that came out of the Maverick that prove me wrong.
Whoever had this amp before me played it LOUD!!!
To some that is sacrilege but the 12L most people know was not made as a guitar speaker and many hate it. The force was at least made for guitar.

The blue dog stands above the others for the blues and slide imo if you want the sparkle without the alnico. Sticking with Jensen anything that starts with a C might be a good choice too. Sparkling cleans doesn't sound like a gb/cb but may get you the silk.

Could environmental conditions be to blame for the P10s? Maybe someone plugged those speakers into a 6L6 amp to see? Seems one off to me.

If you were in Denver I would be completely ok with you diming the Maverick thru my 410AR with P10R drivers.
Thanks for the offer! If I were anywhere near Denver, I would definitely take you up on it!

I had a couple of Eminence 1058 ceramic speakers in an 83 Fender Concert.
They sound really good with the Maverick. They are definitely missing some of the alnico sweetness though.
I'll put these in the bottom 2 slots today.
I ordered a couple of Emi 1028K alnico speakers for the top half of the amp

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